
Edit the master config file: 1. Uncomment and change the user: root value to your own user.


2. Uncomment and change the root_dir: / value to point to /path/to/your/virtualenv.


3. If you are running version 0.11.1 or older, uncomment and change the pidfile: /var/run/salt-master.pid value to point to /path/to/your/virtualenv/salt-master.pid.


Uncomment and change the id: value to something descriptive like “saltdev”. This isn’t strictly necessary but it will serve as a reminder of which Salt installation you are working with.



verify your local Salt installation is working: cd /path/to/your/virtualenv

salt-master  -c  ./etc/salt -d

salt-minion  -c  ./etc/salt -d

salt-key -c ./etc/salt -L

salt-key -c ./etc/salt -A

salt  -c  ./etc/salt ’*’ test.ping


If you plan to run salt-call with this self-contained development environment in a masterless setup, you should invoke salt-call with -c /path/to/your/virtualenv/etc/salt so that salt can find the minion config file. Without the -c option, Salt finds its config files in /etc/salt.


If you would like to log to the console instead of to the log file, remove the -d.


The socket path is limited to 107 characters on Solaris and Linux, and 103 characters on BSD-based systems.

Solaris 和 Linux的 socket路径限制在107字符内,BSD系统限制在103个字符内

File descriptor limits Ensure that the system open file limit is raised to at least 2047:

# check your current limit :ulimit -n

系统可打开文件的数量是2047以上,如果你要查看当前最大可用数量,用命令ulimit -n,如果想提高打开文件的数量,用命令ulimit -n 2047或其他数字,重启后生效


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