
  1. Introduction and Warning
  2. Adding a new intrinsic function
  3. Adding a new instruction
  4. Adding a new SelectionDAG node
  5. Adding a new type
    1. Adding a new fundamental type
    2. Adding a new derived type

Introduction and Warning


当意识到这一点时,停下来想想。真的需要扩展LLVM吗?它是LLVM在其当前化身中不支持的一个新的基本功能,还是可以从已经存在的LLVM元素合成它?如果不确定,询问LLVM dev列表。原因是,扩展LLVM将涉及到更新所有不同的传递,使用扩展,并且有许多LLVM分析和转换,所以这可能是相当多的工作。



Adding a new intrinsic function



llvm/include/llvm/Intrinsics*.td:为内在函数添加一个条目。描述它的内存访问特性以进行优化(控制它是否是DCE'd、CSE'd等)。请注意,tblgen将llvm_int_ty type用于参数的任何内在函数,都将被tblgen视为重载,并且在内部函数的名称上需要相应的后缀。              llvm/lib/Analysis/ConstantFolding.cpp:如果可以常量折叠内部函数,请在canConstantFoldCallTo和ConstantFoldCall函数中添加对它的支持。










Adding a new SelectionDAG node

与内部函数一样,向LLVM添加一个新的SelectionDAG节点比添加一个新的指令要容易得多。通常会添加新节点来帮助表示多个目标通用的指令。这些节点通常映射到LLVM指令(add,sub)或内在(byteswap,population count)。在其他情况下,添加了新的节点以允许许多目标执行一个共同的任务(在浮点和整数表示之间转换)或在单个节点中捕获更复杂的行为(旋转)。




Adding a new instruction


l  llvm/include/llvm/Instruction.def: add a number for your instruction and an enum name为指令添加数字和枚举名称

l  llvm/include/llvm/Instructions.h: add a definition for the class that will represent your instruction为将表示指令的类添加定义

l  llvm/include/llvm/Support/InstVisitor.h: add a prototype for a visitor to your new instruction type为新的指令类型添加访问者原型

l  llvm/lib/AsmParser/Lexer.l: add a new token to parse your instruction from assembly text file添加一个新的标记来解析程序集文本文件中的指令

l  llvm/lib/AsmParser/llvmAsmParser.y: add the grammar on how your instruction can be read and what it will construct as a result添加语法,说明如何读取指令以及它将作为结果构造什么

l  llvm/lib/Bitcode/Reader/Reader.cpp: add a case for your instruction and how it will be parsed from bitcode为指令添加大小写,以及如何从位代码解析它

l  llvm/lib/VMCore/Instruction.cpp: add a case for how your instruction will be printed out to assembly添加一个案例,说明如何将指令打印到程序集

l  llvm/lib/VMCore/Instructions.cpp: implement the class you defined in llvm/include/llvm/Instructions.h实现在llvm/include/llvm/Instructions.h中定义的类

l  测试你的指令

l  Test your instruction

l  llvm/lib/Target/*: Add support for your instruction to code generators, or add a lowering pass. 向代码生成器添加对指令的支持,或添加降低传递。

l  llvm/test/Regression/*: add your test cases to the test suite. 将测试用例添加到测试套件中。

Adding a new type


Adding a fundamental type

l  llvm/include/llvm/Type.h: add enum for the new type; add static Type* for this type

l  llvm/lib/VMCore/Type.cpp: add mapping from TypeID => Type*; initialize the static Type*

l  llvm/lib/AsmReader/Lexer.l: add ability to parse in the type from text assembly

l  llvm/lib/AsmReader/llvmAsmParser.y: add a token for that type

Adding a derived type

l  llvm/include/llvm/Type.h: add enum for the new type; add a forward declaration of the type also

l  llvm/include/llvm/DerivedTypes.h: add new class to represent new class in the hierarchy; add forward declaration to the TypeMap value type

l  llvm/lib/VMCore/Type.cpp: add support for derived type to:

l  std::string getTypeDescription(const Type &Ty,

l    std::vector<const Type*> &TypeStack)

l  bool TypesEqual(const Type *Ty, const Type *Ty2,

l    std::map<const Type*, const Type*> & EqTypes)

  1. add necessary member functions for type, and factory methods

l  llvm/lib/AsmReader/Lexer.l: add ability to parse in the type from text assembly

l  llvm/lib/BitCode/Writer/Writer.cpp: modify void BitcodeWriter::outputType(const Type *T) to serialize your type

l  llvm/lib/BitCode/Reader/Reader.cpp: modify const Type *BitcodeReader::ParseType() to read your data type

l  llvm/lib/VMCore/AsmWriter.cpp: modify

void calcTypeName(const Type *Ty,

std::vector<const Type*> &TypeStack,

std::map<const Type*,std::string> &TypeNames,

std::string & Result)

to output the new derived type


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