Brief installation steps:

  1. Install git and zsh via yum;

  2. 'git clone' autojump and oh-my-zsh from an internet-connected host;

  3. Install autojump and oh-my-zsh manually according to the instructions on their websites.


# yum install zsh
# yum install git
$ ssh-copy-id chad@ (run "ssh-keygen" if have no key)
$ git clone chad@
$ cp ~/.oh-my-zsh/templates/zshrc.zsh-template ~/.zshrc
$ git clone chad@ (you need 'git clone' from internet on host 31 beforehand)
$ cd autojump;./ (after installation, add some text into ~/.zshrc according to its prompt)
add "autojump" into "plugins" of ~/.zshrc
$ chsh -s /bin/zsh
restart zsh


The server is behind firewall, and the auto-update is blocked. The oh-my-zsh on laptop is updated. To enable auto-update on server 74, modify update target repo: modify ~/.oh-my-zsh/.git/config: [remote "origin"] -> url from



Now you can update oh-my-zsh automatically or manually:

$ cd
$ upgrade_oh_my_zsh


  1. You must copy public key of 74 to 139:

    ssh-copy-id lichao@

  2. You can't add "ssh://" before "lichao@...". It complains "ssh could not resolve hostname" , Why?

  3. On internet-connected Ubuntu host, you can install autojump with 'apt-get install autojump'.


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