dbus的C API

D-Bus 1.13.10


Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions


D-Bus low-level public API

Connection to another application. More...

Data Structures
struct DBusObjectPathVTable
Virtual table that must be implemented to handle a portion of the object path hierarchy. More...
struct DBusObjectPathVTable
DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction unregister_function; //< Function to unregister this handler /
DBusObjectPathMessageFunction message_function; //
< Function to handle messages /

void ( dbus_internal_pad1) (void *); /< Reserved for future expansion /
void (
dbus_internal_pad2) (void *); /
< Reserved for future expansion /
void (
dbus_internal_pad3) (void *); /
< Reserved for future expansion /
void (
dbus_internal_pad4) (void *); /
*< Reserved for future expansion */

typedef struct DBusPreallocatedSend DBusPreallocatedSend
Opaque type representing preallocated resources so a message can be sent without further memory allocation. More...
typedef struct DBusConnection DBusConnection
Opaque type representing a connection to a remote application and associated incoming/outgoing message queues. More...
typedef struct DBusObjectPathVTable DBusObjectPathVTable
Set of functions that must be implemented to handle messages sent to a particular object path. More...
typedef dbus_bool_t(* DBusAddWatchFunction) (DBusWatch *watch, void *data)
Called when libdbus needs a new watch to be monitored by the main loop. More...
typedef void(* DBusWatchToggledFunction) (DBusWatch *watch, void *data)
Called when dbus_watch_get_enabled() may return a different value than it did before. More...
typedef void(* DBusRemoveWatchFunction) (DBusWatch *watch, void *data)
Called when libdbus no longer needs a watch to be monitored by the main loop. More...
typedef dbus_bool_t(* DBusAddTimeoutFunction) (DBusTimeout *timeout, void *data)
Called when libdbus needs a new timeout to be monitored by the main loop. More...
typedef void(* DBusTimeoutToggledFunction) (DBusTimeout *timeout, void *data)
Called when dbus_timeout_get_enabled() may return a different value than it did before. More...
typedef void(* DBusRemoveTimeoutFunction) (DBusTimeout *timeout, void *data)
Called when libdbus no longer needs a timeout to be monitored by the main loop. More...
typedef void(* DBusDispatchStatusFunction) (DBusConnection *connection, DBusDispatchStatus new_status, void *data)
Called when the return value of dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status() may have changed. More...
typedef void(* DBusWakeupMainFunction) (void *data)
Called when the main loop's thread should be notified that there's now work to do. More...
typedef dbus_bool_t(* DBusAllowUnixUserFunction) (DBusConnection *connection, unsigned long uid, void *data)
Called during authentication to check whether the given UNIX user ID is allowed to connect, if the client tried to auth as a UNIX user ID. More...
typedef dbus_bool_t(* DBusAllowWindowsUserFunction) (DBusConnection *connection, const char *user_sid, void *data)
Called during authentication to check whether the given Windows user ID is allowed to connect, if the client tried to auth as a Windows user ID. More...
typedef void(* DBusPendingCallNotifyFunction) (DBusPendingCall *pending, void *user_data)
Called when a pending call now has a reply available. More...
typedef DBusHandlerResult(* DBusHandleMessageFunction) (DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *message, void *user_data)
Called when a message needs to be handled. More...
typedef void(* DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction) (DBusConnection *connection, void *user_data)
Called when a DBusObjectPathVTable is unregistered (or its connection is freed). More...
typedef DBusHandlerResult(* DBusObjectPathMessageFunction) (DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *message, void *user_data)
Called when a message is sent to a registered object path. More...
enum DBusWatchFlags { DBUS_WATCH_READABLE = 1 << 0, DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE = 1 << 1, DBUS_WATCH_ERROR = 1 << 2, DBUS_WATCH_HANGUP = 1 << 3 }
Indicates the status of a DBusWatch. More...
Indicates the status of incoming data on a DBusConnection. More...
DBUS_WATCH_ERROR 就像在POLLERR中一样(不能监视它,但是可以以传递给dbus_watch_handle()的当前状态存在)。
DBUS_WATCH_HANGUP 就像在POLLHUP中一样(无法监视它,但是可以以传递给dbus_watch_handle()的当前状态存在)。
DBusConnection * dbus_connection_open (const char *address, DBusError *error)
Gets a connection to a remote address. More...
DBusConnection * dbus_connection_open_private (const char *address, DBusError *error)
Opens a new, dedicated connection to a remote address. More...
DBusConnection * dbus_connection_ref (DBusConnection *connection)
Increments the reference count of a DBusConnection. More...
void dbus_connection_unref (DBusConnection *connection)
Decrements the reference count of a DBusConnection, and finalizes it if the count reaches zero. More...
void dbus_connection_close (DBusConnection *connection)
Closes a private connection, so no further data can be sent or received. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_is_connected (DBusConnection *connection)
Gets whether the connection is currently open. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_is_authenticated (DBusConnection *connection)
Gets whether the connection was authenticated. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_is_anonymous (DBusConnection *connection)
Gets whether the connection is not authenticated as a specific user. More...
char * dbus_connection_get_server_id (DBusConnection *connection)
Gets the ID of the server address we are authenticated to, if this connection is on the client side. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_can_send_type (DBusConnection *connection, int type)
Tests whether a certain type can be send via the connection. More...
void dbus_connection_set_exit_on_disconnect (DBusConnection *connection, dbus_bool_t exit_on_disconnect)
Set whether _exit() should be called when the connection receives a disconnect signal. More...
DBusPreallocatedSend * dbus_connection_preallocate_send (DBusConnection *connection)
Preallocates resources needed to send a message, allowing the message to be sent without the possibility of memory allocation failure. More...
void dbus_connection_free_preallocated_send (DBusConnection *connection, DBusPreallocatedSend *preallocated)
Frees preallocated message-sending resources from dbus_connection_preallocate_send(). More...
void dbus_connection_send_preallocated (DBusConnection *connection, DBusPreallocatedSend *preallocated, DBusMessage *message, dbus_uint32_t *client_serial)
Sends a message using preallocated resources. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_send (DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *message, dbus_uint32_t *serial)
Adds a message to the outgoing message queue. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_send_with_reply (DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *message, DBusPendingCall **pending_return, int timeout_milliseconds)
Queues a message to send, as with dbus_connection_send(), but also returns a DBusPendingCall used to receive a reply to the message. More...
DBusMessage * dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block (DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *message, int timeout_milliseconds, DBusError *error)
Sends a message and blocks a certain time period while waiting for a reply. More...
void dbus_connection_flush (DBusConnection *connection)
Blocks until the outgoing message queue is empty. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch (DBusConnection *connection, int timeout_milliseconds)
This function is intended for use with applications that don't want to write a main loop and deal with DBusWatch and DBusTimeout. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_read_write (DBusConnection *connection, int timeout_milliseconds)
This function is intended for use with applications that don't want to write a main loop and deal with DBusWatch and DBusTimeout. More...
DBusMessage * dbus_connection_borrow_message (DBusConnection *connection)
Returns the first-received message from the incoming message queue, leaving it in the queue. More...
void dbus_connection_return_message (DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *message)
Used to return a message after peeking at it using dbus_connection_borrow_message(). More...
void dbus_connection_steal_borrowed_message (DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *message)
Used to keep a message after peeking at it using dbus_connection_borrow_message(). More...
DBusMessage * dbus_connection_pop_message (DBusConnection *connection)
Returns the first-received message from the incoming message queue, removing it from the queue. More...
DBusDispatchStatus dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status (DBusConnection *connection)
Gets the current state of the incoming message queue. More...
DBusDispatchStatus dbus_connection_dispatch (DBusConnection *connection)
Processes any incoming data. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_set_watch_functions (DBusConnection *connection, DBusAddWatchFunction add_function, DBusRemoveWatchFunction remove_function, DBusWatchToggledFunction toggled_function, void *data, DBusFreeFunction free_data_function)
Sets the watch functions for the connection. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions (DBusConnection *connection, DBusAddTimeoutFunction add_function, DBusRemoveTimeoutFunction remove_function, DBusTimeoutToggledFunction toggled_function, void *data, DBusFreeFunction free_data_function)
Sets the timeout functions for the connection. More...
void dbus_connection_set_wakeup_main_function (DBusConnection *connection, DBusWakeupMainFunction wakeup_main_function, void *data, DBusFreeFunction free_data_function)
Sets the mainloop wakeup function for the connection. More...
void dbus_connection_set_dispatch_status_function (DBusConnection *connection, DBusDispatchStatusFunction function, void *data, DBusFreeFunction free_data_function)
Set a function to be invoked when the dispatch status changes. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_unix_fd (DBusConnection *connection, int *fd)
Get the UNIX file descriptor of the connection, if any. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_socket (DBusConnection *connection, int *fd)
Gets the underlying Windows or UNIX socket file descriptor of the connection, if any. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_unix_user (DBusConnection *connection, unsigned long *uid)
Gets the UNIX user ID of the connection if known. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_unix_process_id (DBusConnection *connection, unsigned long *pid)
Gets the process ID of the connection if any. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_adt_audit_session_data (DBusConnection *connection, void **data, dbus_int32_t *data_size)
Gets the ADT audit data of the connection if any. More...
void dbus_connection_set_unix_user_function (DBusConnection *connection, DBusAllowUnixUserFunction function, void *data, DBusFreeFunction free_data_function)
Sets a predicate function used to determine whether a given user ID is allowed to connect. More...
dbus_bool_t _dbus_connection_get_linux_security_label (DBusConnection *connection, char **label_p)
DBusCredentials * _dbus_connection_get_credentials (DBusConnection *connection)
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_windows_user (DBusConnection *connection, char **windows_sid_p)
Gets the Windows user SID of the connection if known. More...
void dbus_connection_set_windows_user_function (DBusConnection *connection, DBusAllowWindowsUserFunction function, void *data, DBusFreeFunction free_data_function)
Sets a predicate function used to determine whether a given user ID is allowed to connect. More...
void dbus_connection_set_allow_anonymous (DBusConnection *connection, dbus_bool_t value)
This function must be called on the server side of a connection when the connection is first seen in the DBusNewConnectionFunction. More...
void dbus_connection_set_route_peer_messages (DBusConnection *connection, dbus_bool_t value)
Normally DBusConnection automatically handles all messages to the org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer interface. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_add_filter (DBusConnection *connection, DBusHandleMessageFunction function, void *user_data, DBusFreeFunction free_data_function)
Adds a message filter. More...
void dbus_connection_remove_filter (DBusConnection *connection, DBusHandleMessageFunction function, void *user_data)
Removes a previously-added message filter. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_try_register_object_path (DBusConnection *connection, const char *path, const DBusObjectPathVTable *vtable, void *user_data, DBusError *error)
Registers a handler for a given path in the object hierarchy. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_register_object_path (DBusConnection *connection, const char *path, const DBusObjectPathVTable *vtable, void *user_data)
Registers a handler for a given path in the object hierarchy. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_try_register_fallback (DBusConnection *connection, const char *path, const DBusObjectPathVTable *vtable, void *user_data, DBusError *error)
Registers a fallback handler for a given subsection of the object hierarchy. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_register_fallback (DBusConnection *connection, const char *path, const DBusObjectPathVTable *vtable, void *user_data)
Registers a fallback handler for a given subsection of the object hierarchy. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_unregister_object_path (DBusConnection *connection, const char *path)
Unregisters the handler registered with exactly the given path. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_object_path_data (DBusConnection *connection, const char *path, void **data_p)
Gets the user data passed to dbus_connection_register_object_path() or dbus_connection_register_fallback(). More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_list_registered (DBusConnection *connection, const char *parent_path, char ***child_entries)
Lists the registered fallback handlers and object path handlers at the given parent_path. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_allocate_data_slot (dbus_int32_t *slot_p)
Allocates an integer ID to be used for storing application-specific data on any DBusConnection. More...
void dbus_connection_free_data_slot (dbus_int32_t *slot_p)
Deallocates a global ID for connection data slots. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_set_data (DBusConnection *connection, dbus_int32_t slot, void *data, DBusFreeFunction free_data_func)
Stores a pointer on a DBusConnection, along with an optional function to be used for freeing the data when the data is set again, or when the connection is finalized. More...
void * dbus_connection_get_data (DBusConnection *connection, dbus_int32_t slot)
Retrieves data previously set with dbus_connection_set_data(). More...
void dbus_connection_set_change_sigpipe (dbus_bool_t will_modify_sigpipe)
This function sets a global flag for whether dbus_connection_new() will set SIGPIPE behavior to SIG_IGN. More...
void dbus_connection_set_max_message_size (DBusConnection *connection, long size)
Specifies the maximum size message this connection is allowed to receive. More...
long dbus_connection_get_max_message_size (DBusConnection *connection)
Gets the value set by dbus_connection_set_max_message_size(). More...
void dbus_connection_set_max_message_unix_fds (DBusConnection *connection, long n)
Specifies the maximum number of unix fds a message on this connection is allowed to receive. More...
long dbus_connection_get_max_message_unix_fds (DBusConnection *connection)
Gets the value set by dbus_connection_set_max_message_unix_fds(). More...
void dbus_connection_set_max_received_size (DBusConnection *connection, long size)
Sets the maximum total number of bytes that can be used for all messages received on this connection. More...
long dbus_connection_get_max_received_size (DBusConnection *connection)
Gets the value set by dbus_connection_set_max_received_size(). More...
void dbus_connection_set_max_received_unix_fds (DBusConnection *connection, long n)
Sets the maximum total number of unix fds that can be used for all messages received on this connection. More...
long dbus_connection_get_max_received_unix_fds (DBusConnection *connection)
Gets the value set by dbus_connection_set_max_received_unix_fds(). More...
long dbus_connection_get_outgoing_size (DBusConnection *connection)
Gets the approximate size in bytes of all messages in the outgoing message queue. More...
long dbus_connection_get_outgoing_unix_fds (DBusConnection *connection)
Gets the approximate number of uni fds of all messages in the outgoing message queue. More...
DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_has_messages_to_send (DBusConnection *connection)
Checks whether there are messages in the outgoing message queue. More...

Detailed Description

Connection to another application.

A DBusConnection represents a connection to another application. Messages can be sent and received via this connection. The other application may be a message bus; for convenience, the function dbus_bus_get() is provided to automatically open a connection to the well-known message buses.


In brief a DBusConnection is a message queue associated with some message transport mechanism such as a socket. The connection maintains a queue of incoming messages and a queue of outgoing messages.

简而言之,DBusConnection是与某些消息传输机制(例如套接字)关联的消息队列。 该连接维护传入消息队列和传出消息队列。

Several functions use the following terms:

  • read means to fill the incoming message queue by reading from the socket
  • write means to drain the outgoing queue by writing to the socket
  • dispatch means to drain the incoming queue by invoking application-provided message handlers

The function dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch() for example does all three of these things, offering a simple alternative to a main loop.

In an application with a main loop, the read/write/dispatch operations are usually separate.

The connection provides DBusWatch and DBusTimeout objects to the main loop. These are used to know when reading, writing, or dispatching should be performed.

Incoming messages are processed by calling dbus_connection_dispatch(). dbus_connection_dispatch() runs any handlers registered for the topmost message in the message queue, then discards the message, then returns.

dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status() indicates whether messages are currently in the queue that need dispatching. dbus_connection_set_dispatch_status_function() allows you to set a function to be used to monitor the dispatch status.

If you're using GLib or Qt add-on libraries for D-Bus, there are special convenience APIs in those libraries that hide all the details of dispatch and watch/timeout monitoring. For example, dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main().

If you aren't using these add-on libraries, but want to process messages asynchronously, you must manually call dbus_connection_set_dispatch_status_function(), dbus_connection_set_watch_functions(), dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions() providing appropriate functions to integrate the connection with your application's main loop. This can be tricky to get right; main loops are not simple.

If you don't need to be asynchronous, you can ignore DBusWatch, DBusTimeout, and dbus_connection_dispatch(). Instead, dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch() can be used.

Or, in very simple applications, dbus_connection_pop_message() may be all you need, allowing you to avoid setting up any handler functions (see dbus_connection_add_filter(), dbus_connection_register_object_path() for more on handlers).

When you use dbus_connection_send() or one of its variants to send a message, the message is added to the outgoing queue. It's actually written to the network later; either in dbus_watch_handle() invoked by your main loop, or in dbus_connection_flush() which blocks until it can write out the entire outgoing queue. The GLib/Qt add-on libraries again handle the details here for you by setting up watch functions.

When a connection is disconnected, you are guaranteed to get a signal "Disconnected" from the interface DBUS_INTERFACE_LOCAL, path DBUS_PATH_LOCAL.

You may not drop the last reference to a DBusConnection until that connection has been disconnected.

You may dispatch the unprocessed incoming message queue even if the connection is disconnected. However, "Disconnected" will always be the last message in the queue (obviously no messages are received after disconnection).

After calling dbus_threads_init(), DBusConnection has thread locks and drops them when invoking user callbacks, so in general is transparently threadsafe. However, DBusMessage does NOT have thread locks; you must not send the same message to multiple DBusConnection if those connections will be used from different threads, for example.

Also, if you dispatch or pop messages from multiple threads, it may work in the sense that it won't crash, but it's tough to imagine sane results; it will be completely unpredictable which messages go to which threads.

It's recommended to dispatch from a single thread.

The most useful function to call from multiple threads at once is dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(). That is, multiple threads can make method calls at the same time.

If you aren't using threads, you can use a main loop and dbus_pending_call_set_notify() to achieve a similar result.

Typedef Documentation


typedef dbus_bool_t(* DBusAddTimeoutFunction) (DBusTimeout *timeout, void *data)

Called when libdbus needs a new timeout to be monitored by the main loop.

Returns FALSE if it lacks enough memory to add the watch. Set by dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions() or dbus_server_set_timeout_functions().

Definition at line 111 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef dbus_bool_t(* DBusAddWatchFunction) (DBusWatch *watch, void *data)

Called when libdbus needs a new watch to be monitored by the main loop.

Returns FALSE if it lacks enough memory to add the watch. Set by dbus_connection_set_watch_functions() or dbus_server_set_watch_functions().

Definition at line 92 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef dbus_bool_t(* DBusAllowUnixUserFunction) (DBusConnection *connection, unsigned long uid, void *data)

Called during authentication to check whether the given UNIX user ID is allowed to connect, if the client tried to auth as a UNIX user ID.

Normally on Windows this would never happen. Set with dbus_connection_set_unix_user_function().

Definition at line 144 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef dbus_bool_t(* DBusAllowWindowsUserFunction) (DBusConnection *connection, const char *user_sid, void *data)

Called during authentication to check whether the given Windows user ID is allowed to connect, if the client tried to auth as a Windows user ID.

Normally on UNIX this would never happen. Set with dbus_connection_set_windows_user_function().

Definition at line 154 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef struct DBusConnection DBusConnection

Opaque type representing a connection to a remote application and associated incoming/outgoing message queues.

Definition at line 52 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef void(* DBusDispatchStatusFunction) (DBusConnection *connection, DBusDispatchStatus new_status, void *data)

Called when the return value of dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status() may have changed.

Set with dbus_connection_set_dispatch_status_function().

Definition at line 129 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef DBusHandlerResult(* DBusHandleMessageFunction) (DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *message, void *user_data)

Called when a message needs to be handled.

The result indicates whether or not more handlers should be run. Set with dbus_connection_add_filter().

Definition at line 170 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef DBusHandlerResult(* DBusObjectPathMessageFunction) (DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *message, void *user_data)

Called when a message is sent to a registered object path.

Found in DBusObjectPathVTable which is registered with dbus_connection_register_object_path() or dbus_connection_register_fallback().

Definition at line 375 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef void(* DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction) (DBusConnection *connection, void *user_data)

Called when a DBusObjectPathVTable is unregistered (or its connection is freed).

Found in DBusObjectPathVTable.

Definition at line 368 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef struct DBusObjectPathVTable DBusObjectPathVTable

Set of functions that must be implemented to handle messages sent to a particular object path.

Definition at line 54 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef void(* DBusPendingCallNotifyFunction) (DBusPendingCall *pending, void *user_data)

Called when a pending call now has a reply available.

Set with dbus_pending_call_set_notify().

Definition at line 163 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef struct DBusPreallocatedSend DBusPreallocatedSend

Opaque type representing preallocated resources so a message can be sent without further memory allocation.

Definition at line 48 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef void(* DBusRemoveTimeoutFunction) (DBusTimeout *timeout, void *data)

Called when libdbus no longer needs a timeout to be monitored by the main loop.

Set by dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions() or dbus_server_set_timeout_functions().

Definition at line 124 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef void(* DBusRemoveWatchFunction) (DBusWatch *watch, void *data)

Called when libdbus no longer needs a watch to be monitored by the main loop.

Set by dbus_connection_set_watch_functions() or dbus_server_set_watch_functions().

Definition at line 104 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef void(* DBusTimeoutToggledFunction) (DBusTimeout *timeout, void *data)

Called when dbus_timeout_get_enabled() may return a different value than it did before.

Set by dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions() or dbus_server_set_timeout_functions().

Definition at line 118 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef void(* DBusWakeupMainFunction) (void *data)

Called when the main loop's thread should be notified that there's now work to do.

Set with dbus_connection_set_wakeup_main_function().

Definition at line 136 of file dbus-connection.h.


typedef void(* DBusWatchToggledFunction) (DBusWatch *watch, void *data)

Called when dbus_watch_get_enabled() may return a different value than it did before.

Set by dbus_connection_set_watch_functions() or dbus_server_set_watch_functions().

Definition at line 98 of file dbus-connection.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


enum DBusDispatchStatus

Indicates the status of incoming data on a DBusConnection.

This determines whether dbus_connection_dispatch() needs to be called.

DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS There is more data to potentially convert to messages.
DBUS_DISPATCH_COMPLETE All currently available data has been processed.
DBUS_DISPATCH_NEED_MEMORY More memory is needed to continue.

Definition at line 80 of file dbus-connection.h.


enum DBusWatchFlags

Indicates the status of a DBusWatch.

DBUS_WATCH_ERROR As in POLLERR (can't watch for this, but can be present in current state passed to dbus_watch_handle()).
DBUS_WATCH_HANGUP As in POLLHUP (can't watch for it, but can be present in current state passed to dbus_watch_handle()).

Definition at line 59 of file dbus-connection.h.

Function Documentation


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_add_filter ( DBusConnection * connection,
DBusHandleMessageFunction function,
void * user_data,
DBusFreeFunction free_data_function

Adds a message filter.

Filters are handlers that are run on all incoming messages, prior to the objects registered with dbus_connection_register_object_path(). Filters are run in the order that they were added. The same handler can be added as a filter more than once, in which case it will be run more than once. Filters added during a filter callback won't be run on the message being processed.


  • Todo:

    we don't run filters on messages while blocking without entering the main loop, since filters are run as part of dbus_connection_dispatch(). This is probably a feature, as filters could create arbitrary reentrancy. But kind of sucks if you're trying to filter METHOD_RETURN for some reason.


  • Parameters

    connection the connection
    function 处理消息的函数
    user_data 传递给函数的用户数据
    free_data_function 用于释放用户数据的函数
  • Returns

    TRUE on success, FALSE if not enough memory.

Definition at line 5585 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_atomic_inc(), _dbus_list_append(), CONNECTION_LOCK, dbus_new0, FALSE, filter_list, NULL, and DBusMessageFilter::refcount.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_allocate_data_slot(dbus_int32_t * slot_p)

Allocates an integer ID to be used for storing application-specific data on any DBusConnection.

The allocated ID may then be used with dbus_connection_set_data() and dbus_connection_get_data(). The passed-in slot must be initialized to -1, and is filled in with the slot ID. If the passed-in slot is not -1, it's assumed to be already allocated, and its refcount is incremented.

The allocated slot is global, i.e. all DBusConnection objects will have a slot with the given integer ID reserved.


然后,可以将分配的ID与dbus_connection_set_data()和dbus_connection_get_data()一起使用。 传入的插槽必须初始化为-1,并使用插槽ID进行填充。 如果传入的插槽不是-1,则假定已分配该插槽,并且其引用计数增加。


  • Parameters

    slot_p 存储插槽的全局变量的地址

  • Returns

    FALSE on failure (no memory)

Definition at line 5994 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_data_slot_allocator_alloc().


DBUS_EXPORT DBusMessage * dbus_connection_borrow_message ( DBusConnection * connection )

Returns the first-received message from the incoming message queue, leaving it in the queue.

If the queue is empty, returns NULL.

The caller does not own a reference to the returned message, and must either return it using dbus_connection_return_message() or keep it after calling dbus_connection_steal_borrowed_message(). No one can get at the message while its borrowed, so return it as quickly as possible and don't keep a reference to it after returning it. If you need to keep the message, make a copy of it.

dbus_connection_dispatch() will block if called while a borrowed message is outstanding; only one piece of code can be playing with the incoming queue at a time. This function will block if called during a dbus_connection_dispatch().



如果在未处理借用的消息时调用dbus_connection_dispatch(),则将阻塞;一次只能有一段代码在处理传入队列。如果在dbus_connection_dispatch()期间调用此函数,则此函数将阻塞 。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection.

  • Returns

    next message in the incoming queue.

Definition at line 3849 of file dbus-connection.c.

References CONNECTION_LOCK, dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status(), DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS, and NULL.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_can_send_type ( DBusConnection * connection,
int type

Tests whether a certain type can be send via the connection.

This will always return TRUE for all types, with the exception of DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD. The function will return TRUE for DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD only on systems that know Unix file descriptors and can send them via the chosen transport and when the remote side supports this.

This function can be used to do runtime checking for types that might be unknown to the specific D-Bus client implementation version, i.e. it will return FALSE for all types this implementation does not know, including invalid or reserved types.




  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    type the type to check

  • Returns

    TRUE if the type may be send via the connection

Definition at line 3104 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_can_pass_unix_fd(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, dbus_type_is_valid(), DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD, FALSE, NULL, transport, and TRUE.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_close ( DBusConnection * connection )

Closes a private connection, so no further data can be sent or received.

This disconnects the transport (such as a socket) underlying the connection.

Attempts to send messages after closing a connection are safe, but will result in error replies generated locally in libdbus.




This function does not affect the connection's reference count. It's safe to close a connection more than once; all calls after the first do nothing. It's impossible to "reopen" a connection, a new connection must be created. This function may result in a call to the DBusDispatchStatusFunction set with dbus_connection_set_dispatch_status_function(), as the disconnect message it generates needs to be dispatched.


If a connection is dropped by the remote application, it will close itself.

You must close a connection prior to releasing the last reference to the connection. If you dbus_connection_unref() for the last time without closing the connection, the results are undefined; it is a bug in your program and libdbus will try to print a warning.



You may not close a shared connection. Connections created with dbus_connection_open() or dbus_bus_get() are shared. These connections are owned by libdbus, and applications should only unref them, never close them. Applications can know it is safe to unref these connections because libdbus will be holding a reference as long as the connection is open. Thus, either the connection is closed and it is OK to drop the last reference, or the connection is open and the app knows it does not have the last reference.


Connections created with dbus_connection_open_private() or dbus_bus_get_private() are not kept track of or referenced by libdbus. The creator of these connections is responsible for calling dbus_connection_close() prior to releasing the last reference, if the connection is not already disconnected.


  • Parameters

    connection the private (unshared) connection to close

Definition at line 2931 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_current_generation, _dbus_warn_check_failed(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, NULL, and shareable.


DBUS_EXPORT DBusDispatchStatus dbus_connection_dispatch ( DBusConnection * connection )

Processes any incoming data.

If there's incoming raw data that has not yet been parsed, it is parsed, which may or may not result in adding messages to the incoming queue.

The incoming data buffer is filled when the connection reads from its underlying transport (such as a socket). Reading usually happens in dbus_watch_handle() or dbus_connection_read_write().

If there are complete messages in the incoming queue, dbus_connection_dispatch() removes one message from the queue and processes it. Processing has three steps.

First, any method replies are passed to DBusPendingCall or dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block() in order to complete the pending method call.

Second, any filters registered with dbus_connection_add_filter() are run. If any filter returns DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_HANDLED then processing stops after that filter.

Third, if the message is a method call it is forwarded to any registered object path handlers added with dbus_connection_register_object_path() or dbus_connection_register_fallback().

A single call to dbus_connection_dispatch() will process at most one message; it will not clear the entire message queue.

Be careful about calling dbus_connection_dispatch() from inside a message handler, i.e. calling dbus_connection_dispatch() recursively. If threads have been initialized with a recursive mutex function, then this will not deadlock; however, it can certainly confuse your application.





首先,将任何方法应答传递给dbus pending call或dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(),以完成挂起的方法调用。





Definition at line 4574 of file dbus-connection.c.



DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_flush ( DBusConnection * connection )

Blocks until the outgoing message queue is empty.

  • Parameters

    connection the connection.

Definition at line 3640 of file dbus-connection.c.



DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_free_data_slot ( dbus_int32_t * slot_p )

Deallocates a global ID for connection data slots.

dbus_connection_get_data() and dbus_connection_set_data() may no longer be used with this slot. Existing data stored on existing DBusConnection objects will be freed when the connection is finalized, but may not be retrieved (and may only be replaced if someone else reallocates the slot). When the refcount on the passed-in slot reaches 0, it is set to -1.


  • Parameters

    slot_p 存储要释放的插槽的地址

Definition at line 6012 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_data_slot_allocator_free().


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_free_preallocated_send ( DBusConnection * connection,
DBusPreallocatedSend * preallocated

Frees preallocated message-sending resources from dbus_connection_preallocate_send().

Should only be called if the preallocated resources are not used to send a message.



  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    preallocated the resources

Definition at line 3190 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_counter_unref(), _dbus_list_free_link(), DBusPreallocatedSend::connection, DBusPreallocatedSend::counter_link, DBusList::data, dbus_free(), NULL, and DBusPreallocatedSend::queue_link.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_adt_audit_session_data ( DBusConnection * connection,
void ** data,
dbus_int32_t * data_size

Gets the ADT audit data of the connection if any.

Returns TRUE if the structure pointer is returned. Always returns FALSE prior to authenticating the connection.



  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    data return location for audit data

    data_size return location for length of audit data

  • Returns

    TRUE if audit data is filled in with a valid ucred pointer

Definition at line 5288 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_get_adt_audit_session_data(), _dbus_transport_try_to_authenticate(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, FALSE, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT void * dbus_connection_get_data ( DBusConnection * connection,
dbus_int32_t slot

Retrieves data previously set with dbus_connection_set_data().

The slot must still be allocated (must not have been freed).


  • Note

    This function does not take the main thread lock on DBusConnection, which allows it to be used from inside watch and timeout functions. (See the note in docs for dbus_connection_set_watch_functions().) A side effect of this is that you need to know there's a reference held on the connection while invoking dbus_connection_get_data(), or the connection could be finalized during dbus_connection_get_data().


  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    slot the slot to get data from

  • Returns

    the data, or NULL if not found

Definition at line 6091 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_data_slot_list_get(), NULL, and slot_list.


DBUS_EXPORT DBusDispatchStatus dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status ( DBusConnection * connection )

Gets the current state of the incoming message queue.

DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS indicates that the message queue may contain messages. DBUS_DISPATCH_COMPLETE indicates that the incoming queue is empty. DBUS_DISPATCH_NEED_MEMORY indicates that there could be data, but we can't know for sure without more memory.

To process the incoming message queue, use dbus_connection_dispatch() or (in rare cases) dbus_connection_pop_message().

Note, DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS really means that either we have messages in the queue, or we have raw bytes buffered up that need to be parsed. When these bytes are parsed, they may not add up to an entire message. Thus, it's possible to see a status of DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS but not have a message yet.

In particular this happens on initial connection, because all sorts of authentication protocol stuff has to be parsed before the first message arrives.




请注意,DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS实际上意味着我们在队列中有消息,或者我们有需要解析的原始字节被缓冲了。 解析这些字节时,它们可能不会合计为整个消息。 因此,可能会看到DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS的状态,但是还没有消息。尤其是在初始连接上,因为在第一条消息到达之前,必须分析各种身份验证协议。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection.

  • Returns

    current dispatch status

Definition at line 4377 of file dbus-connection.c.


Referenced by dbus_connection_borrow_message(), and dbus_connection_pop_message().


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_is_anonymous ( DBusConnection * connection )

Gets whether the connection is not authenticated as a specific user.

If the connection is not authenticated, this function returns TRUE, and if it is authenticated but as an anonymous user, it returns TRUE. If it is authenticated as a specific user, then this returns FALSE. (Note that if the connection was authenticated as anonymous then disconnected, this function still returns TRUE.)

If the connection is not anonymous, you can use dbus_connection_get_unix_user() and dbus_connection_get_windows_user() to see who it's authorized as.

If you want to prevent non-anonymous authorization, use dbus_server_set_auth_mechanisms() to remove the mechanisms that allow proving user identity (i.e. only allow the ANONYMOUS mechanism).





  • Parameters

    connection the connection

  • Returns

    TRUE if not authenticated or authenticated as anonymous

Definition at line 3028 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_get_is_anonymous(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, FALSE, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_is_authenticated ( DBusConnection * connection )

Gets whether the connection was authenticated.

(Note that if the connection was authenticated then disconnected, this function still returns TRUE)


  • Parameters

    connection the connection

  • Returns

    TRUE if the connection was ever authenticated

Definition at line 2994 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_try_to_authenticate(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, FALSE, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_is_connected ( DBusConnection * connection )

Gets whether the connection is currently open.

A connection may become disconnected when the remote application closes its end, or exits; a connection may also be disconnected with dbus_connection_close().

There are not separate states for "closed" and "disconnected," the two terms are synonymous. This function should really be called get_is_open() but for historical reasons is not.




  • Parameters

    connection the connection.

  • Returns

    TRUE if the connection is still alive.

Definition at line 2972 of file dbus-connection.c.



DBUS_EXPORT long dbus_connection_get_max_message_size ( DBusConnection * connection )

Gets the value set by dbus_connection_set_max_message_size().

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

  • Returns

    the max size of a single message

Definition at line 6149 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_get_max_message_size(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT long dbus_connection_get_max_message_unix_fds ( DBusConnection * connection )

Gets the value set by dbus_connection_set_max_message_unix_fds().

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

  • Returns

    the max numer of unix fds of a single message

Definition at line 6188 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_get_max_message_unix_fds(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT long dbus_connection_get_max_received_size ( DBusConnection * connection )

Gets the value set by dbus_connection_set_max_received_size().

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

  • Returns

    the max size of all live messages

Definition at line 6244 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_get_max_received_size(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT long dbus_connection_get_max_received_unix_fds ( DBusConnection * connection )

Gets the value set by dbus_connection_set_max_received_unix_fds().

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

  • Returns

    the max unix fds of all live messages

Definition at line 6286 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_get_max_received_unix_fds(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_object_path_data ( DBusConnection * connection,
const char * path,
void ** data_p

Gets the user data passed to dbus_connection_register_object_path() or dbus_connection_register_fallback().

If nothing was registered at this path, the data is filled in with NULL.

  • Parameters

    connection the connection、

    path the path you registered with

    data_p location to store the user data, or NULL

  • Returns

    FALSE if not enough memory

Definition at line 5915 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_decompose_path(), _dbus_object_tree_get_user_data_unlocked(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, dbus_free_string_array(), FALSE, NULL, objects, and TRUE.


DBUS_EXPORT long dbus_connection_get_outgoing_size ( DBusConnection * connection )

Gets the approximate size in bytes of all messages in the outgoing message queue.

The size is approximate in that you shouldn't use it to decide how many bytes to read off the network or anything of that nature, as optimizations may choose to tell small white lies to avoid performance overhead.



  • Parameters

    connectionthe connection

  • Returns

    the number of bytes that have been queued up but not sent

Definition at line 6309 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_counter_get_size_value(), _dbus_counter_get_unix_fd_value(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, n_incoming, n_outgoing, NULL, outgoing_counter, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT long dbus_connection_get_outgoing_unix_fds ( DBusConnection * connection )

Gets the approximate number of uni fds of all messages in the outgoing message queue.

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

  • Returns

    the number of unix fds that have been queued up but not sent

Definition at line 6370 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_counter_get_unix_fd_value(), _dbus_transport_get_address(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, NULL, outgoing_counter, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT char * dbus_connection_get_server_id ( DBusConnection * connection )

Gets the ID of the server address we are authenticated to, if this connection is on the client side.

If the connection is on the server side, this will always return NULL - use dbus_server_get_id() to get the ID of your own server, if you are the server side.

If a client-side connection is not authenticated yet, the ID may be available if it was included in the server address, but may not be available. The only way to be sure the server ID is available is to wait for authentication to complete.

In general, each mode of connecting to a given server will have its own ID. So for example, if the session bus daemon is listening on UNIX domain sockets and on TCP, then each of those modalities will have its own server ID.

If you want an ID that identifies an entire session bus, look at dbus_bus_get_id() instead (which is just a convenience wrapper around the org.freedesktop.DBus.GetId method invoked on the bus).

You can also get a machine ID; see dbus_try_get_local_machine_id() to get the machine you are on. There isn't a convenience wrapper, but you can invoke org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer.GetMachineId on any peer to get the machine ID on the other end.

The D-Bus specification describes the server ID and other IDs in a bit more detail.







  • Parameters

    connectionthe connection

  • Returns

    the server ID or NULL if no memory or the connection is server-side

Definition at line 3073 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_strdup(), _dbus_transport_get_server_id(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_socket ( DBusConnection * connection,
int * fd

Gets the underlying Windows or UNIX socket file descriptor of the connection, if any.

DO NOT read or write to the file descriptor, or try to select() on it; use DBusWatch for main loop integration. Not all connections will have a socket. So for adding descriptors to the main loop, use dbus_watch_get_socket() and so forth.

If the connection is not socket-based, this function will return FALSE, even if the connection does have a file descriptor of some kind. i.e. this function always returns specifically a socket file descriptor.


不要读取或写入文件描述符,也不要尝试在其上进行select(); 使用DBusWatch进行主循环集成。 并非所有连接都具有套接字。 因此,要将描述符添加到主循环中,请使用dbus_watch_get_socket()等。

如果连接不是基于套接字的,则即使连接确实具有某种文件描述符,此函数也将返回FALSE。 即此函数始终专门返回套接字文件描述符。

  • Parameters

    connectionthe connectionfdreturn location for the file descriptor.

  • Returns

    TRUE if fd is successfully obtained.

Definition at line 5172 of file dbus-connection.c.

Referenced by dbus_connection_get_unix_fd().


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_unix_fd ( DBusConnection * connection,
int * fd

Get the UNIX file descriptor of the connection, if any.

This can be used for SELinux access control checks with getpeercon() for example. DO NOT read or write to the file descriptor, or try to select() on it; use DBusWatch for main loop integration. Not all connections will have a file descriptor. So for adding descriptors to the main loop, use dbus_watch_get_unix_fd() and so forth.

If the connection is socket-based, you can also use dbus_connection_get_socket(), which will work on Windows too. This function always fails on Windows.

Right now the returned descriptor is always a socket, but that is not guaranteed.


例如,可将其用于带有getpeercon()的SELinux访问控制检查。 不要读取或写入文件描述符,也不要尝试在其上进行select(); 使用DBusWatch进行主循环集成。 并非所有连接都具有文件描述符。 因此,要将描述符添加到主循环中,请使用dbus_watch_get_unix_fd()等等。

如果连接是基于套接字的,则还可以使用dbus_connection_get_socket(),它也可以在Windows上使用。 在Windows上,此功能始终失败。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    fd return location for the file descriptor.

  • Returns

    TRUE if fd is successfully obtained.

Definition at line 5142 of file dbus-connection.c.

References dbus_connection_get_socket(), FALSE, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_unix_process_id ( DBusConnection * connection,
unsigned long * pid

Gets the process ID of the connection if any.

Returns TRUE if the pid is filled in. Always returns FALSE prior to authenticating the connection.



  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    pid return location for the process ID

  • Returns

    TRUE if pid is filled in with a valid process ID

Definition at line 5255 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_get_unix_process_id(), _dbus_transport_try_to_authenticate(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, FALSE, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_unix_user ( DBusConnection * connection,
unsigned long * uid

Gets the UNIX user ID of the connection if known.

Returns TRUE if the uid is filled in. Always returns FALSE on non-UNIX platforms for now, though in theory someone could hook Windows to NIS or something. Always returns FALSE prior to authenticating the connection.

The UID is only read by servers from clients; clients can't usually get the UID of servers, because servers do not authenticate to clients. The returned UID is the UID the connection authenticated as.

The message bus is a server and the apps connecting to the bus are clients.

You can ask the bus to tell you the UID of another connection though if you like; this is done with dbus_bus_get_unix_user().






  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    uid return location for the user ID

  • Returns

    TRUE if uid is filled in with a valid user ID

Definition at line 5219 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_assert, _dbus_transport_get_unix_user(), _dbus_transport_try_to_authenticate(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, FALSE, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_windows_user ( DBusConnection * connection,
char ** windows_sid_p

Gets the Windows user SID of the connection if known.

Returns TRUE if the ID is filled in. Always returns FALSE on non-Windows platforms for now, though in theory someone could hook UNIX to Active Directory or something. Always returns FALSE prior to authenticating the connection.

The user is only read by servers from clients; clients can't usually get the user of servers, because servers do not authenticate to clients. The returned user is the user the connection authenticated as.

The message bus is a server and the apps connecting to the bus are clients.

The returned user string has to be freed with dbus_free().

The return value indicates whether the user SID is available; if it's available but we don't have the memory to copy it, then the return value is TRUE and NULL is given as the SID.


如果填写了ID,则返回TRUE。目前在非Windows平台上总是返回FALSE,尽管理论上有人可以将UNIX挂接到Active Directory或其他东西上。在验证连接之前始终返回FALSE。





  • Todo:

    We would like to be able to say "You can ask the bus to tell you the user of another connection though if you like; this is done with dbus_bus_get_windows_user()." But this has to be implemented in bus/driver.c and dbus/dbus-bus.c, and is pointless anyway since on Windows we only use the session bus for now.

    如果您愿意,您可以使用dbus_bus_get_windows_user()让总线告诉您另一个连接的用户。”但是这必须在bus/driver.c和dbus/dbus bus.c中实现,并且无论如何都是没有意义的,因为在windows上,我们现在只使用会话总线。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    windows_sid_p return location for an allocated copy of the user ID, or NULL if no memory

  • Returns

    TRUE if user is available (returned value may be NULL anyway if no memory)

Definition at line 5431 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_assert, _dbus_transport_get_windows_user(), _dbus_transport_try_to_authenticate(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, FALSE, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_has_messages_to_send ( DBusConnection * connection )

Checks whether there are messages in the outgoing message queue.

Use dbus_connection_flush() to block until all outgoing messages have been written to the underlying transport (such as a socket).



  • Parameters

    connection the connection.

  • Returns

    TRUE if the outgoing queue is non-empty.

Definition at line 588 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_connection_has_messages_to_send_unlocked(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, FALSE, and NULL.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_list_registered ( DBusConnection * connection,
const char * parent_path,
char *** child_entries

Lists the registered fallback handlers and object path handlers at the given parent_path.

The returned array should be freed with dbus_free_string_array().



  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    parent_path the path to list the child handlers of

    child_entries returns NULL-terminated array of children

  • Returns

    FALSE if no memory to allocate the child entries

Definition at line 5952 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_decompose_path(), _dbus_object_tree_list_registered_and_unlock(), CONNECTION_LOCK, dbus_free_string_array(), FALSE, NULL, and objects.


DBUS_EXPORT DBusConnection * dbus_connection_open ( const char * address,
DBusError * error

Gets a connection to a remote address.

If a connection to the given address already exists, returns the existing connection with its reference count incremented. Otherwise, returns a new connection and saves the new connection for possible re-use if a future call to dbus_connection_open() asks to connect to the same server.

Use dbus_connection_open_private() to get a dedicated connection not shared with other callers of dbus_connection_open().

If the open fails, the function returns NULL, and provides a reason for the failure in the error parameter. Pass NULL for the error parameter if you aren't interested in the reason for failure.

Because this connection is shared, no user of the connection may call dbus_connection_close(). However, when you are done with the connection you should call dbus_connection_unref().


如果到给定地址的连接已经存在,则返回现有连接,并增加其引用计数。 否则,则返回一个新的连接并保存该新连接以备将来使用。


如果打开失败,则该函数返回NULL,并在error参数中提供失败原因。 如果您对失败的原因不感兴趣,请为错误参数传递NULL。

因为此连接是共享的,所以该连接的任何用户都不能调用dbus_connection_close()。 但是,完成连接后,应调用dbus_connection_unref()。

  • Note

    Prefer dbus_connection_open() to dbus_connection_open_private() unless you have good reason; connections are expensive enough that it's wasteful to create lots of connections to the same server.

    除非您有充分的理由,否则最好使用dbus_connection_open()而不是dbus_connection_open_private()。 连接非常昂贵,所以不要在同一服务器的建立大量连接。

  • Parameters

    address the address.

    error address where an error can be returned.

  • Returns

    new connection, or NULL on failure.

Definition at line 2619 of file dbus-connection.c.

References NULL.


DBUS_EXPORT DBusConnection * dbus_connection_open_private ( const char * address,
DBusError * error

Opens a new, dedicated connection to a remote address.

Unlike dbus_connection_open(), always creates a new connection. This connection will not be saved or recycled by libdbus.

If the open fails, the function returns NULL, and provides a reason for the failure in the error parameter. Pass NULL for the error parameter if you aren't interested in the reason for failure.

When you are done with this connection, you must dbus_connection_close() to disconnect it, and dbus_connection_unref() to free the connection object.

(The dbus_connection_close() can be skipped if the connection is already known to be disconnected, for example if you are inside a handler for the Disconnected signal.)


与dbus_connection_open()不同,始终创建一个新连接。 libdbus不会保存或回收此连接。

如果打开失败,则该函数返回NULL,并在error参数中提供失败原因。 如果您对失败的原因不感兴趣,请为错误参数传递NULL。



  • Note

    Prefer dbus_connection_open() to dbus_connection_open_private() unless you have good reason; connections are expensive enough that it's wasteful to create lots of connections to the same server.

    除非您有充分的理由,否则最好使用dbus_connection_open()而不是dbus_connection_open_private()。 连接非常昂贵,所以不要在同一服务器的建立大量连接。

  • Parameters

    address the address.

    error address where an error can be returned.

  • Returns

    new connection, or NULL on failure.

Definition at line 2662 of file dbus-connection.c.

References NULL.


DBUS_EXPORT DBusMessage * dbus_connection_pop_message ( DBusConnection * connection )

Returns the first-received message from the incoming message queue, removing it from the queue.

The caller owns a reference to the returned message. If the queue is empty, returns NULL.

This function bypasses any message handlers that are registered, and so using it is usually wrong. Instead, let the main loop invoke dbus_connection_dispatch(). Popping messages manually is only useful in very simple programs that don't share a DBusConnection with any libraries or other modules.

There is a lock that covers all ways of accessing the incoming message queue, so dbus_connection_dispatch(), dbus_connection_pop_message(), dbus_connection_borrow_message(), etc. will all block while one of the others in the group is running.


调用方拥有对所返回消息的引用。 如果队列为空,则返回NULL。

此函数绕过所有已注册的消息处理程序,因此使用它通常是错误的。 正常做法是让主循环调用dbus_connection_dispatch()。 手动弹出消息仅在非常简单的程序中有用,这些程序不与任何库或其他模块共享DBusConnection。


  • Parameters

    connection the connection.

  • Returns

    next message in the incoming queue.

Definition at line 4090 of file dbus-connection.c.

References CONNECTION_LOCK, dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status(), DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS, and NULL.


DBUS_EXPORT DBusPreallocatedSend * dbus_connection_preallocate_send ( DBusConnection * connection )

Preallocates resources needed to send a message, allowing the message to be sent without the possibility of memory allocation failure.

Allows apps to create a future guarantee that they can send a message regardless of memory shortages.



  • Parameters

    connection the connection we're preallocating for.

  • Returns

    the preallocated resources, or NULL

Definition at line 3164 of file dbus-connection.c.



DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_read_write ( DBusConnection * connection,
int timeout_milliseconds

This function is intended for use with applications that don't want to write a main loop and deal with DBusWatch and DBusTimeout.

See also dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch().

As long as the connection is open, this function will block until it can read or write, then read or write, then return TRUE.

If the connection is closed, the function returns FALSE.

The return value indicates whether reading or writing is still possible, i.e. whether the connection is connected.

Note that even after disconnection, messages may remain in the incoming queue that need to be processed. dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch() dispatches incoming messages for you; with dbus_connection_read_write() you have to arrange to drain the incoming queue yourself.






请注意,即使在断开连接后,消息也可能保留在传入队列中,需要处理。 dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch()为您调度传入消息; 使用dbus_connection_read_write(),您必须自己清理传入队列。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    timeout_milliseconds max time to block or -1 for infinite

  • Returns

    TRUE if still connected

Definition at line 3800 of file dbus-connection.c.

References FALSE, and NULL.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch ( DBusConnection * connection,
int timeout_milliseconds

This function is intended for use with applications that don't want to write a main loop and deal with DBusWatch and DBusTimeout.

An example usage would be:

while (dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch(connection, -1))
; // empty loop body

In this usage you would normally have set up a filter function to look at each message as it is dispatched. The loop terminates when the last message from the connection (the disconnected signal) is processed.

If there are messages to dispatch, this function will dbus_connection_dispatch() once, and return. If there are no messages to dispatch, this function will block until it can read or write, then read or write, then return.

The way to think of this function is that it either makes some sort of progress, or it blocks. Note that, while it is blocked on I/O, it cannot be interrupted (even by other threads), which makes this function unsuitable for applications that do more than just react to received messages.

The return value indicates whether the disconnect message has been processed, NOT whether the connection is connected. This is important because even after disconnecting, you want to process any messages you received prior to the disconnect.


在这种用法中,通常会设置一个过滤器功能来查看每条消息的发送情况。 处理来自连接的最后一条消息(断开的信号)时,循环终止。

如果有消息要分派,此函数将调用dbus_connection_dispatch()一次,然后返回。 如果没有要发送的消息,则此函数将阻塞,直到可以读取或写入,然后读取或写入,然后返回。

考虑此功能的方法是它要么取得某种进展,要么就被阻止了。 请注意,尽管它在I / O上被阻止,但是它不能被中断(即使被其他线程中断),这使此功能不适合于仅对收到的消息做出反应的应用程序。

返回值指示是否已处理完断开之后的消息,而不指示连接是否已连接。 这很重要,因为即使在断开连接之后,您仍要处理在断开连接之前收到的所有消息。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    timeout_milliseconds max time to block or -1 for infinite

  • Returns

    TRUE if the disconnect message has not been processed

Definition at line 3768 of file dbus-connection.c.

References FALSE, and NULL.


DBUS_EXPORT DBusConnection * dbus_connection_ref ( DBusConnection * connection )

Increments the reference count of a DBusConnection.

  • Parameters

    connection the connection.

  • Returns

    the connection.

Definition at line 2684 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_atomic_inc(), _dbus_current_generation, NULL, and refcount.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_register_fallback ( DBusConnection * connection,
const char * path,
const DBusObjectPathVTable * vtable,
void * user_data

Registers a fallback handler for a given subsection of the object hierarchy.

The given vtable handles messages at or below the given path. You can use this to establish a default message handling policy for a whole "subdirectory."

It is a bug to call this function for object paths which already have a handler. Use dbus_connection_try_register_fallback() if this might be the case.


给定的vtable处理位于给定路径或路径以下的消息。 您可以使用它为整个“子目录”建立默认的消息处理策略。

对已经具有处理程序的对象路径调用此函数是一个错误。 如果是这种情况,请使用dbus_connection_try_register_fallback()。

Definition at line 5848 of file dbus-connection.c.



DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_register_object_path ( DBusConnection * connection,
const char * path,
const DBusObjectPathVTable * vtable,
void * user_data

Registers a handler for a given path in the object hierarchy.

The given vtable handles messages sent to exactly the given path.

It is a bug to call this function for object paths which already have a handler. Use dbus_connection_try_register_object_path() if this might be the case.



对已经具有处理程序的对象路径调用此函数是一个错误。 如果是这种情况,请使用dbus_connection_try_register_object_path()。

Definition at line 5776 of file dbus-connection.c.



DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_remove_filter ( DBusConnection * connection,
DBusHandleMessageFunction function,
void * user_data

Removes a previously-added message filter.

It is a programming error to call this function for a handler that has not been added as a filter. If the given handler was added more than once, only one instance of it will be removed (the most recently-added instance).


为尚未添加为过滤器的处理程序调用此函数是编程错误。 如果给定的处理程序被添加了多次,则只会删除该处理程序的一个实例(最新添加的实例)。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    function the handler to remove

    user_data user data for the handler to remove

Definition at line 5637 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_list_get_last_link(), _dbus_list_get_prev_link, _dbus_list_remove_link(), _dbus_warn_check_failed(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, DBusList::data, filter_list, DBusMessageFilter::free_user_data_function, DBusMessageFilter::function, NULL, and DBusMessageFilter::user_data.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_return_message ( DBusConnection * connection,
DBusMessage * message

Used to return a message after peeking at it using dbus_connection_borrow_message().

Only called if message from dbus_connection_borrow_message() was non-NULL.



Definition at line 3900 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_assert, CONNECTION_LOCK, dispatch_acquired, message_borrowed, and NULL.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_send ( DBusConnection * connection,
DBusMessage * message,
dbus_uint32_t * serial

Adds a message to the outgoing message queue.

Does not block to write the message to the network; that happens asynchronously. To force the message to be written, call dbus_connection_flush() however it is not necessary to call dbus_connection_flush() by hand; the message will be sent the next time the main loop is run. dbus_connection_flush() should only be used, for example, if the application was expected to exit before running the main loop.

Because this only queues the message, the only reason it can fail is lack of memory. Even if the connection is disconnected, no error will be returned. If the function fails due to lack of memory, it returns FALSE. The function will never fail for other reasons; even if the connection is disconnected, you can queue an outgoing message, though obviously it won't be sent.

The message serial is used by the remote application to send a reply; see dbus_message_get_serial() or the D-Bus specification.

dbus_message_unref() can be called as soon as this method returns as the message queue will hold its own ref until the message is sent.


异步的将消息写入网络,不进行阻塞。 要强制写入消息,请调用dbus_connection_flush()。如果不手动调用dbus_connection_flush(), 该消息将会在下次主循环运行时发送出去。 dbus_connection_flush()仅应在例如运行主循环之前应退出应用程序的情况下使用。

因为这仅使消息排队,所以失败的唯一原因是内存不足。 即使断开连接,也不会返回错误。 如果函数由于内存不足而失败,则返回FALSE。 该功能永远不会因为其他原因而失败; 即使连接断开。

远程应用程序使用消息序列来发送回复。 请参阅dbus_message_get_serial()或D-Bus规范。


  • Parameters

    connection the connection.

    message the message to write.

    serial return location for message serial, or NULL if you don't care

  • Returns

    TRUE on success.

Definition at line 3301 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_connection_send_and_unlock(), _dbus_transport_can_pass_unix_fd(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, FALSE, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_send_preallocated ( DBusConnection * connection,
DBusPreallocatedSend * preallocated,
DBusMessage * message,
dbus_uint32_t * client_serial

Sends a message using preallocated resources.

This function cannot fail. It works identically to dbus_connection_send() in other respects. Preallocated resources comes from dbus_connection_preallocate_send(). This function "consumes" the preallocated resources, they need not be freed separately.


此功能不会失败。 在其他方面,它与dbus_connection_send()相同。 预分配的资源来自dbus_connection_preallocate_send()。 此功能“消耗”预分配的资源,无需单独释放它们。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    preallocated the preallocated resources

    message the message to send

    client_serial return location for client serial assigned to the message

Definition at line 3216 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_can_pass_unix_fd(), DBusPreallocatedSend::connection, CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, dbus_message_get_interface(), dbus_message_get_member(), dbus_message_get_type(), DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALL, DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_send_with_reply ( DBusConnection * connection,
DBusMessage * message,
DBusPendingCall ** pending_return,
int timeout_milliseconds

Queues a message to send, as with dbus_connection_send(), but also returns a DBusPendingCall used to receive a reply to the message.

If no reply is received in the given timeout_milliseconds, this function expires the pending reply and generates a synthetic error reply (generated in-process, not by the remote application) indicating that a timeout occurred.

A DBusPendingCall will see a reply message before any filters or registered object path handlers. See dbus_connection_dispatch() for details on when handlers are run.

A DBusPendingCall will always see exactly one reply message, unless it's cancelled with dbus_pending_call_cancel().

If NULL is passed for the pending_return, the DBusPendingCall will still be generated internally, and used to track the message reply timeout. This means a timeout error will occur if no reply arrives, unlike with dbus_connection_send().

If -1 is passed for the timeout, a sane default timeout is used. -1 is typically the best value for the timeout for this reason, unless you want a very short or very long timeout. If DBUS_TIMEOUT_INFINITE is passed for the timeout, no timeout will be set and the call will block forever.



DBusPendingCall最先看到答复消息(比任何过滤器或注册的对象路径处理程序都要早看到)。 有关何时运行处理程序的详细信息,请参见dbus_connection_dispatch()。


如果为pending_return传递了NULL,则在内部仍将生成DBusPendingCall,并用于跟踪消息等待回复的超时时间。 这意味着如果没有答复到达,将发生超时错误,这与dbus_connection_send()不同。

如果为超时传递了-1,则使用合理的默认超时。 由于这个原因,-1通常是超时的最佳值,除非您希望超时时间非常短。 如果为超时传递了DBUS_TIMEOUT_INFINITE,则不会设置超时,并且通话将永远阻塞。

  • Warning

    if the connection is disconnected or you try to send Unix file descriptors on a connection that does not support them, the DBusPendingCall will be set to NULL, so be careful with this.


  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    message the message to send

    pending_return return location for a DBusPendingCall object, or NULL if connection is disconnected or when you try to send Unix file descriptors on a connection that does not support them.

    timeout_milliseconds timeout in milliseconds, -1 (or DBUS_TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) for default or DBUS_TIMEOUT_INFINITE for no timeout

  • Returns

    FALSE if no memory, TRUE otherwise.

Definition at line 3398 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_can_pass_unix_fd(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, FALSE, NULL, transport, and TRUE.

Referenced by dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block().


DBUS_EXPORT DBusMessage * dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block ( DBusConnection * connection,
DBusMessage * message,
int timeout_milliseconds,
DBusError * error

Sends a message and blocks a certain time period while waiting for a reply.

This function does not reenter the main loop, i.e. messages other than the reply are queued up but not processed. This function is used to invoke method calls on a remote object.

If a normal reply is received, it is returned, and removed from the incoming message queue. If it is not received, NULL is returned and the error is set to DBUS_ERROR_NO_REPLY. If an error reply is received, it is converted to a DBusError and returned as an error, then the reply message is deleted and NULL is returned. If something else goes wrong, result is set to whatever is appropriate, such as DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY or DBUS_ERROR_DISCONNECTED.

发送消息到outgoing queue中,并等待一个确切的时间以等待回复。

此功能不会重新进入主循环,即,除了答复之外的其他消息都已排队但未处理。 此函数用于调用远程对象上的方法调用。

如果收到正常答复,则将其返回并从传入消息队列中删除。 如果未收到,则返回NULL,并将错误设置为DBUS_ERROR_NO_REPLY。 如果收到错误回复,则将其转换为DBusError并作为错误返回,然后删除回复消息并返回NULL。 如果出现其他问题,则将结果设置为适当的值,例如DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY或DBUS_ERROR_DISCONNECTED。

  • Warning

    While this function blocks the calling thread will not be processing the incoming message queue. This means you can end up deadlocked if the application you're talking to needs you to reply to a method. To solve this, either avoid the situation, block in a separate thread from the main connection-dispatching thread, or use dbus_pending_call_set_notify() to avoid blocking.

    当此函数阻塞调用线程时,调用线程将不会处理传入消息队列。这意味着,如果与您对话的应用程序需要您回复某个方法,那么您可能会陷入僵局。要解决这个问题,要么避免这种情况,在主连接调度线程的单独线程中阻塞,要么使用dbus pending call set notify()来避免阻塞。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    message the message to send

    timeout_milliseconds timeout in milliseconds, -1 (or DBUS_TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) for default or DBUS_TIMEOUT_INFINITE for no timeout

    error return location for error message

  • Returns

    the message that is the reply or NULL with an error code if the function fails.

Definition at line 3534 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_assert, _dbus_transport_can_pass_unix_fd(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, dbus_connection_send_with_reply(), DBUS_ERROR_DISCONNECTED, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, dbus_message_unref(), dbus_pending_call_block(), dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(), dbus_pending_call_unref(), dbus_set_error(), dbus_set_error_from_message(), NULL, and transport.

Referenced by dbus_bus_get_id(), dbus_bus_get_unix_user(), dbus_bus_name_has_owner(), dbus_bus_release_name(), dbus_bus_request_name(), and dbus_bus_start_service_by_name().


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_set_allow_anonymous ( DBusConnection * connection,
dbus_bool_t value

This function must be called on the server side of a connection when the connection is first seen in the DBusNewConnectionFunction.

If set to TRUE (the default is FALSE), then the connection can proceed even if the client does not authenticate as some user identity, i.e. clients can connect anonymously.

This setting interacts with the available authorization mechanisms (see dbus_server_set_auth_mechanisms()). Namely, an auth mechanism such as ANONYMOUS that supports anonymous auth must be included in the list of available mechanisms for anonymous login to work.

This setting also changes the default rule for connections authorized as a user; normally, if a connection authorizes as a user identity, it is permitted if the user identity is root or the user identity matches the user identity of the server process. If anonymous connections are allowed, however, then any user identity is allowed.

You can override the rules for connections authorized as a user identity with dbus_connection_set_unix_user_function() and dbus_connection_set_windows_user_function().



此设置与可用的授权机制进行交互(请参见dbus_server_set_auth_mechanisms())。 即,必须将支持匿名身份验证的身份验证机制(例如ANONYMOUS)包括在可用机制列表中,以使匿名登录起作用。

此设置还更改了授权为用户的连接的默认规则。 通常,如果连接授权为用户身份,则允许该用户身份为root或用户身份与服务器进程的用户身份匹配。 但是,如果允许匿名连接,则允许任何用户身份。


  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    value whether to allow authentication as an anonymous user

Definition at line 5525 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_set_allow_anonymous(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_set_change_sigpipe ( dbus_bool_t will_modify_sigpipe )

This function sets a global flag for whether dbus_connection_new() will set SIGPIPE behavior to SIG_IGN.

此函数设置一个全局标志,用于dbus_connection_new()是否能将SIGPIPE行为设置为SIG IGN。

  • Parameters

    will_modify_sigpipe TRUE to allow sigpipe to be set to SIG_IGN

Definition at line 6117 of file dbus-connection.c.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_set_data ( DBusConnection * connection,
dbus_int32_t slot,
void * data,
DBusFreeFunction free_data_func

Stores a pointer on a DBusConnection, along with an optional function to be used for freeing the data when the data is set again, or when the connection is finalized.

The slot number must have been allocated with dbus_connection_allocate_data_slot().


  • Note

    This function does not take the main thread lock on DBusConnection, which allows it to be used from inside watch and timeout functions. (See the note in docs for dbus_connection_set_watch_functions().) A side effect of this is that you need to know there's a reference held on the connection while invoking dbus_connection_set_data(), or the connection could be finalized during dbus_connection_set_data().

    该函数不占用DBusConnection上的主线程锁,因此可以从内部watch and timeout functions中使用它。 (有关dbus_connection_set_watch_functions()的信息,请参阅文档中的注释。)这样做的副作用是,您需要在调用dbus_connection_set_data()时知道该连接上保留了一个引用,或者可以在dbus_connection_set_data()期间完成该连接。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    slot the slot number

    data the data to store

    free_data_func finalizer function for the data

  • Returns

    TRUE if there was enough memory to store the data

Definition at line 6042 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_data_slot_list_set(), FALSE, NULL, and slot_list.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_set_dispatch_status_function ( DBusConnection * connection,
DBusDispatchStatusFunction function,
void * data,
DBusFreeFunction free_data_function

Set a function to be invoked when the dispatch status changes.

If the dispatch status is DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS, then dbus_connection_dispatch() needs to be called to process incoming messages. However, dbus_connection_dispatch() MUST NOT BE CALLED from inside the DBusDispatchStatusFunction. Indeed, almost any reentrancy in this function is a bad idea. Instead, the DBusDispatchStatusFunction should simply save an indication that messages should be dispatched later, when the main loop is re-entered.

If you don't set a dispatch status function, you have to be sure to dispatch on every iteration of your main loop, especially if dbus_watch_handle() or dbus_timeout_handle() were called.


如果调度状态为DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS,则需要调用dbus_connection_dispatch()来处理传入消息。 但是,绝不能从DBusDispatchStatusFunction内部调用dbus_connection_dispatch()。 此函数是不可重入的。 相反,DBusDispatchStatusFunction应该只保存一个标志,即当重新进入主循环时,消息就可以进行调度了。


  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    function function to call on dispatch status changes、

    data data for function

    free_data_function free the function data

Definition at line 5097 of file dbus-connection.c.

References CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, dispatch_status_data, dispatch_status_function, free_dispatch_status_data, and NULL.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_set_exit_on_disconnect ( DBusConnection * connection,
dbus_bool_t exit_on_disconnect

Set whether _exit() should be called when the connection receives a disconnect signal.

The call to _exit() comes after any handlers for the disconnect signal run; handlers can cancel the exit by calling this function.

By default, exit_on_disconnect is FALSE; but for message bus connections returned from dbus_bus_get() it will be toggled on by default.


调用_exit()之后,将运行任何用于断开信号的处理程序。 处理程序可以通过调用此函数来取消退出。

默认情况下,exit_on_disconnect为FALSE; 但是对于从dbus_bus_get()返回的消息总线连接,默认情况下它将被打开。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    exit_on_disconnect TRUE if _exit() should be called after a disconnect signal

Definition at line 3144 of file dbus-connection.c.

References CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, exit_on_disconnect, FALSE, and NULL.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_set_max_message_size ( DBusConnection * connection,
long size

Specifies the maximum size message this connection is allowed to receive.

Larger messages will result in disconnecting the connection.


  • Parameters

    connection a DBusConnection

    size maximum message size the connection can receive, in bytes

Definition at line 6131 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_set_max_message_size(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_set_max_message_unix_fds ( DBusConnection * connection,
long n

Specifies the maximum number of unix fds a message on this connection is allowed to receive.

Messages with more unix fds will result in disconnecting the connection.

指定允许此连接上的消息接收的unix fds的最大数目。

带有更多unix fds的消息将导致断开连接。

  • Parameters

    connection a DBusConnection

    n maximum message unix fds the connection can receive

Definition at line 6170 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_set_max_message_unix_fds(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_set_max_received_size ( DBusConnection * connection,
long size

Sets the maximum total number of bytes that can be used for all messages received on this connection.

Messages count toward the maximum until they are finalized. When the maximum is reached, the connection will not read more data until some messages are finalized.

The semantics of the maximum are: if outstanding messages are already above the maximum, additional messages will not be read. The semantics are not: if the next message would cause us to exceed the maximum, we don't read it. The reason is that we don't know the size of a message until after we read it.

Thus, the max live messages size can actually be exceeded by up to the maximum size of a single message.

Also, if we read say 1024 bytes off the wire in a single read(), and that contains a half-dozen small messages, we may exceed the size max by that amount. But this should be inconsequential.

This does imply that we can't call read() with a buffer larger than we're willing to exceed this limit by.


消息在完成之前会一直计入最大值。 达到最大值后,在完成某些消息之前,连接将不会读取更多数据。

最大值的语义是:如果未完成的消息已经超过最大值,则不会读取其他消息, 语义不是:如果下一条消息会使我们超过最大值,则不会阅读。 原因是直到阅读完消息,我们才知道消息的大小。


另外,如果我们在单个read()中从连接中读取了1024个字节,并且其中包含六个小消息,则我们可能超出最大大小上限。 但这应该无关紧要。


  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    size the maximum size in bytes of all outstanding messages

Definition at line 6226 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_set_max_received_size(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_set_max_received_unix_fds ( DBusConnection * connection,
long n

Sets the maximum total number of unix fds that can be used for all messages received on this connection.

Messages count toward the maximum until they are finalized. When the maximum is reached, the connection will not read more data until some messages are finalized.

The semantics are analogous to those of dbus_connection_set_max_received_size().

设置可用于此连接上接收的所有消息的最大unix fd总数。在消息最终确定之前,它们的数量一直占最大值。当达到最大值时,连接将不会读取更多数据,直到一些消息处理完成为止。该语义类似于dbus_connection_set_max_received_size().

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    n the maximum size in bytes of all outstanding messages

Definition at line 6268 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_set_max_received_unix_fds(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_set_route_peer_messages ( DBusConnection * connection,
dbus_bool_t value

Normally DBusConnection automatically handles all messages to the org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer interface.

However, the message bus wants to be able to route methods on that interface through the bus and to other applications. If routing peer messages is enabled, then messages with the org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer interface that also have a bus destination name set will not be automatically handled by the DBusConnection and instead will be dispatched normally to the application.

If a normal application sets this flag, it can break things badly. So don't set this unless you are the message bus.


但是,消息总线希望能够通过总线将该接口上的方法路由到其他应用程序。 如果设置了该函数的value为true,那么具有org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer接口的消息也设置了总线目标名称,则DBusConnection不会自动处理它们,而是将它们正常分派到应用程序。

如果普通应用程序设置了此标志,则可能会严重的bug。 因此,除非您是消息总线,否则请不要进行设置。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    value TRUE to pass through org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer messages with a bus name set

Definition at line 5553 of file dbus-connection.c.

References CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, NULL, and route_peer_messages.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions ( DBusConnection * connection,
DBusAddTimeoutFunction add_function,
DBusRemoveTimeoutFunction remove_function,
DBusTimeoutToggledFunction toggled_function,
void * data,
DBusFreeFunction free_data_function

Sets the timeout functions for the connection.

These functions are responsible for making the application's main loop aware of timeouts. When using Qt, typically the DBusAddTimeoutFunction would create a QTimer. When using GLib, the DBusAddTimeoutFunction would call g_timeout_add.

The DBusTimeoutToggledFunction notifies the application that the timeout has been enabled or disabled. Call dbus_timeout_get_enabled() to check this. A disabled timeout should have no effect, and enabled timeout should be added to the main loop. This feature is used instead of simply adding/removing the timeout because enabling/disabling can be done without memory allocation. With Qt, QTimer::start() and QTimer::stop() can be used to enable and disable. The toggled function may be NULL if a main loop re-queries dbus_timeout_get_enabled() every time anyway. Whenever a timeout is toggled, its interval may change.

The DBusTimeout can be queried for the timer interval using dbus_timeout_get_interval(). dbus_timeout_handle() should be called repeatedly, each time the interval elapses, starting after it has elapsed once. The timeout stops firing when it is removed with the given remove_function. The timer interval may change whenever the timeout is added, removed, or toggled.


这些功能主要负责通知应用程序的超时。 使用Qt时,通常DBusAddTimeoutFunction将创建一个QTimer。 使用GLib时,DBusAddTimeoutFunction将调用g_timeout_add。

DBusTimeoutToggledFunction通知应用程序已启用或禁用超时。 调用dbus_timeout_get_enabled()进行检查。 禁用的超时应该不起任何作用,启用的超时应该添加到主循环中。 使用此功能,而不应该简单地添加/删除超时,因为启用/禁用可以在不分配内存的情况下完成。 通过Qt,可以使用QTimer :: start()和QTimer :: stop()启用和禁用。 如果主循环始终每次都重新查询dbus_timeout_get_enabled(),则切换后的函数可能为NULL。 无论何时切换超时,其间隔都可能改变。

可以使用dbus_timeout_get_interval()在计时器间隔内查询DBusTimeout。 dbus_timeout_handle()应该在间隔每经过一次后重复调用一次,从间隔一次后开始。 当使用给定的remove_function删除超时时,它将停止触发。 每当添加,删除或切换超时时,计时器间隔就可能改变。

  • Note

    The thread lock on DBusConnection is held while timeout functions are invoked, so inside these functions you may not invoke any methods on DBusConnection or it will deadlock. See the comments in the code or http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dbus/2007-July/thread.html#8144 if you encounter this issue and want to attempt writing a patch.

    在调用超时功能时,将保留DBusConnection上的线程锁,因此在这些函数内,您可能无法调用DBusConnection上的任何方法,否则它将死锁。 如果遇到此问题并想尝试编写补丁,请参见代码中的注释或http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dbus/2007-July/thread.html#8144。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection.
    add_function function to add a timeout.
    remove_function function to remove a timeout.
    toggled_function function to notify of enable/disable
    data data to pass to add_function and remove_function.
    free_data_function function to be called to free the data.
  • Returns

    FALSE on failure (no memory)

Definition at line 5013 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_timeout_list_set_functions(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, FALSE, NULL, and timeouts.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_set_unix_user_function ( DBusConnection * connection,
DBusAllowUnixUserFunction function,
void * data,
DBusFreeFunction free_data_function

Sets a predicate function used to determine whether a given user ID is allowed to connect.

When an incoming connection has authenticated with a particular user ID, this function is called; if it returns TRUE, the connection is allowed to proceed, otherwise the connection is disconnected.

If the function is set to NULL (as it is by default), then only the same UID as the server process will be allowed to connect. Also, root is always allowed to connect.

On Windows, the function will be set and its free_data_function will be invoked when the connection is freed or a new function is set. However, the function will never be called, because there are no UNIX user ids to pass to it, or at least none of the existing auth protocols would allow authenticating as a UNIX user on Windows.


当传入的连接已使用特定的用户ID进行身份验证时,将调用此断言函数; 如果断言函数返回TRUE,则允许进行连接,否则断开连接。

如果该功能设置为NULL(默认情况下为NULL),则仅允许与服务器进程相同的UID进行连接。 此外,始终允许root用户连接。

在Windows上,将在释放连接或设置新函数时设置该函数并调用其free_data_function。 但是,永远不会调用该函数,因为没有UNIX用户ID传递给该函数,或者至少没有现有的身份验证协议允许在Windows上以UNIX用户身份进行身份验证。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection
    function the predicate
    data data to pass to the predicate
    free_data_function function to free the data

Definition at line 5334 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_set_unix_user_function(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_set_wakeup_main_function ( DBusConnection * connection,
DBusWakeupMainFunction wakeup_main_function,
void * data,
DBusFreeFunction free_data_function

Sets the mainloop wakeup function for the connection.

This function is responsible for waking up the main loop (if its sleeping in another thread) when some some change has happened to the connection that the mainloop needs to reconsider (e.g. a message has been queued for writing). When using Qt, this typically results in a call to QEventLoop::wakeUp(). When using GLib, it would call g_main_context_wakeup().


当需要重新考虑主循环的连接发生某些更改时(例如,一条消息已排队等待写入),此功能负责唤醒主循环(如果主循环在另一个线程中休眠)。 使用Qt时,通常会导致调用QEventLoop :: wakeUp()。 使用GLib时,它将调用g_main_context_wakeup()。

  • Parameters

    connectionthe connection.wakeup_main_functionfunction to wake up the mainloopdatadata to pass wakeup_main_functionfree_data_functionfunction to be called to free the data.

Definition at line 5051 of file dbus-connection.c.

References CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, free_wakeup_main_data, NULL, wakeup_main_data, and wakeup_main_function.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_set_watch_functions ( DBusConnection * connection,
DBusAddWatchFunction add_function,
DBusRemoveWatchFunction remove_function,
DBusWatchToggledFunction toggled_function,
void * data,
DBusFreeFunction free_data_function

Sets the watch functions for the connection.

These functions are responsible for making the application's main loop aware of file descriptors that need to be monitored for events, using select() or poll(). When using Qt, typically the DBusAddWatchFunction would create a QSocketNotifier. When using GLib, the DBusAddWatchFunction could call g_io_add_watch(), or could be used as part of a more elaborate GSource. Note that when a watch is added, it may not be enabled.

The DBusWatchToggledFunction notifies the application that the watch has been enabled or disabled. Call dbus_watch_get_enabled() to check this. A disabled watch should have no effect, and enabled watch should be added to the main loop. This feature is used instead of simply adding/removing the watch because enabling/disabling can be done without memory allocation. The toggled function may be NULL if a main loop re-queries dbus_watch_get_enabled() every time anyway.

The DBusWatch can be queried for the file descriptor to watch using dbus_watch_get_unix_fd() or dbus_watch_get_socket(), and for the events to watch for using dbus_watch_get_flags(). The flags returned by dbus_watch_get_flags() will only contain DBUS_WATCH_READABLE and DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE, never DBUS_WATCH_HANGUP or DBUS_WATCH_ERROR; all watches implicitly include a watch for hangups, errors, and other exceptional conditions.

Once a file descriptor becomes readable or writable, or an exception occurs, dbus_watch_handle() should be called to notify the connection of the file descriptor's condition.

dbus_watch_handle() cannot be called during the DBusAddWatchFunction, as the connection will not be ready to handle that watch yet.

It is not allowed to reference a DBusWatch after it has been passed to remove_function.

If FALSE is returned due to lack of memory, the failure may be due to a FALSE return from the new add_function. If so, the add_function may have been called successfully one or more times, but the remove_function will also have been called to remove any successful adds. i.e. if FALSE is returned the net result should be that dbus_connection_set_watch_functions() has no effect, but the add_function and remove_function may have been called.


这些函数负责使应用程序的主循环知道需要使用select()或poll()监视事件的文件描述符。 使用Qt时,通常DBusAddWatchFunction将创建QSocketNotifier。 使用GLib时,DBusAddWatchFunction可以调用g_io_add_watch(),或者可以用作更详尽的GSource的一部分。 请注意,添加手表后,可能无法启用它。

DBusWatchToggledFunction通知应用程序监视已启用或禁用。 调用dbus_watch_get_enabled()进行检查。 禁用的监视应该没有任何作用,应该将启用的监视添加到主循环中。 使用此功能,而不是简单地添加/删除监视,因为启用/禁用可以在不分配内存的情况下完成。 如果主循环始终每次都重新查询dbus_watch_get_enabled(),则切换后的函数可能为NULL。

可以查询DBusWatch以使用dbus_watch_get_unix_fd()或dbus_watch_get_socket()来查询要监视的文件描述符,并使用dbus_watch_get_flags()来查询要监视的事件。 dbus_watch_get_flags()返回的标志仅包含DBUS_WATCH_READABLE和DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE,从不包含DBUS_WATCH_HANGUP或DBUS_WATCH_ERROR; 所有监视都隐含了断开,错误和其他异常情况的监视。




如果由于内存不足而返回FALSE,则失败可能是由于新的add_function返回了FALSE。 如果是这样,则add_function可能已被成功调用一次或多次,但还将调用remove_function来删除任何成功的添加。 也就是说,如果返回FALSE,则最终结果应该是dbus_connection_set_watch_functions()无效,但是可能已调用add_function和remove_function。

  • Note

    The thread lock on DBusConnection is held while watch functions are invoked, so inside these functions you may not invoke any methods on DBusConnection or it will deadlock. See the comments in the code or http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dbus/2007-July/tread.html#8144 if you encounter this issue and want to attempt writing a patch.

    在调用监视功能时,将保留DBusConnection上的线程锁,因此在这些函数内,您不能在DBusConnection上调用任何方法,否则它将死锁。 如果遇到此问题并想尝试编写补丁,请参见代码中的注释或http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dbus/2007-July/tread.html#8144。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection.
    add_function function to begin monitoring a new descriptor.
    remove_function function to stop monitoring a descriptor.
    toggled_function function to notify of enable/disable
    data data to pass to add_function and remove_function.
    free_data_function function to be called to free the data.
  • Returns

    FALSE on failure (no memory)

Definition at line 4950 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_watch_list_set_functions(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, FALSE, NULL, and watches.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_set_windows_user_function ( DBusConnection * connection,
DBusAllowWindowsUserFunction function,
void * data,
DBusFreeFunction free_data_function

Sets a predicate function used to determine whether a given user ID is allowed to connect.

When an incoming connection has authenticated with a particular user ID, this function is called; if it returns TRUE, the connection is allowed to proceed, otherwise the connection is disconnected.

If the function is set to NULL (as it is by default), then only the same user owning the server process will be allowed to connect.

On UNIX, the function will be set and its free_data_function will be invoked when the connection is freed or a new function is set. However, the function will never be called, because there is no way right now to authenticate as a Windows user on UNIX.


当传入的连接已使用特定的用户ID进行身份验证时,将调用此函数; 如果此函数返回TRUE,则允许进行连接,否则断开连接。


在UNIX上,将释放连接或设置新功能时,将设置该函数并调用其free_data_function。 但是,该函数永远不会被调用,因为目前无法在UNIX上以Windows用户身份进行身份验证。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection
    function the predicate
    data data to pass to the predicate
    free_data_function function to free the data

Definition at line 5478 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_transport_set_windows_user_function(), CONNECTION_LOCK, CONNECTION_UNLOCK, NULL, and transport.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_steal_borrowed_message ( DBusConnection * connection,
DBusMessage * message

Used to keep a message after peeking at it using dbus_connection_borrow_message().

Before using this function, see the caveats/warnings in the documentation for dbus_connection_pop_message().



Definition at line 3934 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_assert, _dbus_list_pop_first(), CONNECTION_LOCK, dispatch_acquired, incoming_messages, message_borrowed, n_incoming, and NULL.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_try_register_fallback ( DBusConnection * connection,
const char * path,
const DBusObjectPathVTable * vtable,
void * user_data,
DBusError * error

Registers a fallback handler for a given subsection of the object hierarchy.

The given vtable handles messages at or below the given path. You can use this to establish a default message handling policy for a whole "subdirectory."


给定的vtable处理位于给定路径或路径以下的消息。 您可以使用它为整个“子目录”建立默认的消息处理策略。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection
    path a '/' delimited string of path elements
    vtable the virtual table
    user_data data to pass to functions in the vtable
    error address where an error can be returned
  • Returns


Definition at line 5816 of file dbus-connection.c.

References FALSE, and NULL.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_try_register_object_path ( DBusConnection * connection,
const char * path,
const DBusObjectPathVTable * vtable,
void * user_data,
DBusError * error

Registers a handler for a given path in the object hierarchy.

The given vtable handles messages sent to exactly the given path.


  • Parameters

    connectionthe connectionpatha '/' delimited string of path elementsvtablethe virtual tableuser_datadata to pass to functions in the vtableerroraddress where an error can be returned

  • Returns


Definition at line 5746 of file dbus-connection.c.

References FALSE, and NULL.


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_connection_unref ( DBusConnection * connection )

Decrements the reference count of a DBusConnection, and finalizes it if the count reaches zero.

Note: it is a bug to drop the last reference to a connection that is still connected.

For shared connections, libdbus will own a reference as long as the connection is connected, so you can know that either you don't have the last reference, or it's OK to drop the last reference. Most connections are shared. dbus_connection_open() and dbus_bus_get() return shared connections.

For private connections, the creator of the connection must arrange for dbus_connection_close() to be called prior to dropping the last reference. Private connections come from dbus_connection_open_private() or dbus_bus_get_private().



对于共享连接,只要连接已连接,libdbus将拥有一个引用,因此您可以知道您没有最后一个引用,也可以删除最后一个引用。 大多数连接是共享的。 dbus_connection_open()和dbus_bus_get()返回共享连接。

对于专用连接,连接的创建者必须安排在删除最后一个引用之前调用dbus_connection_close()。 专用连接来自dbus_connection_open_private()或dbus_bus_get_private()。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection.

Definition at line 2816 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_atomic_dec(), _dbus_current_generation, NULL, and refcount.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_unregister_object_path ( DBusConnection * connection,
const char * path

Unregisters the handler registered with exactly the given path.

It's a bug to call this function for a path that isn't registered. Can unregister both fallback paths and object paths.


为未注册的路径调用此函数是一个错误。 可以注销后备路径和对象路径。

  • Parameters

    connection the connection

    path a '/' delimited string of path elements

  • Returns

    FALSE if not enough memory

Definition at line 5883 of file dbus-connection.c.

References _dbus_decompose_path(), _dbus_object_tree_unregister_and_unlock(), CONNECTION_LOCK, dbus_free_string_array(), FALSE, NULL, objects, and TRUE.


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