* */




try {
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("animal",URLEncoder.encode("i love you -- ** 屎壳郎", "UTF-8"));
response.addCookie(cookie); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {


Cookie[] cs = request.getCookies();
for(Cookie c : cs){
try {
System.out.println(URLDecoder.decode(c.getValue(), "UTF-8"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

forward是服务器内部重定向,程序收到请求后重新定向到另一个程序,客户机并不知道;redirect则是服务器收到请求后发送一个状态头给客 户,客户将再请求一次,这里多了两次网络通信的来往。

package com.weiyuan.goods.user.dao;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanHandler;
import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.ScalarHandler; import com.weiyuan.goods.user.domian.User; import cn.itcast.jdbc.TxQueryRunner; public class UserDao { //操作数据库
private TxQueryRunner qr = new TxQueryRunner(); /***
* 查询用户名是否存在
* @throws SQLException
public boolean ajaxValidateLoginName(String loginName) throws SQLException{
String sql ="select count(*) from t_user where loginname=?";
Number num = (Number) qr.query(sql, new ScalarHandler(),loginName);
int count = num.intValue(); if(count>0){
return true;
return false;
} /***
* 查询邮箱是否存在
* @throws SQLException
public boolean ajaxValidateEmail(String email) throws SQLException{
String sql ="select count(*) from t_user where email=?";
Number num = (Number) qr.query(sql, new ScalarHandler(),email);
int count = num.intValue();
return true;
return false;
} /***
* 添加注册的用户
* @throws SQLException
public void addUser(User user) throws SQLException{
String sql ="insert into t_user values(?,?,?,?,?,?)";
Object[] params = {user.getUid(),user.getLoginname(),user.getLoginpass(),
qr.update(sql, params);
} /*
* 通过激活码获得用户
* */
public User findUserByActivationCode(String activationCode) throws SQLException{ String sql = "select * from t_user where activationCode = ?";
return qr.query(sql, new BeanHandler<User>(User.class),activationCode);
} /*
* 设置用户的激活状态
* */ public void setUserActivationCode(String uuid,int status) throws SQLException{
String sql = "update t_user set status = ? where uid = ? ";
} /*
* 通过用户名和密码查找得到对应的用户
* */ public User findUserByLoginnameAndPass(String loginName,String pass) throws SQLException{
String sql = "select * from t_user where loginname = ? and loginpass = ?";
return qr.query(sql, new BeanHandler<User>(User.class),loginName,pass);
} }


package com.weiyuan.goods.user.service;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Properties; import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.management.RuntimeErrorException; import cn.itcast.commons.CommonUtils;
import cn.itcast.mail.Mail;
import cn.itcast.mail.MailUtils; import com.weiyuan.goods.user.dao.UserDao;
import com.weiyuan.goods.user.domian.User; public class UserService { private UserDao dao = new UserDao(); public boolean ajaxValidateLoginName(String loginName) { try {
return dao.ajaxValidateLoginName(loginName);
} catch (SQLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
} } public boolean ajaxValidateEmail(String email) { try {
return dao.ajaxValidateEmail(email);
} catch (SQLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
} } //添加注册的用户
public void addUser(User user){
String activationCode = CommonUtils.uuid()+CommonUtils.uuid();
user.setStatus(0);//0表示未激活 try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
} //向注册的用户发送邮件
Properties properties = new Properties();
try {
} catch (IOException e1) {
throw new RuntimeException(e1.getMessage());
} String host = properties.getProperty("host"); //qq邮箱发送邮件的地址,端口465或者587
String username=properties.getProperty("username"); //登陆服务器的账号
String password=properties.getProperty("password");//这里不是客户端登陆的密码,而是授权密码一定要注意
Session session = MailUtils.createSession(host, username, password);
String from = properties.getProperty("from");//发件人
String to = user.getEmail();//收件人
String title = properties.getProperty("subject");
String content = properties.getProperty("content");
Object [] array = new Object[]{user.getActivationCode()};
String formatContent = MessageFormat.format(content, user.getActivationCode());//替换占位符
System.out.println("email content is:"+content);
Mail mail = new Mail(from,to,title,formatContent);
try {
MailUtils.send(session, mail);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
} } /*设置用户的激活状态*/ public void activation(String activationCode) throws Exception{
//1 、通过激活码查找对应的用户信息
try {
User user = dao.findUserByActivationCode(activationCode);
if(user == null){
throw new Exception("无效的激活码");//业务异常,业务失败
if(user.getStatus()== 1){
throw new Exception("用户已经既激活,不要二次激活");//业务异常,业务失败
dao.setUserActivationCode(user.getUid(), 1); //1表示激活
} catch (SQLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); // 不是业务的异常吗,而是电脑环境系统数据库的异常,直接退出线程,无法进行业务的操作了
} } /*
* 用户登录的业务操作,这里传递的参数是一个User对象
* */ public User login(User user){ try {
return dao.findUserByLoginnameAndPass(user.getLoginname(),user.getLoginpass());
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
} } }


package com.weiyuan.goods.user.web.servlet;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.collections.map.HashedMap; import com.weiyuan.goods.user.domian.User;
import com.weiyuan.goods.user.service.UserService; import cn.itcast.commons.CommonUtils;
import cn.itcast.servlet.BaseServlet; /**
* Servlet implementation class UserServlet
public class UserServlet extends BaseServlet{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private UserService service = new UserService();
* 用户注册页面使用ajax校验/*
* 用户注册页面使用ajax校验用户名会调用该方法
* *会调用该方法
* */
public String validateLoginname(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String loginName = request.getParameter("loginname");
boolean flag = service.ajaxValidateLoginName(loginName);
return null;
* 用户注册页面使用ajax校验邮箱会调用该方法
* */
public String validateEmail(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//获得用户上传的emai String email = request.getParameter("email");
System.out.println("validateEmail is called"+email);
boolean flag = service.ajaxValidateEmail(email);
return null;
} /*
* 用户注册页面使用ajax校验验证码会调用该方法
* */
public String validateVerifyCode(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String verifyCode = request.getParameter("verifyCode");
String sessionCode = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("vCode");
System.out.println("validateVerifyCode is called"+verifyCode+":"+sessionCode);
boolean flag = sessionCode.equalsIgnoreCase(verifyCode);
return null;
} /*
* 当用户从邮箱点击的激活的时候会调用该方法,并且把激活码传递过来
* */
public String activation(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub String activationCode = request.getParameter("activationCode");
System.out.println("email activationCode is :"+activationCode);
try {
request.setAttribute("code", "success"); //msg.jsp已经code的值来显示错误信息还是正确的信息
request.setAttribute("msg", "激活成功");
return "f:/jsps/msg.jsp";
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = e.getMessage();
request.setAttribute("code", "error"); //msg.jsp已经code的值来显示错误信息还是正确的信息
request.setAttribute("msg", msg);
return "f:/jsps/msg.jsp"; } } /*
* 当用户注册的时候会调用该方法
* */
public String regist(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.out.println("activation is called"); //1、将请求的参数封装成User对象
User user = CommonUtils.toBean(request.getParameterMap(), User.class);
//2 、对传递过来的参数进行校验,把错误的信息封装到一个hashMap中
Map errors = validateParams(user, request);
if(errors.size() > 0){//说明参数错误,跳转到注册界面提示用户输入的参数有误
request.setAttribute("errors", errors);
request.setAttribute("user", user);
return "f:/jsps/user/regist.jsp";
request.setAttribute("code", "success");
request.setAttribute("msg", "用户注册成功,请马上到邮箱进行激活");
return "f:/jsps/msg.jsp"; } /*
* 当用户登录的时候会调用该方法
* */
public String login(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.out.println("activation is called"); /*1、第一步将用户提交的参数封装成javabean对象
* */ User formUser = CommonUtils.toBean(request.getParameterMap(), User.class);
//2 、对传递过来的参数进行校验,把错误的信息封装到一个hashMap中
Map errors = validateParams(formUser, request);
if(errors.size() > 0){//说明参数错误,跳转到注册界面提示用户输入的参数有误
request.setAttribute("errors", errors);
request.setAttribute("user", formUser);
return "f:/jsps/user/login.jsp";
User user =service.login(formUser); //判断用户是否为null
if(user == null){
request.setAttribute("msg", "输入的用户名和密码不正确");
request.setAttribute("user", formUser);
return "f:/jsps/user/login.jsp";
if(0 == user.getStatus()){ //没有激活
request.setAttribute("msg", "当前用户没有激活,请先激活该用户");
request.setAttribute("user", formUser);
return "f:/jsps/user/login.jsp";
request.getSession().setAttribute("sessionUser", user);
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("cookieLoginName", URLEncoder.encode(user.getLoginname(), "utf-8"));
return "r:/index.jsp"; }
} public Map validateParams(User user,HttpServletRequest request){
Map<String, String> map = new HashedMap();
String loginName = user.getLoginname();
if(loginName == null || loginName.isEmpty()){
map.put("loginname", "用户名不能为空");
if(loginName.length() < 3 || loginName.length() > 20){
map.put("loginname", "用户名长度应该在3到20之间");
map.put("loginname", "用户名已经被注册");
} //检查登陆密码
String loginpass = user.getLoginpass();
if(loginpass == null || loginpass.isEmpty()){
map.put("loginpass", "登陆密码不能为空");
if(loginpass.length() < 3 || loginpass.length() > 20){
map.put("loginname", "登陆密码的长度应该在3到20之间");
} //检查确认密码的信息
String reloginpass = user.getReloginpass();
if(reloginpass == null || reloginpass.isEmpty()){
map.put("reloginpass", "登陆密码不能为空");
if(reloginpass.length() < 3 || reloginpass.length() > 20){
map.put("reloginpass", "登陆密码的长度应该在3到20之间");
map.put("reloginpass", "两次输入的密码不一样");
} //检查邮箱
String email = user.getEmail();
if(email == null || email.isEmpty()){
map.put("email", "登陆邮箱不能为空");
map.put("email", "邮箱格式不正确");
} //检查验证码是否相等
String verifyCode = user.getVerifyCode();
String sessionCode =(String) request.getSession().getAttribute("vCode");
map.put("verifyCode", "验证码不正确");
} return map; } public Map validateLoginParams(User user,HttpServletRequest request){
Map<String, String> map = new HashedMap();
String loginName = user.getLoginname();
if(loginName == null || loginName.isEmpty()){
map.put("loginname", "用户名不能为空");
if(loginName.length() < 3 || loginName.length() > 20){
map.put("loginname", "用户名长度应该在3到20之间");
} //检查验证码是否相等
String verifyCode = user.getVerifyCode();
String sessionCode =(String) request.getSession().getAttribute("vCode");
map.put("verifyCode", "验证码不正确");
} return map; } }


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