前面介绍了 YARP 通过配置文件的方式配置代理转发(传送门),而众所周知,微软的一贯作风就是能通过配置文件做的事情,通过编码的方式也能实现!YARP 也不例外,废话不多说,直接上代码!

  首先,参照官方文档,我们先新建一个 InMemoryConfigProvider 类,并且继承 IProxyConfigProvider 接口,类里面还包含了一个  IProxyConfig 的类,别看漏了噢!

  这里多嘴一下,下面的代码出现了 volatile 关键字,介绍一下它:volatile 是 C# 中用于控制同步的关键字,其意义是针对程序中一些敏感数据,不允许多线程同时访问,保证数据在任何访问时刻,最多有一个线程访问,以保证数据的完整性,volatile 是修饰变量的修饰符。

public class InMemoryConfigProvider : IProxyConfigProvider
private volatile InMemoryConfig _config; public InMemoryConfigProvider(IReadOnlyList<RouteConfig> routes, IReadOnlyList<ClusterConfig> clusters)
_config = new InMemoryConfig(routes, clusters);
} public IProxyConfig GetConfig() => _config; public void Update(IReadOnlyList<RouteConfig> routes, IReadOnlyList<ClusterConfig> clusters)
var oldConfig = _config;
_config = new InMemoryConfig(routes, clusters);
} private class InMemoryConfig : IProxyConfig
private readonly CancellationTokenSource _cts = new(); public InMemoryConfig(IReadOnlyList<RouteConfig> routes, IReadOnlyList<ClusterConfig> clusters)
Routes = routes;
Clusters = clusters;
ChangeToken = new CancellationChangeToken(_cts.Token);
} public IReadOnlyList<RouteConfig> Routes { get; } public IReadOnlyList<ClusterConfig> Clusters { get; } public IChangeToken ChangeToken { get; } internal void SignalChange()

  然后添加一个扩展 InMemoryConfigProviderExtensions

public static class InMemoryConfigProviderExtensions
public static IReverseProxyBuilder LoadFromMemory(this IReverseProxyBuilder builder, IReadOnlyList<RouteConfig> routes, IReadOnlyList<ClusterConfig> clusters)
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IProxyConfigProvider>(new InMemoryConfigProvider(routes, clusters));
return builder;

  接下来就是写配置了,我个人还是喜欢在配置文件中写,但是有动态配置需求的话,又不想登录服务器编辑 appsetting 文件,通过编码的方式确实更为方便,将配置写进库或者其它存储方式里面,那将是随心所欲啊!上代码:


var routes = new[]
new RouteConfig()
RouteId = "admin",
ClusterId = "admin",
Match = new RouteMatch
Hosts = new string[] {"test1.ysmc.net.cn" },
Path = "{**catch-all}"
}, new RouteConfig()
RouteId = "blazor",
ClusterId = "blazor",
Match = new RouteMatch
Hosts = new string[] {"test2.ysmc.net.cn" },
Path = "{**catch-all}"
}; var clusters = new[]
new ClusterConfig()
ClusterId = "admin",
LoadBalancingPolicy = "RoundRobin",
Destinations = new Dictionary<string, DestinationConfig>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
{ "admin", new DestinationConfig() { Address = "https://admin.blazor.zone" } }
}, new ClusterConfig()
ClusterId = "blazor",
LoadBalancingPolicy = "RoundRobin",
Destinations = new Dictionary<string, DestinationConfig>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
{ "blazor", new DestinationConfig() { Address = "https://www.blazor.zone" } }
}; builder.Services.AddReverseProxy().LoadFromMemory(routes, clusters);


"ReverseProxy": {
"Routes": {
"admin": {
"ClusterId": "admin",
"Match": {
"Hosts": [ "test1.ysmc.net.cn" ],
"Path": "{**catch-all}"
"blazor": {
"ClusterId": "blazor",
"Match": {
"Hosts": [ "test2.ysmc.net.cn" ],
"Path": "{**catch-all}"
"Clusters": {
"admin": {
"LoadBalancingPolicy": "RoundRobin",
"Destinations": {
"admin": {
"Address": "https://admin.blazor.zone/"
"blazor": {
"LoadBalancingPolicy": "RoundRobin",
"Destinations": {
"blazor": {
"Address": "https://www.blazor.zone/"




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