Back slash is used in windows, which makes so many headache for me. Then an idea came to my mind. It's

  1. writing a python script to modify my clipboard content, and
  2. creating a listary command to call the script.


  1. create the script D:\tool\ with following content.
import re
import clipboard text = clipboard.paste()
lsA = text.splitlines()
lsB = []
for line in lsA:
line = re.sub(r"\\", "/", line)
theMatch ="^\"*(.*?)\"*$", line)
# print(theMatch)
line = f'"{theMatch.groups()[0]}"'
text = "\n".join(lsB)
text += "\n"
# print(text.encode("utf8"))
# print(text)
  1. create listary command

  2. input keyword slash to modify you clipboard content.


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