split($1, arr, “\t”)
sed -n '42p' file
sed '42d' file
sed 's/replace_pattern/replace_str/g' file
sed '/remove_pattern/d' file
sed -i file #(inplace)直接修改读取的文件内容,而不是输出到终端
xargs -n1 -i cmd {} 
  • $HOSTNAME - The hostname of the machine the script is running on.
  • Single quotes will treat every character literally.
  • Double quotes will allow you to do substitution (that is include variables within the setting of the value).
  • read varNameRead input from the user and store it in the variable varName./dev/stdinA file you can read to get the STDIN for the Bash script
  • $(( expression )) Return the result of the expression. ${#var} Return the length of the variable var.


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  2. 判断手机端用户打开页面时是android还是ios,并将判断结果通过ajax返回给url接口,传递回去
  3. Linq 动态查询排序
  4. Open vSwitch实践——VLAN
  5. TargetProcess公司敏捷开发历程-开发实践篇
  6. SPFile的使用
  7. iptables常用命令
  8. Project Euler:Problem 55 Lychrel numbers
  9. JavaSE学习总结第16天_集合框架2
  10. Spring源码情操陶冶-AbstractApplicationContext#finishRefresh
  11. Python进阶:全面解读高级特性之切片!
  12. systemd服务详解-技术流ken
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  14. 背景图片自适应整个页面CSS+DIV
  15. Linux进程间通信之管道(pipe)、命名管道(FIFO)与信号(Signal)
  16. js replace replaceAll
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  18. windows7使用Sphinx+PHP+MySQL详细介绍
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  1. Java50道经典习题-程序50 文件IO
  2. [转]JQ中$(window).load和$(document).ready区别与执行顺序
  3. AutoResetEvent的使用介绍(用AutoResetEvent实现同步)
  4. git常用命令(转)
  5. 毛玻璃CHBlurEffect
  6. 一道面试题关于js中添加动态属性
  7. [SinGuLaRiTy] 高一下半期测试
  8. 高级工程师->架构师
  9. 解释器模式Interpreter详解
  10. Shell脚本标准