Meeting time:   2015.September.29th 1:00~2:00

Chairperson:    Serg Melikyan, PTL from Mirantis

Meeting summary:

1.RabbitMQ Driver

Desc:   Murano used kombu because oslo.messaging uses it.

      In the Liberty, Murano left one bug about the RabbitMQ.

      In the Murano Engine with RabbitMQ and

      Murano Agent with RabbitMQ need to add heartbeat option,

      that allows user to control heartbeats for rabbitmq.

      This would allow users to avoid connection exhaustion in rabbitmq,

      which could happen in case murano gets disconnected from rabbit improperly.

      But the olso.messaging will switch to pika in the Mitaka.

      So this bug will be solved in the Murano Mitaka version.


2.Liberty RC2 Release 

Desc:   The community is willing to release Liberty RC2 on October 1st.

      As a big-tent program murano has more control over its release schedule.

      We may try to release Murano Client Liberty several days

      after the rest of openstack (after the global-reqs is unfrozen).

      Anything which gets from master to stable/liberty is a "backport",

      and Murano shouldn't do it without a really serious reason (except critical bug)

 Action:   Release new version of the client and propose change to global-requirements.



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