Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.


Actually there are many rainbows in our life, even when we think our life is totally darkened by heavy clouds and we can't see any light, even a small glimmer of light.

Sometimes we may see them, and we believe that every cloud may have a silver line, but at the next moment, we find those glimmers disappear and our life is sunk into dark once again.

Such sceneries happened again and agian, then we inevitably lose confidence in life, we think all the bright things we see may be just optical illusions.

You know, when you love the sunset, when you enjoy the lonely time, you may feel sad in your heart.

I feel sad, I feel powerless, every hour and moemnt.

But there are still colorful things around the world that I can enjoy, like the green trees outside the window, but they don't belong to me.

Show me something colorful, show me something hopeful, I will repay you something uimaginable.

Changes and progress very rarely are gifts from above. They come out of struggles from below.


I always hope that one day I can be a lottery winner so that I can buy anything I want, I can do what I love to do.

But the reality tells me the hope may be just daydream, because the probality is so slim.

Maybe the best way to gurantee a happy life with financial freedom is to struggle for it, to improve my abilities in earning money.

Please make clear that you are very common, you are not the one favored by God, you are not unique, and you must earn your life through hard work, otherwise you may have nothing to live on when you get older.


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