
1 用Net::Init()。做了两件事:一、绑架所有的layers和blobs,调用 layers’SetUp() 函数。验证全部网络的正确性等一系列琐碎的事。二、初始化时给出一些日志信息Also, during initialization the Net explains its initialization by logging to INFO as it goes...

2 建网时有很多细节被隐藏,建网后,考虑有什么模式,CPU?GPU? by setting a single switch defined in Caffe::mode() and set by Caffe::set_mode().无论是用哪种模式,结果一样。

3 两种模式无缝连接,独立于模型的定义。为了更好地研究和部署,建议将模型定义和配置分开。The CPU / GPU switch is seamless and independent of the model definition. For research and deployment alike it is best to divide model and implementation.

4 模型的定义:The models are defined in plaintext protocol buffer schema (prototxt) while the learned models are serialized as binary protocol buffer (binaryproto) .caffemodel files.

5 模型的格式:The model format is defined by the protobuf schema in caffe.proto. The source file is mostly self-explanatory so one is encouraged to check it out.

6 谷歌的牛逼:Caffe speaks Google Protocol Buffer for the following strengths:...


  • Nets, Layers, and Blobs: the anatomy of a Caffe model.
  • Forward / Backward: the essential computations of layered compositional models.
  • Loss: the task to be learned is defined by the loss.
  • Solver: the solver coordinates model optimization.
  • Layer Catalogue: the layer is the fundamental unit of modeling and computation – Caffe’s catalogue includes layers for state-of-the-art models.
  • Interfaces: command line, Python, and MATLAB Caffe.
  • Data: how to caffeinate data for model input.
  • For a closer look at a few details:



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