
2、对象实例(它是由构造函数构造出来的对象,使用到关键字 new)



var Person = function Person(living, age, gender) {

    // "this" below is the new object that is being created (i.e. this = new Object();)

this.living = living;

this.age = age;

this.gender = gender;

this.getGender = function() {return this.gender;};


// when the function is called with the new keyword "this" is returned instead of false

// instantiate a Person object named cody

var cody = new Person(true, 33, 'male');

// cody is an object and an instance of Person()

console.log(typeof cody); // logs object

console.log(cody); // logs the internal properties and values of cody

console.log(cody.constructor); // logs the Person() function


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