最近在做PACS的项目中想利用插件来加载各个不同的SCP的操作实现。比如Worklist的查询数据库,可以有多个实现。 比如MPPS的更新,也可以有多个实现。 为了统一弹性处理插件模块,增加了类型输入,用来只加载特定的服务的实现。
public interface ISCPBase
} string CustomModuleName

  public class CustomExtensionManager
[ImportMany(typeof(ISCPBase), AllowRecomposition = true)]
public IEnumerable<ISCPBase> CustomModules { get; set; } public CompositionContainer Container; private Type[] _filterTypes; private ModulesManagerCfg _mgrCfg;
public ModulesManagerCfg ModulesManagerConfig
if (_mgrCfg == null)
_mgrCfg = XmlSerializeHelper<ModulesManagerCfg>.LoadFromFile(@"ModulesManagerCfg.xml");
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.ErrorWithFormat("Failed to load ModulesManagerCfg from ModulesManagerCfg.xml. {0}", ex.Message);
} if (_mgrCfg == null)
Logger.Error("ModulesManagerCfg is null, please check whether ModulesManagerCfg.xml exists.");
} return _mgrCfg;
} /// <summary>
/// Initialize the custom modules by interface type. It is well you can spec types.
/// If you do not care types, you can pass null. It will load all modules if inherited from ISCPBase.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="scpTypes">The type that inherited from ISCPBase. Like IWorklistQuery...</param>
public void Initialize(params Type[] scpTypes)
if (null != scpTypes)
_filterTypes = scpTypes; var catalog = new AggregateCatalog(new TypeCatalog(scpTypes), new DirectoryCatalog(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory)); Container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
var catalog = new AggregateCatalog(new TypeCatalog(scpTypes), new DirectoryCatalog(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory)); Container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
} Container.ComposeParts(this);
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.ErrorWithFormat("Failed to initialize CustomExtensionManager. {0}", ex.Message);
} public ISCPBase GetCurrentUsedModule()
if (null == ModulesManagerConfig)
throw new ArgumentNullException("ModulesManagerCfg is null, please check whether ModulesManagerCfg.xml exists.");
} if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ModulesManagerConfig.CurrentUsedModuleName))
throw new Exception("CurrentUsedModuleName is empty, please check ModulesManagerCfg.xml.");
} if (null == Container)
throw new Exception("Modules container is null, you can check your custom module and call Initialize() function to load modules.");
} //var m = _container.GetExports<ISCPBase>()
// .Where(e => e.Value.CustomModuleName.Equals(ModulesManagerConfig.CurrentUsedModuleName))
// .FirstOrDefault(); //if (null != m)
// return m.Value;
//} //return null; if (null == _filterTypes)
var m = CustomModules.FirstOrDefault(e => e.CustomModuleName.Equals(ModulesManagerConfig.CurrentUsedModuleName));
return m;
var m = from c in CustomModules
                         where _filterTypes.All(f => f.IsAssignableFrom(c.GetType()))
                         select c;

                return m.FirstOrDefault();


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