// check if wap
function check_wap(){
if(stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'],"wap")){// 先检查是否为wap代理,准确度高
return true;
}elseif(strpos(strtoupper($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']),"VND.WAP.WML") > 0){// 检查浏览器是否接受 WML.
return true;
}elseif(preg_match('/(blackberry|configuration\/cldc|hp |hp-|htc |htc_|htc-|iemobile|kindle|midp|mmp|motorola|mobile|nokia|opera mini|opera |Googlebot-Mobile|YahooSeeker\/M1A1-R2D2|android|iphone|ipod|mobi|palm|palmos|pocket|portalmmm|ppc;|smartphone|sonyericsson|sqh|spv|symbian|treo|up.browser|up.link|vodafone|windows ce|xda |xda_)/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){//检查USER_AGENT
return true;
return false;
} } if(check_wap()){
echo "手机";
echo "电脑";


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