General keyboard shortcuts

1.Ctrl + Right Arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word  向右移动光标到下个文字开始

2.Ctrl + Left Arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word 向左移动光标到下个文字开始

3.Ctrl + Shift with an arrow key Select a block of text 连续选中一块内容

4.F3 Search for a file or folder 搜索文件或目录

5.Alt + Enter Display properties for the selected item 显示选中项的属性

6.Alt + Spacebar Open the shortcut menu for the active window 显示当前窗口的快捷键

7.Alt + Esc Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened 循环已打开的窗口

8.Right Arrow Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu 打开当前菜单的子菜单

9.Left Arrow Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu 关闭当前菜单的子菜单

10.Alt + Up Arrow View the folder one level up in Windows Explorer 返回上一级目录

11.Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager 打开任务管理器

Dialog box keyboard shortcuts

1.Ctrl + Tab Move forward through tabs 顺序选中对话框中的可选项

2.Ctrl + Shift + Tab Move back through tabs 倒序选中对话框中的可选项

3.Backspace Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box 返回上级目录

4.F4 Display the items in the active list 显示对话框的下拉列表

Windows logo key keyboard shortcuts

1.Windows logo key  + M Minimize all windows. 最小化所有窗口

2.Windows logo key  + L Lock your computer or switch users 锁定屏幕或切换用户

3.Windows logo key  + R Open the Run dialog box.  打开运行对话框

4.Windows logo key  + T Cycle through programs on the taskbar. 循环选中任务栏打开的内容

5.Windows logo key  + Up Arrow Maximize the window.

6.Windows logo key  + Left Arrow Maximize the window to the left side of the screen. 最大化当前窗口至左侧

7.Windows logo key  + Right Arrow Maximize the window to the right side of the screen. 最大化当前窗口至右侧

8.Windows logo key  +  Down Arrow Minimize the window. 最小化当前窗口

9.Windows logo key  + Home Minimize all but the active window. 最小化非当前窗口

10.Windows logo key  + P Choose a presentation display mode. 选择屏幕呈现方式

11.Windows logo key  + X Open Windows Mobility Center. 打开移动中心


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