Neutron API中大多的resource都需要quota limits。

Neutron API暴露出一个extension 来管理quota,Quota limits are enforced at the API layer,

Plugin and ML2 drivers唯一例外是subnet_allocation[1] extension。

不支持per user and 多租户嵌套。

High Level View


  • The Quota API extension;
  • The Quota Engine.

quota driver:

  • neutron.db.quota.driver.DbQuotaDriver
  • neutron.quota.ConfDriver

The latter driver is however deprecated.

Quota Management

和其他Neutron extensions不同,它 有自己的own controller class [3].

其中_update_attributes只被调用一次,它会动态的更新Neutron’s resource attribute map [4]

driver operations包括:

  • delete_tenant_quota, which simply removes all entries from the ‘quotas’ table for a given tenant identifier;
  • update_quota_limit, which adds or updates an entry in the ‘quotas’ tenant for a given tenant identifier and a given resource name;
  • _get_quotas, which fetches limits for a set of resource and a given tenant identifier
  • _get_all_quotas, which behaves like _get_quotas, but for all tenants.

Resource Usage Info

  • CountableResource
  • TrackedResource

Quota Enforcement

  • 通过count方法得到当前资源的usages.
  • 通过 _get_tenant_quotas 得到租户的quota.
  • usages减去expired reservations .
  • 计算可用资源,与请求资源对比.

Setting up Resource Tracking for a Plugin

port=models_v2.Port, subnet=models_v2.Subnet, subnetpool=models_v2.SubnetPool)
[1] Subnet allocation extension:
[2] DB Quota driver class:
[3] Quota API extension controller:
[4] Neutron resource attribute map:
[5] Base controller class:


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