


用法:   tail [必要参数] [选择参数]   [文件]



功能:  输出文件的末尾部分


1) -n <k行数>                                     显示文件末尾k行内容

2) -c <k字节数>                                  显示文件末尾k个字节数

3) -f                   循环读取               

4) -q                  不显示处理信息

5) -v                  显示详细的处理信息


1)[root@localhost Documents]# tail -n 5 ./tail_text          查看文件后5行的内容

[root@localhost Documents]# cat tail_text
> the first line!
> the second line!
> the third line!
> the forth line!
> the fifth line!
> the sixth line!
> o7 the seventh line!
> the eighth line!
> the nineth line!
> the tenth line!
> the eleven line!
> the twelve line!
[root@localhost Documents]# tail -n ./tail_text
> the eighth line!
> the nineth line!
> the tenth line!
> the eleven line!
> the twelve line!

    等价于tail -5  text_tail  查看后5行的内容

[root@localhost Documents]# tail - tail_text
> the eighth line!
> the nineth line!
> the tenth line!
> the eleven line!
> the twelve line!

2)[root@localhost Documents]# tail -n +5 tail_text             从第5行开始显示

[root@localhost Documents]# tail -n + tail_text
> the fifth line!
> the sixth line!
> o7 the seventh line!
> the eighth line!
> the nineth line!
> the tenth line!
> the eleven line!
> the twelve line!

3)[root@localhost Documents]# head -n -5 tail_text与[root@localhost Documents]# tail -n -5 tail_text

[root@localhost Documents]# head -n  tail_text          //显示文件前5行的内容
> the first line!
> the second line!
> the third line!
> the forth line!
> the fifth line!
[root@localhost Documents]# head -n - tail_text          //除了文件后五行全部显示
> the first line!
> the second line!
> the third line!
> the forth line!
> the fifth line!
> the sixth line!
> o7 the seventh line! //head命令的-n参数,当后面的整数为正为负是有区别的
[root@localhost Documents]# tail -n tail_text //tail命令的-n参数,当后面的整数为正为负是一样的
> the eighth line!
> the nineth line!
> the tenth line!
> the eleven line!
> the twelve line!
[root@localhost Documents]# tail -n - tail_text //都是显示末尾的整数的绝对值行
> the eighth line!
> the nineth line!
> the tenth line!
> the eleven line!
> the twelve line!

4)[root@localhost Documents]# tail -c 30 tail_text                     显示末尾的字节数

[root@localhost Documents]# tail -c  tail_text
n line!
> the twelve line!
[root@localhost Documents]# tail -c - tail_text
n line!
> the twelve line!
[root@localhost Documents]# head -c tail_text
> the first line!
> the [root@localhost Documents]# head -c - tail_text
> the first line!
> the second line!
> the third line!
> the forth line!
> the fifth line!
> the sixth line!
> o7 the seventh line!
> the eighth line!
> the nineth line!
> the tenth line!
> the eleve[root@localhost Documents]#

5)[root@localhost Documents]# tail -f tail_text               循环读取内容输出到标准输出

[root@localhost Documents]# tail -f tail_text                             //默认是后10行
> the third line!
> the forth line!
> the fifth line!
> the sixth line!
> o7 the seventh line!
> the eighth line!
> the nineth line!
> the tenth line!
> the eleven line!
> the twelve line!
[root@localhost Documents]# tail -f -n tail_text //也可以自己指定
> the first line!
> the second line!
> the third line!
> the forth line!
> the fifth line!
> the sixth line!
> o7 the seventh line!
> the eighth line!
> the nineth line!
> the tenth line!
> the eleven line!
> the twelve line!
[]+ 已停止 tail -f -n tail_text
[root@localhost Documents]# tail -f -n tail_text
> the sixth line!
> o7 the seventh line!
> the eighth line!
> the nineth line!
> the tenth line!
> the eleven line!
> the twelve line!


[root@localhost Documents]# tail -f tail_text>tempory
[]+ 已停止 tail -f tail_text > tempory
[root@localhost Documents]# cat tempory
> the third line!
> the forth line!
> the fifth line!
> the sixth line!
> o7 the seventh line!
> the eighth line!
> the nineth line!
> the tenth line!
> the eleven line!
> the twelve line!

6)[root@localhost Documents]# tail -n +5 tail_text与[root@localhost Documents]# tail -n 5 tail_text

[root@localhost Documents]# tail -n + tail_text
> the fifth line!
> the sixth line!
> o7 the seventh line!
> the eighth line!
> the nineth line!
> the tenth line!
> the eleven line!
> the twelve line!
[root@localhost Documents]# tail -n tail_text
> the eighth line!
> the nineth line!
> the tenth line!
> the eleven line!
> the twelve line!
[root@localhost Documents]# head -n + tail_text
> the first line!
> the second line!
> the third line!
> the forth line!
> the fifth line!
[root@localhost Documents]# head -n tail_text
> the first line!
> the second line!
> the third line!
> the forth line!
> the fifth line!

7)[root@localhost Documents]# tail -n +10 tail_text |head -n -2

[root@localhost Documents]# tail -n + tail_text       //从第10行显示到尾部
> the tenth line!
> the eleven line!
> the twelve line!
[root@localhost Documents]# head -n - tail_text //除了末尾两行之外前面的都显示
> the first line!
> the second line!
> the third line!
> the forth line!
> the fifth line!
> the sixth line!
> o7 the seventh line!
> the eighth line!
> the nineth line!
> the tenth line!
[root@localhost Documents]# tail -n + tail_text |head -n -2 //综合起来,用管道命令就是后一个命令处理前面的结果,因此达到只显示第10行的效果
> the tenth line!
[root@localhost Documents]#


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