
  • Physical Machines: All Eucalyptus components must be installed on physical machines, not virtual machines.


  • Central Processing Units (CPUs): We recommend that each machine in your Eucalyptus cloud contain either an Intel or AMD processor with a minimum of two, 2GHz cores.


  • Operating Systems: Eucalyptus supports the following Linux distributions: CentOS 6 and RHEL 6. Eucalyptus only supports 64-bit architecture.

操作系统:桉树支持以下Linux发行版:CentOS 6和RHEL 6。桉树只支持64位。

  • Machine Clocks: Each Eucalyptus component machine and any client machine clocks must be synchronized (for example, using NTP). These clocks must be synchronized all the time, not just at installation.


  • Hypervisor: CentOS 6 and RHEL 6 installations must have KVM installed and configured on NC host machines. When you install Eucalyptus from packages, KVM will be installed on all NCs.Machine Access: Verify that all machines in your network allow SSH login, and that root or sudo access is available on each of them.

虚拟机监控程序:CentOS 6和RHEL 6安装的时候必须已经安装有KVM并且已经配置好节点控制器(NC)在主机上。当你通过包管理工具安装桉树云环境时,KVM必须已经被安装在所有的节点控制器上面。机器访问:验证所有机器在您的网络允许SSH登录,并且保证root账户或sudo访问都是可用的。

>> For information about using KVM on CentOS 6, go to the Virtualization page.

更多信息关于使用KVM在CentOS 6,去虚拟化页面。

>> For more information about using KVM on RHEL 6, go to the Virtualization page in the Red Hat documentation.

更过信息关于使用KVM在RHEL 6 ,去虚拟化页面在Red Hat帮助文档。

>> VMware-based installations do not include NCs, but must have a VMware hypervisor pool installed and configured (VMware versions 4.0, 4.1 and 5.0).



  • Each machine in your network needs a minimum of 30 GB of storage.

每台机器在你的网络需要至少30 GB的存储空间。

  • We recommend at least 100GB for Walrus and SC hosts running Linux VMs. We recommend at least 250GB for Walrus and SC hosts running Windows VMs.

建议运行海象和运行Linux vm的SC主机至少有100 gb的硬盘存储空间。建议运行海象和运行Windows vm的SC主机至少有250 gb的硬盘存储空间。

  • We recommend a range of 50-100GB per NC host running Linux VMs, and at least 250GB per NC host for running Windows VMs. Note that larger available disk space enables greater number of VMs.

我们推荐一系列50 - 100 gb /运行每一个Linux节点的虚拟机,至少250 gb 运行每一个Windows节点的虚拟机。注意,大的可用磁盘空间可能让系统运行更多的虚拟机。

  • Each machine in your network needs a minimum of 4 GB RAM. However, we recommend more RAM for improved caching.

每台机器在你的网络需要至少4 GB RAM。当然,我们推荐使用更大的RAM来提高性能。


  • All NCs must have access to a minimum of 1Gb Ethernet network connectivity.

所有NC必须获得至少1 gb网络带宽。

  • All Eucalyptus components must have at least one Network Interface Card (NIC) for a base-line deployment. For better network isolation and scale, the CC should have two NICS (one facing the CLC/user network and one facing the NC/VM network). For HA configurations that include network failure resilience, each machine should have one extra NIC for each functional NIC (they will be bonded and connected to separate physical network hardware components).

桉树所有组件必须至少有一个网络接口卡(NIC)对于基本部署。为了有更好的网络隔离和规模,CC应该有两个网卡(一个面对CLC /用户网络和一个面对NC/虚拟机网络)。对于HA配置,包括网络故障恢复,每台机器应该有一个额外的网卡对于每个功能网卡(他们将保护和连接到不同的物理网络硬件组件)。

  • Some configurations require that machines hosting a CC have two network interfaces, each with a minimum of 1Gb Ethernet.

  有些配置要求机器托管CC有两个网络接口,每一个都有至少1 gb的以太网。

  • Depending on the feature set that is to be deployed, the network ports connecting the Ethernet interfaces may need to allow VLAN trunking.


说明:VLAN也就是在交换机上逻辑虚拟出来的LAN,每个VLAN都是一个独立的局域网,即在没有三层路由的情况VLAN之间无法进行通讯。在了解VLAN中继之前,请记住:每个VLAN中的接口只允许该VLAN的数据通过。VLAN中继技术可以说是为了解决多台交换机相联,并且这时每个交换机上面同时划分了多个VLAN的情况下(比如vlan 10 20 30),那么连接在不同交换机上的电脑(在同VLAN)需要互相通讯时,由于每VLAN中的接口只允许该VLAN的数据通过,在没有中继技术时有多少个VLAN通讯,就需要连接多少根网线来分别传输每个VLAN的数据。这样是不现实的,浪费交换机接口,网线。VLAN中继就解决了这样的问题,中继允许把交换机互联的接口配置成中继接口,中继接口可以承载多个VLAN的数据,即交换机上面所有的VLAN都可以在中继接口上通过。

  • Depending on some configurations, Eucalyptus requires that you make available two sets of IP addresses. The first range is private, to be used only within the Eucalyptus system itself. The second range is public, to be routable to and from end-users and VM instances. Both sets must be unique to Eucalyptus, not in use by other components or applications within your network.


  • The network interconnecting physical servers hosting Eucalyptus components (except the CC and NC) must support UDP multicast for IP address Note that UDP multicast is not used over the network that interconnects the CC to the NCs.




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