We were just children and grown up close
How we made it this far only god knows
We bend the rules
Smashed our cars
Played with fire and broke our heart
Somehow came out laughing through the tears
Sure don't seem like twenty years

Drove into the desert and tape some care
Fill into the circle just like square peg
Growing one add a flower tap
How to make it become a car
I still taste the scoff we never did
Sure don't seem like twenty years

Danny dies of aids 
Ryan dies of loneliness
Ricky dies try to make that turn 
For all of us survivors 
Stop and remember 
Those of us whose candles aren't burn anymore

For the classes that we ditched 
For the precious stolen kiss 
For the bridges that we burned 
And the lessons that we learned
And the school lamp on the street 
For the long eyes that we beat 
And the stars that we wear 
And the memories we share
Raise your glass up one more final cheer 
Sure don't seem like twenty years 
Sure don't feel like twenty years 
Sure don't seem like twenty years

┄┄┄ The End ┄┄┄


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