
下面展示用shell命令的和Java api两种方式:

In versions 0.90.x of hbase and earlier, we had a simple script that would rename the hdfs table directory and then do an edit of the hbase:meta table replacing all mentions of the old table name with the new. The script was called ./bin/rename_table.rb. The script was deprecated and removed mostly because it was unmaintained and the operation performed by the script was brutal.

As of hbase 0.94.x, you can use the snapshot facility renaming a table. Here is how you would do it using the hbase shell:

1. hbase shell

hbase shell> disable 'tableName'
hbase shell> snapshot 'tableName', 'tableSnapshot'
hbase shell> clone_snapshot 'tableSnapshot', 'newTableName'
hbase shell> delete_snapshot 'tableSnapshot'
hbase shell> drop 'tableName'

2. Java api

 public static boolean renameHBaseTable(String oldTableName) throws Exception {
Connection con = ConnectionFactory.createConnection();
Admin admin = con.getAdmin(); String snapshotName = oldTableName + "_snap";
String newTableName = oldTableName + "_ueser_delete";
admin.snapshot(snapshotName, TableName.valueOf(oldTableName));
admin.cloneSnapshot(snapshotName, TableName.valueOf(newTableName));
admin.deleteTable(TableName.valueOf(oldTableName)); return true;


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