In XPages, CGI variables are also available, but you need to write some code to get them via the JSF context.

Here is a complete, functional JavasScript example of how to get and print the remote address of the incoming browser request:

print("Remote Address: " + facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest().getRemoteAddr());

This server-side JavaScript library makes most useful CGI variables conveniently available in a new "CGIVariables" JavaScript object:

      This server-side JavaScript library implements a class named "CGIVariables" which allows for easy access 
      to most CGI variables in XPages via JavaScript. 
      For example, to dump the remote users name, IP address and browser string to the server console, use: 

      var cgi = new CGIVariables(); 
      print ("Username: " + cgi.REMOTE_USER); 
      print ("Address : " + cgi.REMOTE_ADDR); 
      print ("Browser : " + cgi.HTTP_USER_AGENT); 
      Written July 2008 by Thomas Gumz, IBM. 

function CGIVariables() { 

      // setup our object by getting refs to the request and servlet objects         
      try { 
              this.request = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest(); 
              this.servlet = facesContext.getExternalContext().getContext(); 
      } catch(e) { 
              print (e.message); 

      this.prototype.AUTH_TYPE            = this.request.getAuthType(); 
      this.prototype.CONTENT_LENGTH       = this.request.getContentLength(); 
      this.prototype.CONTENT_TYPE         = this.request.getContentType(); 
      this.prototype.CONTEXT_PATH         = this.request.getContextPath(); 
      this.prototype.GATEWATY_INTERFACE   = "CGI/1.1"; 
      this.prototype.HTTPS                = this.request.isSecure() ? "ON" : "OFF"; 
      this.prototype.PATH_INFO            = this.request.getPathInfo(); 
      this.prototype.PATH_TRANSLATED      = this.request.getPathTranslated(); 
      this.prototype.QUERY_STRING         = this.request.getQueryString(); 
      this.prototype.REMOTE_ADDR          = this.request.getRemoteAddr(); 
      this.prototype.REMOTE_HOST          = this.request.getRemoteHost(); 
      this.prototype.REMOTE_USER          = this.request.getRemoteUser(); 
      this.prototype.REQUEST_METHOD       = this.request.getMethod(); 
      this.prototype.REQUEST_SCHEME       = this.request.getScheme(); 
      this.prototype.REQUEST_URI          = this.request.getRequestURI(); 
      this.prototype.SCRIPT_NAME          = this.request.getServletPath(); 
      this.prototype.SERVER_NAME          = this.request.getServerName(); 
      this.prototype.SERVER_PORT          = this.request.getServerPort(); 
      this.prototype.SERVER_PROTOCOL      = this.request.getProtocol(); 
      this.prototype.SERVER_SOFTWARE      = this.servlet.getServerInfo(); 

      // these are not really CGI variables, but useful, so lets just add them for convenience 
      this.prototype.HTTP_ACCEPT          = this.request.getHeader("Accept"); 
      this.prototype.HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING = this.request.getHeader("Accept-Encoding"); 
      this.prototype.HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = this.request.getHeader("Accept-Language"); 
      this.prototype.HTTP_CONNECTION      = this.request.getHeader("Connection"); 
      this.prototype.HTTP_COOKIE          = this.request.getHeader("Cookie");         
      this.prototype.HTTP_HOST            = this.request.getHeader("Host");         
      this.prototype.HTTP_REFERER         = this.request.getHeader("Referer"); 
      this.prototype.HTTP_USER_AGENT      = this.request.getHeader("User-Agent"); 

You can also find this server-side JavaScript library in the Domino 8.5 "discussion8.ntf" template as "xpCGIVariables..jss". 
Below is a sample XPage which uses the script library to print some CGI variables to the server console:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<xp:view xmlns:xp="" 
      xmlns:xc="" createForm="false"> 
              <xp:script src="/xpCGIVariables.jss" clientSide="false"></xp:script> 
      <xp:this.beforePageLoad><![CDATA[#{javascript:var cgi = new CGIVariables(); 
print ("Username: " + cgi.REMOTE_USER); 
print ("Address : " + cgi.REMOTE_ADDR); 
print ("Browser : " + cgi.HTTP_USER_AGENT); 

Note: For performance reasons, it is recommended to cache CGI variables (for example, in the sessionScope) once you retrieved the


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