using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq.Expressions; namespace INPEXOne.LearnCS
class RefletLambdaDelegate
static object[] parameters = new object[] { , };
public delegate int addDelegate(int a, int b); public int add(int a ,int b)
return a + b;
} public static void Main()
RefletLambdaDelegate rld=new RefletLambdaDelegate();
MethodInfo add = typeof(RefletLambdaDelegate).GetMethod("add");
Console.WriteLine("The add result from using the reflection is : {0}",add.Invoke(rld, parameters)); //利用Lambda表达式树调用add方法.
Expression<Func<int, int, int>> extree = (a,b) => rld.add(a, b);
Func<int, int, int> delinstance = extree.Compile();
int result = delinstance(int.Parse(parameters[].ToString()), int.Parse(parameters[].ToString()));
Console.WriteLine("The add result from using the LambdaTree is : {0}",result); //利用Lambda表达式调用add方法.
Func<int, int, int> addLambda = (c, d) => rld.add(c, d);
int result1 = addLambda(int.Parse(parameters[].ToString()), int.Parse(parameters[].ToString()));
Console.WriteLine("The add result from using the Lambda without tree is : {0}",result1); //利用委托调用add方法.
addDelegate addDelgateInstance = new addDelegate(rld.add);
int result2 = addDelgateInstance(int.Parse(parameters[].ToString()), int.Parse(parameters[].ToString()));
Console.WriteLine("The add result from using the delegate is : {0}", result2); //利用匿名方法调用add方法.
addDelegate AnonymousInstance = delegate(int a, int b) { return rld.add(a,b); };
int result3 = AnonymousInstance(int.Parse(parameters[].ToString()), int.Parse(parameters[].ToString()));
Console.WriteLine("The add result from using the anonymous method is : {0}", result3);



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