#author xiaoweige
#todo: ip -- > ingredient or ingredient -- > ip

#todo: get the ip of the given ingredient
function ingredient_ip() {
#todo: get the ip of the ingredient given
  mysql -uroot -pengine -e "select * from ipandingredient.ipandingredient where env ='$1' and ingredient='$2'"
#todo: not sure what the ingredient is
function search_ingredient() {
  mysql -uroot -pengine -e "use ipandingredient ;select * from ipandingredient where ingredient like '%${1}%' "

#todo: get the ip of the ingredient given
function ip_ingredient() {
  mysql -uroot -pengine -e "use ipandingredient; select * from ipandingredient where env='$1' and ip='$2' "


function usage() {
  echo "to get ingredient USAGE: ./$0 ip"
  echo "to get ip USAGE: ./$0 ingredient"
  echo "search ingredient ./$0 sth"


function main(){
  if [ $# -eq 0 ]
  elif [ $# -eq 1 ]
    search_ingredient $1
  elif [ $# -eq 2 ]
  argtype=`echo $2|egrep [1-9+\.]`
  if [ -z $argtype ]
    ingredient_ip $1 $2
    ip_ingredient_ip $1 $2

main $*


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