
1. Passive ----> Active

The bag is stolen by him.

One the whole, such a conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence,but only if the child can be assumed to have had

the same attitude towards the test as the other with whom he is compared, and only if he was not punished by lack of relevant information

which they possessed.

2. Looking for substitute words

是.......的, 为.......所,让.......给

The enemies were attacked by us.  受到,遭到

3. 科技文献用“可以”

The oid is used as perfume. 油可以用来做香水

4. 有”被“不用”被“

The door is closed.


1.Today this treasury of silt is trappped behind the dam,and there is no effective system.....

silt: n 淤泥,泥沙  vt. 使淤积;充塞


语气强度 Nonetheless/Nevertheless--> However-->but-->yet-->while-->and

2.Yet the Nile has been changed by modern man in ways not yet fully understood.


3.Because it is very slippery, it is used for lubrication.

lubrication:n. 润滑,加油;油润


4.When the crude oil is obtained from the field, it is taken to the refinery to be treated. The commonest form of treatment is heating.

When the oid is heating,the first vapors to rise are cooled and become the finest petrol.

Petrol has a low boiling point;if a little is poured into the hand,it soon vaporized. Gas that comes off the oil later is condensed into paraffin.

Last of all the lubricating oils of various grades are produced.What remains is heavy oil that is used as fuel.

refinery: n. 精炼厂;精炼设备;提炼厂;冶炼厂

vapor: n. 水汽,水蒸气 v. 自夸,(使)蒸发

paraffin: n. 硬石蜡;石蜡 [ˈpærəfɪn]



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