EasuUI-js(EasyUI formatter格式化教程) 判断常用:


formatter : function(c1, row,index) {
var a = "";
if(c1 == "Y"){
a = a + "<div style = \"background-color:00FF\"> 正确</div>";
}else if(c2 == "N"){ a = a + "<div style = \"background-color:FF0000\"> 错误</div>"; }else{
return a;


2.NULL和非NULL判断 并且悬浮显示单元格内容:


formatter : function(value, row, index) {

var a = "";

if(value == null){


return "" + value + "";





formatter : function(value, row, index) {

var a = "";

if(value == "A"){

a = a + "<div style="background-color:#ff0" >申请中


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