相信了解机器学习的对MNIST不会陌生,Google的工程师Yaroslav Bulatov 创建了notMNIST,它和MNIST类似,图像28x28,也有10个Label(A-J)。

在Tensorflow中已经封装好了读取MNIST数据集的函数 read_data_sets(),

from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.datasets.mnist import read_data_sets
mnist = read_data_sets("data", one_hot=True, reshape=False, validation_size=0)



 import numpy, imageio, glob, sys, os, random
#Imageio 提供简单的用于读写图像数据的接口
#glob 功能类似于文件搜索,查找文件只用到三个匹配符:”*”, “?”, “[]”。”*”匹配0个或多个字符;”?”匹配单个字符;”[]”匹配指定范围内的字符,如:[0-9]匹配数字。
def get_labels_and_files(folder, number):
# Make a list of lists of files for each label
filelists = []
for label in range(0,10):
filelist = []
dirname = os.path.join(folder, chr(ord('A') + label))
#label实际为0-9,chr(ord('A') + label)返回A-J
for file in os.listdir(dirname):
if (file.endswith('.png')):
fullname = os.path.join(dirname, file)
if (os.path.getsize(fullname) > 0):
print('file ' + fullname + ' is empty')
# sort each list of files so they start off in the same order
# regardless of how the order the OS returns them in
filelist.sort() # Take the specified number of items for each label and
# build them into an array of (label, filename) pairs
# Since we seeded the RNG, we should get the same sample each run
labelsAndFiles = []
for label in range(0,10):
filelist = random.sample(filelists[label], number)
#随机采样 设定个数的文件名
for filename in filelist:
labelsAndFiles.append((label, filename))
return labelsAndFiles def make_arrays(labelsAndFiles):
images = []
labels = []
for i in range(0, len(labelsAndFiles)): # display progress, since this can take a while
if (i % 100 == 0):
sys.stdout.write("\r%d%% complete" % ((i * 100)/len(labelsAndFiles)))
#\r 返回第一个指针,覆盖前面的内容
sys.stdout.flush() filename = labelsAndFiles[i][1]
image = imageio.imread(filename)
# If this happens we won't have the requested number
print("\nCan't read image file " + filename) count = len(images)
imagedata = numpy.zeros((count,28,28), dtype=numpy.uint8)
labeldata = numpy.zeros(count, dtype=numpy.uint8)
for i in range(0, len(labelsAndFiles)):
imagedata[i] = images[i]
labeldata[i] = labels[i]
return imagedata, labeldata def write_labeldata(labeldata, outputfile):
header = numpy.array([0x0801, len(labeldata)], dtype='>i4')
with open(outputfile, "wb") as f:
#这里使用了 with 语句,不管在处理文件过程中是否发生异常,都能保证 with 语句执行完毕后已经关闭了打开的文件句柄
f.write(labeldata.tobytes()) def write_imagedata(imagedata, outputfile):
header = numpy.array([0x0803, len(imagedata), 28, 28], dtype='>i4')
with open(outputfile, "wb") as f:
f.write(imagedata.tobytes()) def main(argv):
# Uncomment the line below if you want to seed the random
# number generator in the same way I did to produce the
# specific data files in this repo.
# random.seed(int("notMNIST", 36))
#当我们设置相同的seed,每次生成的随机数相同。如果不设置seed,则每次会生成不同的随机数 labelsAndFiles = get_labels_and_files(argv[1], int(argv[2]))
random.shuffle(labelsAndFiles) imagedata, labeldata = make_arrays(labelsAndFiles)
write_labeldata(labeldata, argv[3])
write_imagedata(imagedata, argv[4]) if __name__=='__main__':
#Make a script both importable and executable
#如果我们是直接执行某个.py文件的时候,该文件中那么”__name__ == '__main__'“是True
#如果被别的模块import,__name__!='__main__',这样main()就不会执行 main(sys.argv)



curl -o notMNIST_small.tar.gz http://yaroslavvb.com/upload/notMNIST/notMNIST_small.tar.gz
curl -o notMNIST_large.tar.gz http://yaroslavvb.com/upload/notMNIST/notMNIST_large.tar.gz
tar xzf notMNIST_small.tar.gz
tar xzf notMNIST_large.tar.gz


python convert_to_mnist_format.py notMNIST_small  data/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte data/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte
python convert_to_mnist_format.py notMNIST_large data/train-labels-idx1-ubyte data/train-images-idx3-ubyte
gzip data/*ubyte



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