Well, as a college student,I haven't realized how important the English is .

But as a web programmer,I do realize the importance of learning English.

I am not writing an English composition.I just want to emphasize the importance for

us programmers to grasp this ability of learning English.

Yes ,I am trying to read a lot of  technique books in English about web design ,

html5 , Nodejs , javascript and so on.

Why do I persist in learning programming this way?

I think I can get the first-hand computer techniques by  reading English books,visiting

foreign websites.

As a web programmer , I usually have to find some expert documents about

HTML5 , javascript and any other information related .

What should I do ? Just put some keywords in "Baidu searching bar".

No , that is not what I expected.

I usually search  documents which is important for me by searching things in the

"google" or "bing".

It is not that "Baidu" is not strong enough ,acutally it usually can handle

our daily programming problems.

But what  if you are desiring to get a expert manual or document that can't be searched

in national resources ?

well foreign website is a good choice.

For example ,when you want to learn a new technique that not a bunch of people

are researching in it in China,in that case , there is no way for us to grasp the

technology.Then ,maybe you have to visit the foreign website to get much information.

In another way, we are using English programming every day.

Don't you think it is time for us to learn English better?

Maybe someone would say that his or her English is terrible.

What I want to say is that just persist learning English daily ,you will find

another window to grasp technologies and a way to handle your problems .

If there is any grammar or spelling errors ,welcome to point them out.

thanks .


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