
Problem Description
Bill is a millionaire. But unfortunately he was trapped in a castle. There are only n passages to go out. For any passage i (1<=i<=n), Pi (0<=Pi<=1) denotes the probability that Bill will escape from this castle safely if he chose this passage. Qi (0<=Qi<=1-Pi)
denotes the probability that there is a group of guards in this passage. And Bill should give them one million dollars and go back. Otherwise, he will be killed. The probability of this passage had a dead end is 1-Pi-Qi. In this case Bill has to go back. Whenever
he came back, he can choose another passage.

We already know that Bill has M million dollars. Help Bill to find out the probability that he can escape from this castle if he chose the optimal strategy.
The first line contains an integer T (T<=100) indicating the number of test cases.

The first line of each test case contains two integers n (1<=n<=1000) and M (0<=M<=10).

Then n lines follows, each line contains two float number Pi and Qi.
For each test case, print the case number and the answer in a single line.

The answer should be rounded to five digits after the decimal point.

Follow the format of the sample output.
Sample Input
1 10
0.5 0
2 0
0.3 0.4
0.4 0.5
3 0
0.333 0.234
0.353 0.453
0.342 0.532
Sample Output
Case 1: 0.50000
Case 2: 0.43000
Case 3: 0.51458


T组測试数据,一个人困在了城堡中,有n个通道,m百万money ,每一个通道能直接逃出去的概率为 P[i] ,遇到士兵的概率为 q[i],遇到士兵得给1百万money,否则会被杀掉,还有 1-p[i]-q[i] 的概率走不通,要回头。问在能够选择的情况下,逃出去的概率是多少?


首先,n个通道要选择哪个先走哪个后走呢?假设暴力是2^n,显然不可取。仅仅须要贪心,选择逃生概率最大的通道,也就是 p[i]/q[i]最大的优先。

用 dp[i][j]记录 还剩j次机会,已经走到第i个通道能逃生的概率。



(2)走不通,dp[i+1][j]+=dp[i][j]*( 1-p[i]-q[i] )



#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; const int maxn=1100; struct route{
double p,q;
friend bool operator < (route a,route b){
return a.p/a.q>b.p/b.q;
}r[maxn]; int n,m;
double dp[maxn][20]; void input(){
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int i=0;i<=n;i++){
for(int j=0;j<=m;j++){
} double solve(){
double ans=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int j=m;j>=0;j--){
if(j-1>=0) dp[i+1][j-1]+=dp[i][j]*r[i].q;
return ans;
} int main(){
int t;
for(int i=1;i<=t;i++){
printf("Case %d: %.5lf\n",i,solve());
return 0;


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