

What is “End to End Testing?

Term “End to End testing is defined as a testing method which determines whether the performance of an application is as per the requirement or not. It is performed from start to finish under real-world scenarios like communication of the application with hardware, network, database and other applications.



end-to-end adjective [ before noun ]

uk us

including all the stages of a process:

He wants the company to provide an end-to-end service, from early clinical trials all the way through to high-volume manufacturing.

IT including everything that is necessary for all the parts of a computer network to be connected and work together:

an end-to-end system/solution/technology


相比单元测试 和 功能测试, 此测试更加宏观, 从用户角度执行的测试, 关注用户使用场景。

系统是由各个自模块组成, 用户使用软件,从前端、通过网络、最后到后端, 是一些列步骤, 用户的操作则跨越各个阶段, 所以称为 端(前端)到端(后端)。


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