Machine Learning made for .NET

ML.NET is a machine learning framework built for .NET developers.

Use your .NET and C# or F# skills to easily integrate custom machine learning into your applications without any prior expertise in developing or tuning machine learning models.

Open source and cross-platform

ML.NET is open source and runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Our public release is still in-development, and we want your help! Join the community and contribute your ideas to help us shape what comes next.

Join the conversation on GitHub

Proven and extensible

Use the same framework behind recognized Microsoft features like Windows Hello, Bing Ads, and PowerPoint Design Ideas to power your own applications.

We're building ML.NET as an extensible framework, with support for Light GBM, Accord.NET, CNTK, and TensorFlow coming soon.

Cover your developer scenarios

Enhance your .NET apps with sentiment analysis, price prediction, fraud detection, and more using custom models built with ML.NET.

Build a sentiment analysis model



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