SSL(Secure Sockets Layer 安全套接层),及其继任者传输层安全(Transport Layer Security,TLS)是为


可能会带来安全隐患,在freebuf上看到有人介绍过一款工具(sslciphercheck v1.4.2),拿来试试效果还不错。

sslciphercheck v1.4.2特性:

- Console
- Supports SSLv2
- Supports SSLv3
- Supports TLSv1
- Checks all SSL ciphers supported by OpenSSL
- Retrieves the SSL certificate info including SGC
- Performs a HTTP request to ensure that the protocol/algorithm connection is
- Parses out the HTTP response header and displays to console e.g. HTTP/1.1
OK or HTTP/1.1 Moved Permanently etc
- Can output each successful HTTP response to a file in the format: PROTOCOL_ALGORITHM_STRENGTH.html e.g. SSLv3_AES256-SHA_256.html (-t) - Can perform a keyword(s) match on the HTML response (-m)
- Alerts for certificate issues such as expired, invalid cert chain, incorrect
subject name etc
- Colourised output to alert if weak ciphers are in use or SSLv2 supported
- Colourised output to alert on certificate issues
- Checks for SSL renegotiation issues



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