It is at WebWorkContext.CurrentCustomer's part.

                //check whether request is made by a search engine
//in this case return built-in customer record for search engines
//or comment the following two lines of code in order to disable this functionality
if (customer == null || customer.Deleted || !customer.Active)
if (_userAgentHelper.IsSearchEngine())
customer = _customerService.GetCustomerBySystemName(SystemCustomerNames.SearchEngine);
} and to _userAgentHelper.IsSearchEngine() /// <summary>
/// Get a value indicating whether the request is made by search engine (web crawler)
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Result</returns>
public virtual bool IsSearchEngine()
if (_httpContext == null)
return false; //we put required logic in try-catch block
//more info: (I checked this page, but the url is not valid now) bool result = false;
var uasParser = GetUasParser();
var userAgent = _httpContext.Request.UserAgent;
result = uasParser.IsBot(userAgent);
//result = context.Request.Browser.Crawler;
catch (Exception exc)
return result;
} and to var uasParser = GetUasParser(); protected virtual UasParser GetUasParser()
if (Singleton<UasParser>.Instance == null)
//no database created
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_config.UserAgentStringsPath))
//UNDONE: maybe, throw an exception?
return null; var filePath = _webHelper.MapPath(_config.UserAgentStringsPath);
var uasParser = new UasParser(filePath);
Singleton<UasParser>.Instance = uasParser;
return Singleton<UasParser>.Instance;

This library is used to parse information about user agents located at \App_Data\uas_20140809-02.ini file. Both of them (DLL and INI files) were downloaded at (was available for free). Now I see that this project is moved to on November 2014 with sone new pricing options. I've jusy contacted them trying to understand whether we can continue usage of the new project (still looking forward for reply)

这个库是用来解析用户代理信息 位于\ App_Data \ uas_20140809-02。ini文件。(DLL和INI文件)在http://user-agent-string.info下载(免费)。



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