1 在android的官网下载 android sdk的mac版

  http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html  选择mac的版本


2 jetbrains的官网下载intellij,intellij里边自带有adt,这样就可以试用intellij新建android项目了,可以试用默认的emulate(android自带的模拟器)进行开发。

3. 由于自带的模拟器比较慢,所以可以考虑使用genymotion来代替自带的emulate。使用genymotion要做以下几件事:

  (1) mac里边需要先安装oracle的virtualbox(下载地址)。否则会报错

  (2) 使用genymotion要先注册,因为工具本身提供云服务,点击跳转到下载页,在这个页面也能下载到intellij的genymotion插件。


  • Start your IDE
  • Go to the "File/Settings" menu
  • In the new opened window, select the "Plugins" section and then click on "Browse repositories..." button (on the bottom right)
  • In the list, click on Genymotion and click on "download and install" button (on the top left)
  • Click on "Yes" button to begin
  • Click on "Close" button to leave the browse repository window
  • Click on "OK" button to leave the settings window
  • IntelliJ asks for restart. Accept by clicking on "Restart" button




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