How to start a Java program as a Linux daemon with an /etc/init.d script.

See also:

Here is the CentOS/RedHat/Ubuntu version of the SUSE script:

# chkconfig: 345 99 05
# description: Java deamon script
# A non-SUSE Linux start/stop script for Java daemons.
# Derived from -
# Home page:
# License: GNU/LGPL (
# Copyright 2006 Christian d'Heureuse, Inventec Informatik AG, Switzerland.
# History:
# 2010-09-21 Josh Davis: Changed 'sudo' to 'su', fix some typos, removed unused variables
# 2009-03-04 Josh Davis: Ubuntu/Redhat version.
# 2006-06-27 Christian d'Heureuse: Script created.
# 2006-07-02 chdh: Minor improvements.
# 2006-07-10 chdh: Changes for SUSE 10.0. # Set this to your Java installation
JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/latest serviceNameLo="myservice" # service name with the first letter in lowercase
serviceName="MyService" # service name
serviceUser="appuser" # OS user name for the service
serviceGroup="appgroup" # OS group name for the service
applDir="/var/lib/$serviceNameLo" # home directory of the service application
serviceUserHome="/home/$serviceUser" # home directory of the service user
serviceLogFile="/var/log/$serviceNameLo.log" # log file for StdOut/StdErr
maxShutdownTime=15 # maximum number of seconds to wait for the daemon to terminate normally
pidFile="/var/run/$" # name of PID file (PID = process ID number)
javaCommand="java" # name of the Java launcher without the path
javaExe="$JAVA_HOME/bin/$javaCommand" # file name of the Java application launcher executable
javaArgs="-jar $applDir/myservice.jar" # arguments for Java launcher
javaCommandLine="$javaExe $javaArgs" # command line to start the Java service application
javaCommandLineKeyword="myservice.jar" # a keyword that occurs on the commandline, used to detect an already running service process and to distinguish it from others # Makes the file $1 writable by the group $serviceGroup.
function makeFileWritable {
local filename="$1"
touch $filename || return 1
chgrp $serviceGroup $filename || return 1
chmod g+w $filename || return 1
return 0; } # Returns 0 if the process with PID $1 is running.
function checkProcessIsRunning {
local pid="$1"
if [ -z "$pid" -o "$pid" == " " ]; then return 1; fi
if [ ! -e /proc/$pid ]; then return 1; fi
return 0; } # Returns 0 if the process with PID $1 is our Java service process.
function checkProcessIsOurService {
local pid="$1"
if [ "$(ps -p $pid --no-headers -o comm)" != "$javaCommand" ]; then return 1; fi
grep -q --binary -F "$javaCommandLineKeyword" /proc/$pid/cmdline
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1; fi
return 0; } # Returns 0 when the service is running and sets the variable $pid to the PID.
function getServicePID {
if [ ! -f $pidFile ]; then return 1; fi
checkProcessIsRunning $pid || return 1
checkProcessIsOurService $pid || return 1
return 0; } function startServiceProcess {
cd $applDir || return 1
rm -f $pidFile
makeFileWritable $pidFile || return 1
makeFileWritable $serviceLogFile || return 1
cmd="nohup $javaCommandLine >>$serviceLogFile 2>&1 & echo $! >$pidFile"
su -m $serviceUser -s $SHELL -c "$cmd" || return 1
sleep 0.1
if checkProcessIsRunning $pid; then :; else
echo -ne "n$serviceName start failed, see logfile."
return 1
return 0; } function stopServiceProcess {
kill $pid || return 1
for ((i=0; i<maxShutdownTime*10; i++)); do
checkProcessIsRunning $pid
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
rm -f $pidFile
return 0
sleep 0.1
echo -e "n$serviceName did not terminate within $maxShutdownTime seconds, sending SIGKILL..."
kill -s KILL $pid || return 1
local killWaitTime=15
for ((i=0; i<killWaitTime*10; i++)); do
checkProcessIsRunning $pid
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
rm -f $pidFile
return 0
sleep 0.1
echo "Error: $serviceName could not be stopped within $maxShutdownTime+$killWaitTime seconds!"
return 1; } function startService {
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -n "$serviceName is already running"; RETVAL=0; return 0; fi
echo -n "Starting $serviceName "
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then RETVAL=1; echo "failed"; return 1; fi
echo "started PID=$pid"
return 0; } function stopService {
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -n "$serviceName is not running"; RETVAL=0; echo ""; return 0; fi
echo -n "Stopping $serviceName "
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then RETVAL=1; echo "failed"; return 1; fi
echo "stopped PID=$pid"
return 0; } function checkServiceStatus {
echo -n "Checking for $serviceName: "
if getServicePID; then
echo "running PID=$pid"
echo "stopped"
return 0; } function main {
case "$1" in
start) # starts the Java program as a Linux service
stop) # stops the Java program service
restart) # stops and restarts the service
stopService && startService
status) # displays the service status
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
exit 1
exit $RETVAL
} main $1


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