
Shaolin temple is very famous for its Kongfu monks.A lot of young men go to Shaolin temple every year, trying to be a monk there. The master of Shaolin evaluates a young man mainly by his talent on understanding the Buddism scripture,
but fighting skill is also taken into account. 

When a young man passes all the tests and is declared a new monk of Shaolin, there will be a fight , as a part of the welcome party. Every monk has an unique id and a unique fighting grade, which are all integers. The new monk must fight with a old monk whose
fighting grade is closest to his fighting grade. If there are two old monks satisfying that condition, the new monk will take the one whose fighting grade is less than his. 

The master is the first monk in Shaolin, his id is 1,and his fighting grade is 1,000,000,000.He just lost the fighting records. But he still remembers who joined Shaolin earlier, who joined later. Please recover the fighting records for him. 


There are several test cases. 

In each test case: 

The first line is a integer n (0 <n <=100,000),meaning the number of monks who joined Shaolin after the master did.(The master is not included).Then n lines follow. Each line has two integer k and g, meaning a monk's id and his fighting grade.( 0<= k ,g<=5,000,000) 

The monks are listed by ascending order of jointing time.In other words, monks who joined Shaolin earlier come first. 

The input ends with n = 0. 


A fight can be described as two ids of the monks who make that fight. For each test case, output all fights by the ascending order of happening time. Each fight in a line. For each fight, print the new monk's id first ,then the old
monk's id.

Sample Input

2 1
3 3
4 2

Sample Output

2 1
3 2
4 2




解题思路:直接开数组的话,每次找跟他等级最接近的肯定要排序。眼下知道的最快的快排的也是O(n*lg n)的,因为数据给的是10^5,再加上还要操作,时间已经超了。


详细实现步骤:1.先开个map<int, int> monk,  把方丈的编号id和等级grad在map里建立映射。这里用到了一个小细节。

建立映射能够直接这样写。monk[grad] = id.









#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
#define INF 0x7fffffff map<int, int> a; //声明一个map对象 int main()
#ifdef sxk
int n, k, g;
while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF && n)
a[1e9] = 1; //处理方丈
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
scanf("%d%d", &k, &g);
a[g] = k;
map<int, int>::iterator temp = a.find(g); //按grad查找当前和尚所在的迭代器
if(temp == a.begin()) printf("%d %d\n", k, (++temp)->second);
else if(temp == a.end()) printf("%d %d\n", k, (--temp)->second);
if(abs((--temp)->first - (++temp)->first) > abs((++temp)->first - (--temp)->first))
printf("%d %d\n", k, (++temp)->second);
else printf("%d %d\n", k, (--temp)->second);
return 0;


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