This a task that asks u to compute the maximum product from a continue subarray. However, you need to watch

out the values' type contains positive, negative, zero.

I solved it using dynamic process in which there are two arrays to achieve the goal.

maxPro[i] : record the maximum product using nums[i] at end.

minPro[i] : record the minimum product using nums[i] at end.

Causing the neg and pos value types, we always can find the maximum product using the formula as below(maximum or minimum recording array):

  •   maxPro[i] = max3(nums[i], nums[i] * maxPro[i - 1], nums[i] * minPro[i - 1]);
  •   minPro[i] = min3(nums[i], nums[i] * maxPro[i - 1], nums[i] * minPro[i - 1]);
class Solution {
int max3(int a, int b, int c){
return a > b? max(a, c): max(b, c);
} int min3(int a, int b, int c){
return a < b? min(a, c): min(b, c);
} int maxProduct(vector<int>& nums) {
vector<int>maxPro(nums.size(), );
vector<int>minPro(nums.size(), );
int ans = nums[];
for(int i = ; i < nums.size(); i ++){
if(i == ){
maxPro[] = nums[];
minPro[] = nums[];
maxPro[i] = max3(nums[i], nums[i] * maxPro[i - ], nums[i] * minPro[i - ]);
minPro[i] = min3(nums[i], nums[i] * maxPro[i - ], nums[i] * minPro[i - ]);
if(ans < maxPro[i]) ans = maxPro[i];
return ans;


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