在salt master端执行salt ‘*’ test.ping时,某一节点出现如下报错:
Minion did not return. [No response]


 $ tail -f /var/log/salt/minion
The master may need to be updated if it is a version of Salt lower than 2015.5., or
If you are confident that you are connecting to a valid Salt Master, then remove the master public key and restart the Salt Minion.
The master public key can be found at:
-- ::, [salt.crypt ][ERROR ][] The Salt Master has cached the public key for this node, this salt minion will wait for seconds before attempting to re-authenticate
-- ::, [salt.crypt ][ERROR ][] The Salt Master has cached the public key for this node, this salt minion will wait for seconds before attempting to re-authenticate
-- ::, [salt.crypt ][ERROR ][] The Salt Master has cached the public key for this node, this salt minion will wait for seconds before attempting to re-authenticate


 $ cat pki/minion/minion_master.pub
... ...
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
[root@localhost salt]# rm -fr pki/minion/minion_master.pub [root@localhost salt]# service salt-minion restart
Stopping salt-minion daemon: [ OK ]
Starting salt-minion daemon: [ OK ]
13 salt-key -A      ##重新加载key



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