• 安装方法:
curl -s https://s3.amazonaws.com/download.draios.com/stable/install-sysdig | sudo bash

[root@localhost ~]# curl -s https://s3.amazonaws.com/download.draios.com/stable/install-sysdig | sudo bash
* Detecting operating system
* Installing EPEL repository (for DKMS)
* Installing Draios public key
* Installing Draios repository
* Installing kernel headers

安装完成后二话不说直接执行 sysdig,注意出现刷屏后随时按ctrl-c

1187 11:24: data=root:x:0:.bin:x:1:.daemon:x:2:.sys:x:3:.adm:x:4:.tty:x:5:.disk:x:6:.lp:x:7:.mem:
1264 11:24:27.109080267 0 systemd-udevd (489) > close fd=14(<f>/etc/group)
1265 11:24:27.109080581 0 systemd-udevd (489) < close res=0
1266 11:24:27.109082572 0 systemd-udevd (489) > munmap addr=7F4CE05B7000 length=4096
1267 11:24:27.109085958 0 systemd-udevd (489) < munmap res=0 vm_size=45468 vm_rss=1984 vm_swap=1228
1268 11:24:27.109089928 0 systemd-udevd (489) > read fd=13(<f>/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/69-cd-sensors.rules) size=4096
1269 11:24:27.109090545 0 systemd-udevd (489) < read res=0 data=
1270 11:24:27.109090992 0 systemd-udevd (489) > close fd=13(<f>/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/69-cd-sensors.rules)
1271 11:24:27.109091119 0 systemd-udevd (489) < close res=0
1272 11:24:27.109091753 0 systemd-udevd (489) > munmap addr=7F4CE05B8000 length=4096
1273 11:24:27.109093095 0 systemd-udevd (489) < munmap res=0 vm_size=45464 vm_rss=1980 vm_swap=1228
1274 11:24:27.109094748 0 systemd-udevd (489) > stat


%evt.num %evt.time %evt.cpu %proc.name (%thread.tid) %evt.dir %evt.type %evt.args


	* evt.num 是自增的事件号
* evt.time 是事件发生的时间戳
* evt.cpu 是捕获事件所在的CPU号
* proc.name 是产生事件的进程名称
* thread.tid is 产生事件的线程id
* evt.dir 是事件方向, > 表示进入事件 < 表示退出事件
* evt.type 是事件名称, 如 'open' or 'read'
* evt.args 事件的參数列表
  • 文件输入输出:


$ sysdig –w myfile.scap


$ sysdig –n 100 –w myfile.scap


$ sysdig –r myfile.scap

  • 过滤器:


[root@localhost ~]# sysdig proc.name=sshd
29255 11:44:47.958210052 0 sshd (2131) > clock_gettime
29256 11:44:47.958210248 0 sshd (2131) < clock_gettime
29257 11:44:47.958211128 0 sshd (2131) > select
29258 11:44:47.958212200 0 sshd (2131) < select res=1
29259 11:44:47.958212428 0 sshd (2131) > rt_sigprocmask
29260 11:44:47.958212625 0 sshd (2131) < rt_sigprocmask
29261 11:44:47.958213022 0 sshd (2131) > rt_sigprocmask
29262 11:44:47.958213187 0 sshd (2131) < rt_sigprocmask
29263 11:44:47.958213389 0 sshd (2131) > clock_gettime
29264 11:44:47.958213535 0 sshd (2131) < clock_gettime
29265 11:44:47.958214129 0 sshd (2131) > write fd=3(<4t>> size=2660
29266 11:44:47.958283315 0 sshd (2131) < write res=2660 data=.r.t..T.=..........{........<).......3.....Y>G..4.M.s..]....Q.1hAN...s.z.....B..
29267 11:44:47.958284557 0 sshd (2131) > clock_gettime
29268 11:44:47.958284822 0 sshd (2131) < clock_gettime
29269 11:44:47.958285308 0 sshd (2131) > select
29270 11:44:47.958287711 0 sshd (2131) > switch next=0 pgft_maj=8 pgft_min=1714 vm_size=135212 vm_rss=2320 vm_swap=0
29272 11:44:47.958519093 0 sshd (2131) < select res=1
29273 11:44:47.958520932 0 sshd (2131) > rt_sigprocmask
29274 11:44:47.958521450 0 sshd (2131) < rt_sigprocmask
29275 11:44:47.958521687 0 sshd (2131) > rt_sigprocmask
29276 11:44:47.958521860 0 sshd (2131) < rt_sigprocmask



standard comparison operators(=, !=, <, <=, >, >=, contains)

Boolean operators (and, or and not)

$ sysdig proc.name=cat or proc.name=vi


$ sysdig proc.name!=cat and evt.type=open


$ sysdig -l
Field Class: fd fd.num the unique number identifying the file descriptor.
fd.type type of FD. Can be 'file', 'directory', 'ipv4', 'ipv6', 'unix',
'pipe', 'event', 'signalfd', 'eventpoll', 'inotify' or 'signal
fd.typechar type of FD as a single character. Can be 'f' for file, 4 for IP
v4 socket, 6 for IPv6 socket, 'u' for unix socket, p for pipe,
'e' for eventfd, 's' for signalfd, 'l' for eventpoll, 'i' for i
notify, 'o' for uknown.
fd.name FD full name. If the fd is a file, this field contains the full
path. If the FD is a socket, this field contain the connection
fd.directory If the fd is a file, the directory that contains it.
fd.filename If the fd is a file, the filename without the path.
fd.ip matches the ip address (client or server) of the fd.
fd.cip client IP address.
fd.sip server IP address.
fd.lip local IP address.
省略。 。。 。




$ sysdig evt.type=accept and proc.name!=nginx

  • evt.arg 与 evt.rawarg

这两个字段须要特别解释一下,由sysdig捕获的事件通常是属于某种类型(如 open \ read)。以及一系列參数(如 fd \ name)。


$ sysdig evt.type=execve and evt.arg.ptid=bash

这个过滤器表示对父进程名字为bash的的execve系统调用进行过滤,evt.arg and event.rawarg的差别是后者不正确PID、FD。error codes等进行解析。

$ sysdig evt.arg.res=ENOENT


$ sysdig " evt.rawarg.res<0 or evt.rawarg.fd<0"


  • 获得全部的系统调用
$ sysdig –L
  • 查看可用的凿子列表
$ sysdig -cl | less


	* CPU Usage:CPU使用量
* Errors:错误
* I/O
* Logs:日志
* Misc:混杂
* Net:网络
* Performance:性能
* Security:安全
* System State:系统状态
  • sysdig实例:



# sysdig -s 4096 -A -c echo_fds fd.cip= -r /tmp/sysdig-scap.gz proc.name=nginx


# sysdig -s 4096 -X -c echo_fds fd.cip= -r /tmp/sysdig-scap.gz proc.name=nginx


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