

#include <cstdio>

double a[] = {0.4, 0.16, 0.063, 0.025, 0.010, 0.004};

int main() {
int n;
double m;
scanf("%d", &n);;
for(int i = ;i <= n;i ++) {
scanf("%lf", &m);
printf("Case #%d: ", i);
if(m >= ) puts("Too Bright");
else if(m < 0.004) puts("Invisible");
else for(int j = ;j < ;j ++) {
if(m >= a[j]) {
printf("%d\n", j + );
return ;

B.很明显的一个做法是我们把 n 个exchange 按 Ri 从小到大排序

对于每个exchage查询获得Ri的最少时间 tim = min( time[Ri] , time[max_money] )

再用 tim + Ti 尝试更新获得Vi需要的最少时间即可

最后ans = min( time[m], time[max_money] )

实现方法则是 sort + 线段树



而常见的树状数组多为向前查询 i -= lowbit(i),向后修改 i += lowbit(i)...



我们对 n 个 exchange 同上述方法排序

小根堆中元素为 pair (s, time) ,time为关键字

time表示获得 s 的最小时间

显然会有每次堆顶元素中, s 严格单增

然后我们用 last_s < Ri <= now_s 的所有 exchange 尝试进行更新即可

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

typedef long long ll;

struct node {
int v, r, t;
bool operator < (const node &a) const {
return r < a.r;
}a[]; struct Node {
int s;
ll tim;
bool operator < (const Node &a) const {
return tim > a.tim;
}; int t, n, m; priority_queue <Node> q; int main() {
ll ans;
Node tmp;
cin >> t;
int i, st;
for(int p = ;p <= t;p ++) {
ans = -;
cin >> n >> m;
while(!q.empty()) q.pop();
for(i = ;i <= n;i ++) cin >> a[i].v >> a[i].r >> a[i].t;
sort(a + , a + n + );
q.push((Node){, }), st = ;
while(!q.empty()) {
tmp = q.top();
if(tmp.s >= m) {
ans = tmp.tim;
for(i = st;i <= n;i ++) {
if(a[i].r > tmp.s) break;
if(a[i].v <= tmp.s) continue;
q.push((Node){a[i].v, tmp.tim + a[i].t});
st = i;
printf("Case #%d: %lld\n", p, ans);
return ;

C.签到题...看清题,大根堆和小根堆都合法,居然还有左大右小的 bst 也可以...

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int n, t, a[];

char s[][] = {"Neither", "Heap", "BST", "Both"};

int is_greater_heap() {
for(int i = ;i * <= n;i ++)
if((i * + <= n && a[i * + ] < a[i]) || a[i * ] < a[i]) return ;
return ;
} int is_less_heap() {
for(int i = ;i * <= n;i ++)
if((i * + <= n && a[i * + ] > a[i]) || a[i * ] > a[i]) return ;
return ;
} int is_greater_bst() {
for(int i = ;i * <= n;i ++)
if((i * + <= n && a[i * + ] < a[i]) || a[i * ] > a[i]) return ;
return ;
} int is_less_bst() {
for(int i = ;i * <= n;i ++)
if((i * + <= n && a[i * + ] > a[i]) || a[i * ] < a[i]) return ;
return ;
} int main() {
cin >> t;
for(int i = ;i <= t;i ++) {
cin >> n;
for(int j = ;j <= n;j ++) cin >> a[j];
printf("Case #%d: %s\n", i, s[is_greater_heap() | is_less_heap() | is_greater_bst() | is_less_bst()]);
return ;




然后看到前一个的最后 'g' 可以被下一个再用一次就行了

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
int t, g, o, d, m, n, r, i, k;
string s;
cin >> t, getline(cin, s);
for(int p = ;p <= t;p ++) {
getline(cin, s);
g = o = d = m = n = r = i = k = ;
for(int j = ;j < s.size();j ++) {
g += (s[j] == 'g');
o += (s[j] == 'o');
d += (s[j] == 'd');
m += (s[j] == 'm');
n += (s[j] == 'n');
r += (s[j] == 'r');
i += (s[j] == 'i');
k += (s[j] == ' ');
printf("Case #%d: %d\n", p, min(min(min(g - , o / ), min(d, m)), min(min(n / , r), min(i, k))));
return ;






min(A & (~B), A & B)至少能去掉 A 中一半的1对吧...所以很快就能变成0了


#include <cstdio>

typedef unsigned long long uint;

int t, n;

uint a[];

uint min(uint x, uint y){
return x < y ? x : y;
} uint dfs(uint k, int i) {
if(i > n) return k;
return min(dfs(k & a[i], i + ), dfs(k & (~a[i]), i + ));
} int main() {
scanf("%d", &t);
for(int p = ;p <= t;p ++) {
scanf("%d", &n);
for(int i = ;i <= n;i ++)
scanf("%llu", &a[i]);
if(n > ) {
printf("Case #%d: 0\n", p);
printf("Case #%d: %llu\n", p, min(dfs(a[], ), dfs(~a[], )));
return ;


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