I once told my younger sister my learning system, and the basic five doctrines of my methodology. But unfortunately, she found out that the method is no use.

In the book of Think of Time as a Friend, a student asked Xiaolai Li, “Does this method work? Really work?” He replies yes, but the student is still doubted about this method. Li advises that you just use it for a period of time, and it will be batter than doing nothing. I agree with it. And this issue will be discussed at my next article.

But this conversation raises another question. Learn what? How to learn? I have some different opinions comparing to Li’s.

For example, Li talked about the experience about his learning at “Children’s Palace” as an elementary student, but finally used it at the age of 35 when he was writing a vocabulary book.

One has a target. So, what the person chooses to do (include what to learn) should be hooked up with his target. The smart person can differentiate the important things from the others. Otherwise, if one has three or more targets (e.g., learning TOEFL, learning Guitar and practicing workout) at the same time, he or she might not succeed in any one of them.

I quote the Google Officer Miltill, “the to-do list never seems to be shortened by the days”. Luckily, I find myself a person who likes to add items to his to-do list readily. And I finally find a rule of thumb: if one ticks even 0.1% (one-tenth of a percent) of the whole to-do list, then the person is excellent enough to achieve what he wants.

Time is limited; first thing first. This is for all the to-do lists, learning contents and time management.

An example: my classmate Xuan Li tells me, if it does not be examined, she does not learn it.

April 27, 2019










一个例子:我的同学Xuan Li告诉我,如果没有检查,她就不会学习它。


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