
goconvey 集成go test,go test 无缝接入。管理运行测试用例,而且提供了丰富的函数断言、非常友好的WEB界面,直观的查看测试结果。





go get github.com/smartystreets/goconvey


package main

import "fmt"

type Student struct {
Num int
Name string Chinaese int
English int
Math int
} func NewStudent(num int, name string) (*Student,error) {
if num < 1 || len(name) < 1 {
return nil,fmt.Errorf("num name empty")
stu := new(Student)
stu.Num = num
stu.Name = name
return stu,nil
} func (this *Student) GetAve() (int,error) {
score := this.Chinaese + this.English + this.Math
if score == 0 {
return 0,fmt.Errorf("score is 0")
return score/3,nil


package main

import (
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"
) func TestNew(t *testing.T) {
Convey("start test new", t, func() {
stu,err := NewStudent(0,"")
Convey("have error", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeError)
Convey("stu is nil", func() {
So(stu, ShouldBeNil)
} func TestScore(t *testing.T) {
stu,_ := NewStudent(1,"test")
Convey("if error", t, func() {
_,err := stu.GetAve()
Convey("have error", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeError)
}) Convey("normal", t, func() {
stu.Math = 60
stu.Chinaese = 70
stu.English = 80
score,err := stu.GetAve()
Convey("have error", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeError)
Convey("score > 60", func() {
So(score, ShouldBeGreaterThan, 60)

进入到test代码目录,执行 go test

=== RUN   TestNew

  start test new
have error ✔
stu is nil ✔ 2 total assertions --- PASS: TestNew (0.00s)
=== RUN TestScore if error
have error ✔ 3 total assertions normal
have error ✘
score > 60 ✔ Failures: * /data/www/go/src/test/student_test.go
Line 35:


还有更好玩的WEB界面。进入的test代码的目录,然后执行 goconvey 会打开一个WEB界面,更加友好的标识出了测试的结果,测试了多少次,有几个通过,几个失败,一目了然。



import (
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"
Convey("desc", t, func() {
So(var, function)


Convey("Equality assertions should be accessible", t, func() {
thing1a := thing{a: "asdf"}
thing1b := thing{a: "asdf"}
thing2 := thing{a: "qwer"} So(1, ShouldEqual, 1)
So(1, ShouldNotEqual, 2)
So(1, ShouldAlmostEqual, 1.000000000000001)
So(1, ShouldNotAlmostEqual, 2, 0.5)
So(thing1a, ShouldResemble, thing1b)
So(thing1a, ShouldNotResemble, thing2)
So(&thing1a, ShouldPointTo, &thing1a)
So(&thing1a, ShouldNotPointTo, &thing1b)
So(nil, ShouldBeNil)
So(1, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(true, ShouldBeTrue)
So(false, ShouldBeFalse)
So(0, ShouldBeZeroValue)
So(1, ShouldNotBeZeroValue)
}) Convey("Numeric comparison assertions should be accessible", t, func() {
So(1, ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0)
So(1, ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo, 1)
So(1, ShouldBeLessThan, 2)
So(1, ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo, 1)
So(1, ShouldBeBetween, 0, 2)
So(1, ShouldNotBeBetween, 2, 4)
So(1, ShouldBeBetweenOrEqual, 1, 2)
So(1, ShouldNotBeBetweenOrEqual, 2, 4)
}) Convey("Container assertions should be accessible", t, func() {
So([]int{1, 2, 3}, ShouldContain, 2)
So([]int{1, 2, 3}, ShouldNotContain, 4)
So(map[int]int{1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}, ShouldContainKey, 2)
So(map[int]int{1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}, ShouldNotContainKey, 4)
So(1, ShouldBeIn, []int{1, 2, 3})
So(4, ShouldNotBeIn, []int{1, 2, 3})
So([]int{}, ShouldBeEmpty)
So([]int{1}, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
So([]int{1, 2}, ShouldHaveLength, 2)
}) Convey("String assertions should be accessible", t, func() {
So("asdf", ShouldStartWith, "a")
So("asdf", ShouldNotStartWith, "z")
So("asdf", ShouldEndWith, "df")
So("asdf", ShouldNotEndWith, "as")
So("", ShouldBeBlank)
So("asdf", ShouldNotBeBlank)
So("asdf", ShouldContainSubstring, "sd")
So("asdf", ShouldNotContainSubstring, "af")
}) Convey("Panic recovery assertions should be accessible", t, func() {
So(panics, ShouldPanic)
So(func() {}, ShouldNotPanic)
So(panics, ShouldPanicWith, "Goofy Gophers!")
So(panics, ShouldNotPanicWith, "Guileless Gophers!")
}) Convey("Type-checking assertions should be accessible", t, func() { // NOTE: Values or pointers may be checked. If a value is passed,
// it will be cast as a pointer to the value to avoid cases where
// the struct being tested takes pointer receivers. Go allows values
// or pointers to be passed as receivers on methods with a value
// receiver, but only pointers on methods with pointer receivers.
// See:
// http://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#pointers_vs_values
// http://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#blank_implements
// http://blog.golang.org/laws-of-reflection So(1, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, 0)
So(1, ShouldNotHaveSameTypeAs, "1") So(bytes.NewBufferString(""), ShouldImplement, (*io.Reader)(nil))
So("string", ShouldNotImplement, (*io.Reader)(nil))
}) Convey("Time assertions should be accessible", t, func() {
january1, _ := time.Parse(timeLayout, "2013-01-01 00:00")
january2, _ := time.Parse(timeLayout, "2013-01-02 00:00")
january3, _ := time.Parse(timeLayout, "2013-01-03 00:00")
january4, _ := time.Parse(timeLayout, "2013-01-04 00:00")
january5, _ := time.Parse(timeLayout, "2013-01-05 00:00")
oneDay, _ := time.ParseDuration("24h0m0s") So(january1, ShouldHappenBefore, january4)
So(january1, ShouldHappenOnOrBefore, january1)
So(january2, ShouldHappenAfter, january1)
So(january2, ShouldHappenOnOrAfter, january2)
So(january3, ShouldHappenBetween, january2, january5)
So(january3, ShouldHappenOnOrBetween, january3, january5)
So(january1, ShouldNotHappenOnOrBetween, january2, january5)
So(january2, ShouldHappenWithin, oneDay, january3)
So(january5, ShouldNotHappenWithin, oneDay, january1)
So([]time.Time{january1, january2}, ShouldBeChronological)



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  3. Linux服务器搬迁记(一)
  4. Java关键字总结及详解
  5. GET到新技能,SharpCEF,C#和JS的互相调用
  6. 第八篇 SQL Server安全数据加密
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