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1,Validate Project Settings(update to recommended settings)


2,'xxxxxxx' is deprecated:first deprecated in ios 5.0

3,Incomplete implemention



1:directory not found for option '-F/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Library/Frameworks'

A: project (targets)--> Build Settings--> Library Search Paths--> 删除填写的路径

2:property's synthesized getter follows Cocoa naming convention for returning 'owned' objects

A:不能使用“new” "copy"开始的属性名称

3:char *name[3]={"a","b","c"}; Conversion from string Literal to 'char*' is deprecated

A:修改成const char *name[3]={"a","b","c"};

4:Implicit declaration of function 'sysctlbyname' is invalid in C99

A:project (targets)--> Build Settings-->C Language Dialect--->GNU89[-std=gnu89]

5  :  warning:no rule to process file "xxxxxxxxx" of type sourcecode.c.h for architecture i386

A: project (targets)-->Build Phases-->Compile Sources--把 .h 文件删掉

6 :RegexKitLite.m警告

 [[NSAssertionHandler currentHandler] handleFailureInFunction:functionString file:fileString lineNumber:(NSInteger)[lineNumber longValue] description:descriptionString];

A :  [[NSAssertionHandler currentHandler] handleFailureInFunction:functionString file:fileString lineNumber:(NSInteger)[lineNumber longValue]description:@"%@",descriptionString];

7 : warning: unexpected dylib (.........) on link line

A: project (targets)-->Build Phases-->Link Binary With Libraries--把警告的类库删掉


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  2. MongoDB-3.2.6 副本集 和主从
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  7. Linux之命令进阶
  8. VS2017设置主题和代码字体
  9. ActiveMQ使用
  10. css学习_css三大特性
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  12. golang 本地构建包
  13. Android开发之使用DefaultHandler处理XML数据
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  20. kibana安装汉化包


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