

使用 pip freeze

pip freeze > requirements.txt
# 这种方式推荐配合 virtualenv ,否则会把整个环境中的包都列出来。


使用 pipreqs


# 首先安装 pipreqs
# pip install pipreqs
# 安装位置在pip所在的目录下 # 使用方式也比较简单
pipreqs /var/www/project INFO: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): pypi.python.org
INFO: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): pypi.python.org
INFO: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): pypi.python.org
INFO: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): pypi.python.org
INFO: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): pypi.python.org
INFO: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): pypi.python.org
INFO: Successfully saved requirements file in ./requirements.txt cat requirements.txt Django == 1.6
django_redis == 4.3.0
redis == 2.10.5
django_redis_cache == 1.6.5
simplejson == 3.8.2
Twisted == 16.0.0
pycrypto == 2.6.1
ConcurrentLogHandler == 0.9.1
cx_Oracle == 5.2.1
ujson == 1.35


# pip install -r /var/www/project/requriements.txt
# 即可安装所有依赖


在使用 pipreqs /var/www/project 时可能会遇见:

UnicodeDecodeError: 'gbk' codec can't decode byte 0x80 in position 776: illegal multibyte sequence


在后面指定编码格式 pipreqs /var/www/project  --encoding=utf8

用法:pip install -r requriements.txt 即可安装所有依赖


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