


* Create the {@link BeanDefinitionDocumentReader} to use for actually
* reading bean definitions from an XML document.
* <p>The default implementation instantiates the specified "documentReaderClass".
* @see #setDocumentReaderClass
protected BeanDefinitionDocumentReader createBeanDefinitionDocumentReader() {
return BeanDefinitionDocumentReader.class.cast(BeanUtils.instantiateClass(this.documentReaderClass));


一、Java api

public T cast(Object obj);

Casts an object to the class or interface represented




 public class A {
public static void show() {
System.out.println("Class A show() function");


 public class B extends A {
public static void show() {
System.out.println("Class B show() function");


 public class TestCast {
public static void main(String[] args) {
TestCast cls = new TestCast();
Class c = cls.getClass();
System.out.println(c); Object obj = new A();
B b1 = new B();
b1.show(); // casts object
A a = new A();
System.out.println(a.getClass()); // 1. 打印a的class对象
a = A.class.cast(b1);
a.show(); System.out.println(obj.getClass());
System.out.println(a.getClass()); // 2. 打印a转换后的class对象


这个例子是网上给出来的,核心为:a = A.class.cast(b1); 把a转化为了B类型,此处容易产生把b1转成A类型误解。




* Casts an object to the class or interface represented
* by this {@code Class} object.
* @param obj the object to be cast
* @return the object after casting, or null if obj is null
* @throws ClassCastException if the object is not
* null and is not assignable to the type T.
* @since 1.5
public T cast(Object obj) {
if (obj != null && !isInstance(obj))
throw new ClassCastException(cannotCastMsg(obj));
return (T) obj;


* Determines if the specified {@code Object} is assignment-compatible
* with the object represented by this {@code Class}. This method is
* the dynamic equivalent of the Java language {@code instanceof}
* operator. The method returns {@code true} if the specified
* {@code Object} argument is non-null and can be cast to the
* reference type represented by this {@code Class} object without
* raising a {@code ClassCastException.} It returns {@code false}
* otherwise.
* <p> Specifically, if this {@code Class} object represents a
* declared class, this method returns {@code true} if the specified
* {@code Object} argument is an instance of the represented class (or
* of any of its subclasses); it returns {@code false} otherwise. If
* this {@code Class} object represents an array class, this method
* returns {@code true} if the specified {@code Object} argument
* can be converted to an object of the array class by an identity
* conversion or by a widening reference conversion; it returns
* {@code false} otherwise. If this {@code Class} object
* represents an interface, this method returns {@code true} if the
* class or any superclass of the specified {@code Object} argument
* implements this interface; it returns {@code false} otherwise. If
* this {@code Class} object represents a primitive type, this method
* returns {@code false}.
* @param obj the object to check
* @return true if {@code obj} is an instance of this class
* @since JDK1.1
public native boolean isInstance(Object obj);

这个isInstance(Object obj)的意思是,obj这个对象是不是与这个Class对象兼容的类。







* Casts this {@code Class} object to represent a subclass of the class
* represented by the specified class object. Checks that the cast
* is valid, and throws a {@code ClassCastException} if it is not. If
* this method succeeds, it always returns a reference to this class object.
* <p>This method is useful when a client needs to "narrow" the type of
* a {@code Class} object to pass it to an API that restricts the
* {@code Class} objects that it is willing to accept. A cast would
* generate a compile-time warning, as the correctness of the cast
* could not be checked at runtime (because generic types are implemented
* by erasure).
* @param <U> the type to cast this class object to
* @param clazz the class of the type to cast this class object to
* @return this {@code Class} object, cast to represent a subclass of
* the specified class object.
* @throws ClassCastException if this {@code Class} object does not
* represent a subclass of the specified class (here "subclass" includes
* the class itself).
* @since 1.5
public <U> Class<? extends U> asSubclass(Class<U> clazz) {
if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(this))
return (Class<? extends U>) this;
throw new ClassCastException(this.toString());



上面的代码将strList.getClass()获取的class对象转换成Class<? extends List>,这么做似乎没有什么意义,因为我们很清楚strList.getClass()获取的class对象就是ArrayList,它当然是List.class的一个子类;但有些情况下,我们并不能确知一个class对象的类型,典型的情况是Class.forName()获取的class对象:Class.forName()的返回类型是Class<?>,但这显然太宽泛了,假设我们需要List.class类型的class对象,但我们传递给Class.forName的参数是未知的(可能是"java.lang.String",也可能是"java.util.ArrayList"),这时我们就可以用到asSubclass()这个方法了,如下:





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