
 #include "bits/stdc++.h"

 using namespace std;
const int maxN = ;
struct Edge
int to , next , w ;
} e[ maxN ]; int n,m,cnt,p[ maxN ],Dis[ maxN ];
int In[maxN ];
bool visited[ maxN ]; void Add_Edge ( const int x , const int y , const int z )
e[ ++cnt ] . to = y ;
e[ cnt ] . next = p[ x ];
e[ cnt ] . w = z ;
p[ x ] = cnt ;
return ;
} bool Spfa(const int S)
int i,t,temp;
queue<int> Q;
memset ( visited , , sizeof ( visited ) ) ;
memset ( Dis , 0x3f , sizeof ( Dis ) ) ;
memset ( In , , sizeof ( In ) ) ; Q.push ( S ) ;
visited [ S ] = true ;
Dis [ S ] = ; while( !Q.empty ( ) )
t = Q.front ( ) ;Q.pop ( ) ;visited [ t ] = false ;
for( i=p[t] ; i ; i = e[ i ].next )
temp = e[ i ].to ;
if( Dis[ temp ] > Dis[ t ] + e[ i ].w )
Dis[ temp ] =Dis[ t ] + e[ i ].w ;
if( !visited[ temp ] )
if(++In[temp]>n)return false;
return true;
} int main ( )
int S , T ; scanf ( "%d%d%d%d" , &n , &m , &S , &T ) ;
for(int i= ; i<=m ; ++i )
int x , y , _ ;
scanf ( "%d%d%d" , &x , &y , &_ ) ;
Add_Edge ( x , y , _ ) ;
} if ( !Spfa ( S ) ) printf ( "FAIL!\n" ) ;
else printf ( "%d\n" , Dis[ T ] ) ; return ;


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