Requestion action was initiated; expect another reply before proceeding with a new command.
Requested action has been successfully completed
The command was accepted but the requested action did not take place.
The command was not accepted and the requested action did not take place.
Unsolicited broadcasts

class ResponseCode {
// Keep in sync with
// frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/NetworkManagementService.java
// 100 series - Requestion action was initiated; expect another reply
// before proceeding with a new command.
static const int ActionInitiated = 100;
static const int InterfaceListResult = 110;
static const int TetherInterfaceListResult = 111;
static const int TetherDnsFwdTgtListResult = 112;
static const int TtyListResult = 113;
static const int TetheringStatsListResult = 114;

// 200 series - Requested action has been successfully completed
static const int CommandOkay = 200;
static const int TetherStatusResult = 210;
static const int IpFwdStatusResult = 211;
static const int InterfaceGetCfgResult = 213;
static const int SoftapStatusResult = 214;
static const int UsbRNDISStatusResult = 215;
static const int InterfaceRxCounterResult = 216;
static const int InterfaceTxCounterResult = 217;
static const int InterfaceRxThrottleResult = 218;
static const int InterfaceTxThrottleResult = 219;
static const int QuotaCounterResult = 220;
static const int TetheringStatsResult = 221;
static const int DnsProxyQueryResult = 222;
static const int ClatdStatusResult = 223;
static const int InterfaceGetMtuResult = 224;
static const int GetMarkResult = 225;
static const int RouteConfigurationResult = 226;
static const int V6RtrAdvResult = 227;

// 400 series - The command was accepted but the requested action
// did not take place.
static const int OperationFailed = 400;
static const int DnsProxyOperationFailed = 401;
static const int ServiceStartFailed = 402;
static const int ServiceStopFailed = 403;

// 500 series - The command was not accepted and the requested
// action did not take place.
static const int CommandSyntaxError = 500;
static const int CommandParameterError = 501;

// 600 series - Unsolicited broadcasts
static const int InterfaceChange = 600;
static const int BandwidthControl = 601;
static const int ServiceDiscoveryFailed = 602;
static const int ServiceDiscoveryServiceAdded = 603;
static const int ServiceDiscoveryServiceRemoved = 604;
static const int ServiceRegistrationFailed = 605;
static const int ServiceRegistrationSucceeded = 606;
static const int ServiceResolveFailed = 607;
static const int ServiceResolveSuccess = 608;
static const int ServiceSetHostnameFailed = 609;
static const int ServiceSetHostnameSuccess = 610;
static const int ServiceGetAddrInfoFailed = 611;
static const int ServiceGetAddrInfoSuccess = 612;
static const int InterfaceClassActivity = 613;
static const int InterfaceAddressChange = 614;


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