今天一兄弟的库报ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file,当时查 df -h有可用空间,文件夹的权限也正确,未df -i查看Inodes使用情况,审计文件夹下有将近24W个文件,初步推測是由于审计生成文件过多导致文件夹所在分区的Inodes用光了,当时删除部分审计TRACE文件后正常未查看 Inodes使用情况。



oracle bin文件夹(实际是整个oracle文件夹)的属主被更改:  --ls -al bin


chown -R oracle.oinstall /opt/orace

原因二:确实磁盘没空间了  --df -h

原因三:磁盘Inodes用光--df -i     參考:模拟LINUX磁盘分区有可用空间无可用Inodes时报错:No
space left on device



ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file

Linux Error: 13: Permission denied

Additional information: 9925

ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file

Linux Error: 13: Permission denied

Additional information: 9925


ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file  

Linux-x86_64 Error: 30: Read-only file system  

Additional information: 9925  

ORA-01075: you are currently logged on


watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQvaGFpYnVzdWFueXVu/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/SouthEast" alt="">



Problem Description -------------------   

Problem occurs when:   $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/audit directory is full or   $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/audit directory doesn't exist   as a side effect of this problem oracle asks for password  after connect internal


Solution Description  --------------------   

Make space available in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/audit by removing files that are  not needed     or    Make sure the directory exists and is readable by oracle    or    Change init.ora audit_file_dest to an existing directory.   Change init.ora parameter means restart
instance as workaround kill pmon.                                                 

Explanation  -----------   

The behavior on Unix is to write a file named ora_<process_id>.aud into   the directory specified by audit_file_dest.    The default directory is /rdbms/audit.    The file will contain an entry for the audited action, which would be internal  logins or startup.
On ports which support an OS audit trail, these records will be   written there.   This feature is not affected by the settings of the audit_trail parameter.

ORA-09925: "Unable to create audit trail file"

Cause: ORACLE was not able to create the file being used to hold   audit trail records.

Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error.              

If there is no error, contact ORACLE customer support.

References  ----------

[NOTE:1018924.102] ORA-09925 ON DATABASE STARTUP  [NOTE:1056988.6]   ORA-09925 DURING HOT BACKUPS  [NOTE:21073.1]

OERR:  ORA-9925   "Unable to create audit trail  [BUG:723955]       SQLPLUS ALLOWS DB STARTUP (BUT NOT SHUTDOWN)


Search Words  ------------   ORA-09925 audit trail audit_file_dest


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