




创建Database:create database 数据库名;


create database SCT;

创建Table:Create table 表名(列名 数据类型 [Primary key | Unique][Not null])[, 列名 数据类型 [Not null], ...]

create table Student(
  Snumber char(8) not null,
  Sname char(10),
  Ssex char(2),
  Sage integer,
  Dnumber char(2),
  Sclass char(6));

向表中追加元组:insert into 表名[(列名[,列名]...] values (值 [,值],...);

insert into Student
Values('', '张三', '男', 20, '', ''); insert into Student (Snumber, Sname, Ssex, Sage, Dnumber, Sclass)
Values('', '张四', '女', 20, '', '');

SQL提供结构形式一致但功能多样化的检索语句Select:Select 列名 [[,列名] ...] From 表名 [Where 检索条件];

select Sage, Sname
from Student
Where Sage <= 19; select Tname
from Teacher
Where (Salary < 1500 or Salary >2000) and Dnumber = '';


select distinct Snumber
from SC
Where Score > 80;

结果排序问题,通过增加order by子句实现,order by 列名 [asc | desc]  desc为降序,asc或省略为升序。

select  Snumber from SC where Cnumber = '' and Score > 80
order by score desc;

模糊查询问题,引入运算符like来表示,列名 [ [t not ] like “字符串”

select Snumber, Sname from Student
where Sname like '张%'; select Sname from Student
where Sname like '张_ _'; select Sname from Student
where Sname not like '张%';


Select 列名 [ [, 列名] … ]
From 表名1, 表名2, …
Where 件 检索条件 ;

select Sname from Student, SC, Course
where Student.Snumber = SC.Snumber and SC.Cnumber = Course.Cnumber and Cname = '数据库'
order by Score desc;


Select 名 列名 as 名 列别名 [ [, 名 列名 as 列别名] … ]
From 表名1 as 表别名1, 表名2 as 表别名2, …
Where 件 检索条件 ;

select S1.Sname as Stud1, S2.Sname as Stud2
from Student S1, Student S2
where S1.Sage > S2.Sage;



单一元组新增命令形式: 插入一条指定元组值的元组
insert into 表名 [( 列名[ ,列名]…)]
values (值 [ ,值]…);

insert into Teacher (Tnumber, Tname, Dnumber, Salary)
values ("005", " 阮小七", "03", "1250"); insert into Teacher
values ("006", " 李小虎", "03", "950");


insert into 表名 [( 列名[ ,列名]…)]


insert into St (Snumber, Sname)
select Snumber, Sname from Student
where Sname like ‘%伟 ’ ; insert into St (Snumber, Sname)
select Snumber, Sname from Student order by Sname;

元组删除Delete 命令: 删除满足指定条件的元组
Delete From 名 表名 [ Where 条件表达式] ;

delete from SC where Snumber = '' ;

delete from Student where Snumber in
( Select Snumber from SC where Score < 60
group by Snumber having Count(*)>= 4 );

元组更新Update 命令: 用指定要求的值更新指定表中满足指定条件的元组的指定列的值

Update 表名
Set 列名 = 式 表达式 | ( 子查询)
  [ [ , 列名 = 式 表达式 | ( 子查询) ] … ]
[ Where 式 条件表达式] ;

update Teacher
set Salary = Salary * 1.1
where Dnumber in
( select Dnumber from Dept where Dname = '计算机');
update SC
set Score = ( Select AVG(SC2.Score)
from SC SC1, Student S1, SC SC2, Student S2
where S1.Sclass = S2.Sclass and SC1.S# = S1.S#
and SC2.S# = S2.S# and S1.Sname=‘ 张三’
and SC1.C# = ‘001’ and SC1.C# = SC2.C# )
where C# = ‘001’ and S# in ( select S# from Student
where Sname = ‘ 张三’ ) ;

alter table tablename
[add {colname datatype, …}]    增加新列
[drop { 完整性约束名}]       删除完整性约束
[modify {colname datatype, …}]   修改列定义

//示例: 在学生表Student(S#,Sname,Ssex,Sage,D#,Sclass)基础上增加二列Saddr, PID
Alter Table Student Add Saddr char[], PID char[] ; //示例:将上例表中Sname列的数据类型增加两个字符
Alter Table Student Modify Sname char(10) ; //示例:删除学生姓名必须取唯一值的约束
Alter Table Student Drop Unique( Sname );

drop table 表名

Drop Table Student;


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