
10.3 Implementing pointers and  objects  and 10.4 Representing rooted trees

Allocating and freeing objects


it is useful to manage the storage of objects not currently used in the linked -list representation so that one can be allocated  .

In some systems, a garbage collec- tor is responsible for determining which objects are unused.


we keep the free objects in a singly linked list ,which we call the free list .

Note that each object in the representation is either in list L or in the  free list ,but not in both .

The free list initially contains all n unallocated objects . Once the free list has been exhausted ,running the allocate-object procedure signals an error .

10.4 Representing rooted trees

homogeneous  同类的

we first look at binary trees ,and then we present a method for rooted trees in which nodes can have an arbitrary number of children .


Binary trees

Rooted trees with unbounded branching

1. x.left-child points to the leftmost child of node x , and

2. x.right-sibling points to  the sibling of x immediately to its right .


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