1. Stacey 矩阵包含哪几个区域?











第四个区域,需求不清楚,怎么实现也不清楚,这叫混乱状态的项目(Chaotic); 这类项目尽量别碰,基本是要失败的。




2. Complicated v.s Complex

What is the difference between Complicated and Complex?

  • Complex and complicated are near synonyms and are adjectives that are used almost interchangeably. Complex 和 Complicated是近义词,在大部分情况下是可以互换的。
  • However, complex is used more in science and math problems while complicated is used more in social relationships. 然而,Complex多用于科学和数学领域的问题,而complicated多用于描述社会关系。
  • Medical conditions are also termed complicated and their symptoms as complications. 在医学领域,complicated也用于描述由并发症带来的问题复杂性。
  • Complicated means something that is intricate and hard to understand. Complicated意思是事情变得错综复杂且难以理解。(想想你的女朋友说她没事然后你真以为没事然后就真没你什么事的情况,就能理解什么是Complicated了
  • Complex is something that has many parts that are interrelated though it may or may not be difficult to understand. Complex是指事物有许多相互关联的部分(计算机代码有成千上万个类(class)相互引用,有时候你想理解也不容易,但是计算机如果告诉你有事就是真有事,没事就真没事,不会想你女朋友那样复杂(complicated))。

参考:Difference Between Complicated and Complex

3. Reference & Connections

  1. medium.com - On Complexity: Why Your Software Project Needs Scrum
  2. Linkedin: Why Stacey Matrix model can help you understand the applicability of Agile to your organisation
  3. Ralph D. Stacey
  4. PDF Download - Complexity Theory The Stacey Matrix
  5. Why agile? – The Stacey complexity model

Ralph D. Stacey

Ralph Douglas Stacey (born 10 September 1942 in Johannesburg) is a British organizational theorist and Professor of Management at Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire, in the UK and one of the pioneers of enquiring into the implications of the natural sciences of complexity for understanding human organisations and their management. He is best known for his writings on the theory of organisations as complex responsive processes of relating.

  1. Technical Rational decision-making
  2. Judgmental decision-making
  3. Political decision-making
  4. Anarchy/Chaos
  5. Complexity Zone


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